- Učlanjen(a)
- 24.11.2008.
- Poruke
- 235
- Pohvaljen
- 78
Svaka cast za novi izgled enterijera i unifromi! Stvarno svetski!
EX-YU aviation news":34gzexwt je napisao(la):BUSINESS CLASS - Passengers flying business class will be able to enjoy an aperitif with warm nuts on all flights. Passengers flying on routes up to an hour will be offered a choice of canapés. On services between one and two hours passengers will be offered an a la carte menu accompanied by a range of beverages. Those travelling on flights between two and three hours will also see an a la carte menu while those on flights lasting longer than three hours will be offered a menu of three main courses.
ECONOMY CLASS - On ultra short haul and short haul flights (up to two hours) the airline will offer a café service and a range of Serbian snacks. Flights ranging between two and three hours will see a choice of cold snacks or a main hot meal service and a complimentary bar service. Passengers travelling on flights longer than three hours will be offered a complete meal with a choice of several main courses, hot beverages and refreshments as well as a complimentary bar service.
EX-YU aviation news":34gzexwt je napisao(la):The dining experience will be inspired entirely by Serbian delicacies. These are some of the meals that will be on offer to passengers this winter. For ultra short haul and short haul flights snacks will include: proja, djevrek, perece, pogačice, mekike, pita and burek. Lunch and dinner options will include ćevapčići, sarma, punjene paprike, punjene tikvice, leskovački roštilj, karadjordjeva šnicla, prebranac, podvarak, djuveč and mućkalica. For breakfast, a traditional Serbian and continental breakfast will be offered. The Serbian version includes burek, kačamak and proja. Among the alcoholic beverages on offer, the Serbian plum brandy Slivovitz will also be served.
pipistrel;108271999 je napisao(la):Извадих на брзину неколико фотографија из снимака са ГоПро камере:
Камера је ипак била у МиГ-29!:cheers:
direktor":3v863mb2 je napisao(la):
stf":2srlnx0m je napisao(la):Какве везе има што авиони носе нечија имена...колико читам, авиони су се код нас именовали одувек, није нека нова измишљотина ...