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Biciklistička i trotinet infrastruktura (staze, trake, signalizacija) i saveti za bezbednu vožnju

Cuo sam da ce prilikom rekonstrukcije sina u bulevaru kralja Ace napraviti staze za biciklicte clicno kao na nbg u Omladinskih brigada ako se ne predomisle trebalo bi nekako doci do projekta pa mozda intervenisati kod Djilasa :vops:
Evo kako je to reseno u Holandiji (odvojena pesacka i biciklisticka staza):
Ja ovde ne mogu da uočim biciklističku stazu.
U Berlinu su staze na ulici (vrlo retko prelaze na trotoar), a Holandiji (oko Amsterdama) su staze malo na ulici, malo na trotoaru. Doduse u Amsterdamu i nema mnogo saobracaja, a izmedju Amsterdama i Haarlema je staza uglavnom odovojena on ulice.

Mada se tamo prema biciklistima odnose kao "prema belim medvedima", a to ce ovde morati da saceka.

Slike na Cikloberzi: http://www.cikloberza.com/_gallery_view_album.php?id=63
Iste te slike na Facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=85042&id=517447953&l=853fffaf09

Moja prica iz Berlina i Amsterdama sa komentarima: http://www.cikloberza.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2180&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
U minhenu su dobre biciklisticke staze, svaka ulica (ako nije pre usko i ako je tuj mesto da se vozi bicikla) ima pored trotoara biciklisticku stazu koja je odvojena od ulice za aute.
B. staza je asfaltirana i ima mali ivicnjak (1cm) koji je deli od trotoara, ali je stepen zakosen i bas mali, ne sprecava da se predje biciklom nego samo da bi se znalo gde je sta, jer samo linija na podu im ne daje svoju stazu. A prema autima ima obican ivicnjak.
Ovde se vidi malo. http://www.muenchen-isar.de/muenchen/radweg_gefahr.jpg
E ovako se pravi staza za bicikle. Pustiš ljude da raspravljaju o njoj i kupiš mudrosti. Svaka čast ekipi na svim predlozima. Možda će ovo neko ko je na vlasti i da vidi. Staza do Avale je prava stvar. Ali teško da će grad za to dati pare. :kk:
Završen projekat nove deonice biciklističke staze

Na osnovu odluke Direkcije za puteve, Projektni biro Javnog komunalnog preduzeća „Beograd-put” završio je projekat nove deonice biciklističke staze na Adi Ciganliji. Staza duga 2,7 kilometara nalaziće se u unutrašnjem delu najvećeg gradskog izletišta, paralelno sa glavnim šetalištem.

Prema projektu, staza će i fizički biti odvojena od ulice kojom se sada kreću i biciklisti i vozila, ali će je pratiti, osim na nekoliko mesta gde će se odvajati zbog drveća. Širina nove biciklističke deonice iznosiće dva i po metra, a staza je dvosmerna. Odgovarajuća signalizacija biće postavljena duž čitave nove deonice.

Kada ovaj projekat bude realizovan, biciklistima će na raspolaganju biti staza ukupne dužine od dvanaest kilometara. „Beograd-put” je pre nekoliko godina uradio kružnu stazu oko Savskog jezera, uz sanaciju oko dva kilometra postojećih trasa.
izvor: http://www.beograd.org.yu/cms/view.php?id=1361043
Biomega’s Boston Folding Bike: World’s First Theft-Proof Bicycle?
by Ariel Schwartz, 10/01/09


Any big city resident can attest to the issue of rampant bike thefts — most of us have have experience with at least a wheel being stolen. The only solution up until now been to ride around on a cheap bike, but the Biomega Boston folding bicycle changes all that with a virtually theft-proof design.


The bike, designed by Biomega in collaboration with Puma, integrates a lock within the structure of its frame. If a would-be thief tries to cut the wire, the bike becomes unrideable, but repairable.

Perhaps best of all, the Boston Bike folds up for easy transportation on the go. According to Biomega designer Jens Martin Skibsted, “The main idea was to get the folding function in the mix & still having a cool & simple object. Most folding bikes are kind of dorky. The inspiration to counter balance that came from BMX & Downhill bikes & American bad boy pop culture.”

Indeed, the bike is everything an urban cyclist could hope for — slick, portable, and impervious to criminals. Want to check out the Boston Bike in person? Take a trip to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, where it remains on permanent display.

Izvor: Inhabitat
Public Bike Sharing: Progress and Challenges Ahead
by Yuka Yoneda, 10/06/09


On the chic streets of Paris, a woman wearing a purple cardigan zooms by on a chunky, mocha-grey bicycle. The woman fades from mind, but the retro bike lingers on as a memory with its decidedly unique styling. Strangely, an older gentleman with a bouquet of flowers tucked into his bag now rides by on a bike that looks just like the last one. And now, yet another man is walking the exact same bike down the street too. Coincidence, or something more?




Photo via AustinEvan’s Flickr Photostream

It turns out that many a visitor to the City of Lights has experienced a similar scene unfolding in front of them with the final realization that these Parisians are not riding their own bikes, but ones that they share with the whole city via the largest system of its kind in the world. The Vélib’ system, as it is called, is so simple that even non-Parisians can try it out. Just walk up to a bike station, purchase a one day pass for about €1, and hop on your new set of wheels. Then, when you’re done exploring the city, return the bike to any open spot at any station in the city.

Seems logical, doesn’t it? It’s rather common for first time encounters with setups like Vélib’ in Paris, SmartBike in Washington DC, or BIXI in Montreal to yield wide-eyed “Why doesn’t my city do this?” reactions. As busy people with places to go and things to do, we all need easy, affordable and accessible transportation. And living at a time when environmental awareness is more and more the norm rather than the exception, reduced emissions and earth-friendliness are becoming increasingly major factors in the way we select how we get around. In theory, bike sharing checks off all of the criteria on that list with a bold confidence. But does it measure up in real life?

There are some issues. Numerous media outlets have reported about Vélib’’s theft and vandalism woes. Bikes have been mangled, hung from trees and even tossed into the Seine. There are complaints from motorists in the area that cyclists who use the bike-sharing program tend to be inexperienced riders and do not follow the traffic rules. Upkeep of the infrastructure (think 20,000 bicycles and 1,450 stations with roughly one station every 300 meters throughout the city center) is yet another headache to deal with. From the sharer’s point of view, the most common frustration is riding to a station hoping to park their bike there and finding no open spots – imagine you’re running late for an appointment?

Luckily, the kinks in early operations like Vélib’ served as red-flag indicators for future iterations. Boston, which is currently planning its very own version with the help of the Public Bike System Company, which oversees Montreal’s BIXI system and was also chosen to work on London’s upcoming program, has studied up on the downfalls of earlier operations. Some of the solutions include a stolen-bike alert system using online social media networks and a web service that allows users to see how many bikes and parking spots are available at any given station ahead of time. The fact that PBSC’s bike stations are portable, modular and solar-powered also alleviates much of the heartache that comes with the maintenance issues.

Overall, public bike sharing systems have come an extremely long way and the positives (easy, cheap, clean transportation) eclipse the negatives. From an environmental and economic standpoint, bike sharing rids people of an excuse to drive their gas-guzzling cars – why would you drive when you could save money on gas and not have to deal with the hassle of finding parking? From a societal perspective, our adoption of bike sharing systems says a lot about us as human beings. If we can share our bikes, maybe we can learn to share other things successfully as well.

Izvor: Inhabitat
Eco 7 Bicycle Folds to Fit Within a Suitcase
by Dan Mendes, 10/13/09


Although the idea of a folding bike isn’t new or novel, Mexican designer Victor Aleman has managed to spice things up a bit with his Eco 7 Folding bike. Aleman has designed a modern folding bike with wheels that compartmentalize and disassemble into a neat and tidy package – a perfect space saver for the urbanite.


Although there are a variety of folding bikes on the market today, the one limiting factor in how small they can go is the size of the bicycle’s wheels. Recognizing this, Victor Aleman designed both wheels of the Eco 7 bike to fold up with the clever use of various hinged points. The spokes fold into the rim, hiding them from view and allowing the rest of the wheel to fold. Through the use of double pivot joints the 6 rim modules fold into a stack of curved sections, similar to a collapsed measuring stick. When reassembling the tires, the spokes automatically fold out towards the center to allow easy connection to the center of the wheel.


The frame of the bike also folds by allowing the frame tubes to slide into one another and then folding on hinges into a bundle. The brakes, crank, handlebars and chain are also removable and collapsable. The most intriguing part of this concept is that once completely disassembled, it appears as though the bike can be placed into a suitcase-like carrying case which would be a huge space-saver at home and extremely convenient for hopping on a train or subway.





Ne dam ja Meridu moju ni za jedan od ovih rasklopivih! Kad ovi rasklopivi budu mogli da izdrže mojih 100kg i moju offroad vožnju onda ću da razmislim. Inače sa njim svugde! I spavamo zajedno. :lool:
Slikano danas, Gandijeva ulica između blokova 70 i 44.

Trotoar, u koji su prošle i pretprošle godine, kako ja volim da kažem, NA SILU ugurali tzv. biciklističke staze, sada mora da se skroz radi iz početka.
Dupli radovi, dupli troškovi, a konačan proizvod - katastrofa.



A ovakve stvari se bukvalno decenijama ne saniraju. Ovoga ima na svakom koraku:


Trotoar je, kada su blokovi bili građeni, bio projektovan tako da ima dovoljno mesta da se mimoiđu, recimo, dva para roditelja sa kolicima. Od toga je napravljeno - OVO:


A verovatno je OVO i bio cilj svega:


I nemoj sad da mi neko priča o progresu, velikim evropskim gradovima i sl.
Pa nema razlike izmedju ovoga i odobravanja za nadziđivanje starih zgrada u centru.
Slazem se, ove biciklisticke staze su blagi uzas. Pokusao sam da pomislim da nisu, ali nema vajde. Ovo je ocajno.
Normalno, gradske vlasti se stalno hvale time u medijima, a niko da ih pita o nivou kvaliteta i generalnom planu biciklističkih staza.
jovanovm":24k8k6bi je napisao(la):
Slazem se, ove biciklisticke staze su blagi uzas. Pokusao sam da pomislim da nisu, ali nema vajde. Ovo je ocajno.
Ovo je tačno i precizno i moje mišljenje.
Primetio sam još odavno (pola meseca, mesec dana) da su postavljeni biciklistički putokazi na Brankovom mostu kod lifta kao i sa NBG strane mosta, kod skejt parka. :)
Video sam ih samo iz autobusa i deluju mi ok, mislim da piše pravac i kilometraža.Estetski mi malo štrči taj kod lifta ali dobro.
Zna li neko o čemu pričam?
Da, znam. Na primer - koliko imaš da voziš bicikl od ispod Brankovog mosta na NBG strani do Sremskih Karlovaca :)

Tih plavih putokaza sada ima na sve strane, valjda ove bele table nisu bile dovoljne....
U ulici Omladinskih brigada biciklisticka staza je gotovo potpuno raskopana - cak na 192 mesta !!! :notok:
Raskopana je po sirini bez ikakvog razloga, a trotoar je citav, tako da to nema nikakve veze sa sprovodjenjem nekih instalacija i sl.

U Direkciji za izgradnju grada ne znaju nista o ovome...
Ma oni nikad neznaju nista o nicemu vidieo i ja isto jos neznam zbog cega nije mi uopste logicno .soriza off topic raskopali su i resavsku kod bivse robne kuce kluz a kao nema raskopavanja nove ulice 2 godine :bash:
Iskoristio sam ovaj lep dan, kada mu vreme nije :D , i provozao se biciklom.

"Biciklistička staza" u Omladinskih brigada, celom dužinom od bloka 70 do opštine je bila raskopana na svakih odprilike 5 metara,



a u povratku je dobar deo tih rupa već bio zakrpljem istim crvenim asfaltom - metoda "tabanja lopatom", naravno bez skupljanja viška asfalta koji se raspe sa strane.
stefan23":1c0q2seh je napisao(la):
Primetio sam još odavno (pola meseca, mesec dana) da su postavljeni biciklistički putokazi na Brankovom mostu kod lifta kao i sa NBG strane mosta, kod skejt parka. :)
Video sam ih samo iz autobusa i deluju mi ok, mislim da piše pravac i kilometraža.Estetski mi malo štrči taj kod lifta ali dobro.
Zna li neko o čemu pričam?



Eh kako bi bilo lepo da paralelno uz glavne puteve ide ova ruta...
relja":3t1fhums je napisao(la):
Dupli radovi, dupli troškovi, a konačan proizvod - katastrofa.
Evo primera trostrukih radova i troškova, a moglo je sve da se odradi odjednom za manje pare. (bulevar Z. Đinđića preko puta Perpera)


Prvo su pola trotoara pretvorili u bici stazu (sa ukopanim ivičnjacima)
Zatim su između pešačkog i bici dela zjapili krateri celom dužinom jedan dosta dug period.
Onda se potrefilo da sam ja krajem prošlog leta pisao na više adresa o problematičnim mestima na bici stazi i da su posle mesec dana popravili dosta od tih stvari što sam ja pisao. Između ostalog naveo sam i primer tih kratera između. Strelicom sam označio deo koji su popravili celom dužinom od Narodnih heroja do Bulevara umetnosti.
Danas ili juče su počeli da sređuju i trotoar. Naravno da se postavlja pitanje: Zar nije moglo sve od jednom da se uradi? Odgovor znamo!