Nekoliko, ponekad zanimljivih a ponekad morbidnih primera, sasvim u skladu sa temom.
Birstall woman injured by wind at Leeds skyscraper
A woman suffered a fractured skull after she was "blown off her feet" close to Leeds' tallest building.
Janet Heaton needed 15 stitches in her head after being knocked over near the 367ft (112m) high Bridgewater Place.
The incident came two days after a coroner said the
road by the tower should be closed in strong winds.
How to Survive a Wind Tunnel in a Major City
Duboko udahnite, pa zakoračite ... i drugi saveti ... ... Major-City
I live not to far from Beetham Tower and was stunned the first time I experience the noise. The video does not do it justice. I was 1/2 mile away with headphones on and I didn't hear it I felt the noise in my chest.
It sounds like an evil hell horn from Mordor! ... 1475982071
On stormy days and windy nights, Tribeca residents say their neighborhood is filled with a strange, high-pitched whistling sound coming from the redeveloped World Trade Center site. It's an inopportune location for howling (although, really, where is?), but it's hardly the first building to surprise its neighbors by humming or whistling.
Inside Burj Khalifa during thunderstorm swaying making noise like a ship calmly sailing the seas.
When Buildings Howl: A Primer on Architecture That Whistles ... 1475982071
I've been living in a 26 story building in SF in the past 2 months and I'm on the 16th floor. Last night, there were really strong wind and some rain and I kept hearing the ceiling and walls creek/crackle whenever I heard the wind. At times the sounds got so bad it felt like the top of of the building was waving left and right because I could actually hear the crackle sounds coming from the left side of the ceiling/wall and then the right. This kept me up pretty much the whole night. So is this normal of high rise buildings?
Ovo možda nama deluje pomalo preterano, ali je dobar primer kako ovakvi efekti deluju na ljude.
I work on the 21st floor of a tall building in Midtown Manattan. I'm not used to being in tall buildings or spending the majority of my time in them. It is HELLA windy today. The entire building is creaking and I can feel the earth move underneath me. Please explain to me, in rational and calm detail, preferably with architectural schematics and links to peer-reviewed literature, that I am not going to die.
Thanks so much,
Christy ... 06269.html
Yes, Building Whistles, Judge Rules, but It May Be Legal
A judge yesterday took up the case of New York City's first whistling building and ruled, after weighing the evidence, that the building was in fact whistling. But before him lies a more complicated question: is the whistling illegal?
Gerald Denaro, an administrative law judge for the city's Environmental Control Board, said wind blowing around the 800-foot-high green dome of Cityspire, a skyscraper at 150 West 56th Street, was responsible for whistling noises that have irritated hundreds of midtown residents for months. ... legal.html