Homer Jay":2cwrchl1 je napisao(la):
Zuma, žao mi je što si u mom postu video neku zlonamernu "zaveru". Apeluješ da pratimo temu, a istovremeno si, čini mi se prevideo da moj post sledi Džonijev koji za tekst na "Dezeenu" kaže: "Hvala, ovde se lepo vidi tretman zgrade Beka. Strasno. I primitivno i ako je i od Zahe mnogo je."
E sad, moje pitanje, koje bilo prvenstveno upućeno Džoniju, je bilo - šta se to kog vraga vidi u članku na "Dezeenu" što do sada nismo videli!? Isti renderi koji se nalaze na prvoj strani ove teme. I zapravo, jedina nova stvar koja se može videti na tom sajtu, a koju do sada nismo videli je fotka trenutnog stanja na placu fabrike "Beko".
Onda se izvinjavam. Pogresno sam te razumeo.
Sto se tice teksta u Dezeenu, Feix55 je stavio link samo da bismo videli komentare clanka, ne sam clanak. U njemu nema nista narocito. To je uglavnom samo informacija sta se planira, i to je manje vise sve. Ali su zato zanimljivi komentari posto, sudeci po njihovom opisu samih sebe, trebalo bi da okupljaju profesionalce - Arhitekte, pa je njihovo misljenje zanimljivo. Posto nisu upoznati sa lokalnom situacijom nisu se ni mogli osvrnuti na ono sto nama izgleda kao bolna tacka, pa postoji malo takvih komentara:
- I'm not a historian (I'm a beginner-architect) and I have to say that the
old stone wall from the 4th pictures is much more spiritual for me than all that selfish "made in Zaha" volumes.
- Being a beginner you can give a pure unspoiled comment and you are absolutely right. Whoever knows that fortress will hate this project.
- Seemingly
designed in isolation
- Looks like she just re-designed the Galaxy Soho that she did for Beijing. Personally, I don't hate this proposal, but I love the existing buildings more.
Najsmesnije je sto su za ono sto su mogli komentarisati bez znanja o lokalnom kontekstu, dakle samo arhitekturu zgrade, koristili recnik koji je vrlo ... upecatljiv. A to se ovde kod nas smatralo kao jedina vrednost koju niko ne spori i zbog koje se isplati degradacija Kalimegdanskog ambijenta. Iako ima ljudi koji je brane, preovladjuju jaki negativni komentari:
It is a horrible building, please... A good rendering does not make good architecture!
Random 3D modeling not architecture.
I'm actually getting tired of saying I'm getting tired of what Hadid does. Which doesn't mean I'm starting to like it, quite the opposite. It's just that it's not even worth talking or discussing anymore. I just feel like ignoring it and waiting till it stops own it's own.
Easy to ignore when it's not being built in your own city.
Yeah, just like there is "art for art's sake" this is
"curves for curves' sake" or "**** for ****'s sake". I hope they don't build this nonsense but if they do they should call it the Kim Kardashian building. Rich in curves but pretty much no meaningful content or good taste
Looks like a depressing set of ******
office blocks or a Costa del Sol hotel development
melting down a sink plug hole. She is one of my heros which makes it worse.
This is bad architecture for many reasons and mostly because it is irrelevant to its time, which makes me wonder why it still gets published.
Host of the next X Games motocross event.
Haha... did not realise that just "leeeeeaching" onto the skin of an existing building can make the space "flow" from one to another.
t's like a 60s council estate started melting. Look at all those wonderful
public spaces cleverly plunged into darkness by the orientation of the buildings. This offices work is starting to become very predictable and at times is actually pretty bad.
Seems more diagrammatic than previous iterations. Swap rendered curves for Dutch graphics and suddenly you can't help but start to see a relationship with BIG's Orestad project.
No human-eye view shots which is probably quite telling,
it's all very well looking clever from the air but if it looks like a generic office block with the side falling off at eye level then that's not a win.