Šta je novo?


Od kog proizvđača autobusa bi grad trebao da kupi 100 novih zglobnih vozila na gas.

  • Solaris

    Glasovi: 289 95,1%
  • BMC

    Glasovi: 15 4,9%

  • Ukupno glasača
Ako misliš na ove crne crtice i tačkice, mislim da je to zbog razlike u vremenima odziva displeja i kamere.
Bilo je baš na ovoj temi nekoliko primera gde se vidi ista pojava.
LE diode da bi trajale koliko sam čitao mora da trepere, tj gase i pale naizenično. Zato trepere na snimcima.
To se zovi multiplexing. Nije vidljivo ni na snimcima stalno, zavisi od ekspozicije...

Ne radi se baš zbog produženja veka LED (ali i to utiče), uglavnom se multiplexing radi zbog manje potrošnje, a i potrebno je dosta manje "komponenti" ako se radi multiplexing tako da krajnji proizvod je jeftiniji.
Video sam sad uživo ovog crvenog Solarisa na 23. Izgleda sasvim dobro s tom kolor šemom.
20 је стилго, 36 стиже до краја године, рекао бих да је то набављено, а не наручено (разлика је још оних 20 са почетка године)
Videh jutros na auto putu novi zglobni Ikarbus garazni broj 3266....iz pravca garaze NBGD sisao kod Genexa na auto put.....
Pa 40 je nabavljeno i 60 Sorova još poručeno plus 16 zglobnih. To je 116 a ne 76.
Based on a route profile supplied by the operator, Solaris’s engineers determine the right choice of technology. Engine power rating, size and capacity of batteries as well as different charging solutions can all be specified. The result is an Urbino electric that is perfectly suited to the expectations of its operator, tailored to its route profile and offers huge operational possibilities. Additionally, the careful selection of components and parametres reduces the purchase cost of the vehicle by cutting out on surplus features not required by a particular operator.
At the heart of the drive system of the Urbino electric are a fourpole, asynchronous traction motor and lithium-ion batteries. Their power and capacity can be adapted to the route on which the bus is to be used. The batteries are not only the source of energy for the motor, but they also feed all auxiliary systems, including air-conditioning and heating, steering pump and the electrically-powered doors. Components conventionally fed by compressors powered by the diesel engine have been replaced with electric counterparts. These innovations, along with the choice of charging solutions, enable an operational performance that can be equal to that of conventionally powered buses, but at lower operating costs. Additionally, Solaris’s electric bus is a gain for the environment and significantly contributes to better air quality and living standards in our cities.
Solaris offers four different charging solutions for the Urbino electric. These allow the bus to be adapted to the infrastructure that operators have or may install. The first solution is a plug-in connection. Energy can be supplied through external chargers. Secondly, inductive charging is available for Solaris Urbino electric buses. Under the bus, a dedicated pick-up coil is fitted, which receives energy from inductive coils mounted under the surface of the road at termini or bus stops along the route.
Like inductive charging, Solaris’s next solution is an automatic system that does not require drivers to leave their cab. This is a roof-mounted solution, which automatically connects to charging stations at the end of the line or at bus stops. After a short but powerful recharge, the batteries will be sufficiently topped up for the bus to continue to the next charging point, thus enabling all-day operation without range restrictions.
Fourth charging system is fuell cells. The batteries remain the main energy provider to the drive system and are charged by the fuel cells during operation. It makes the electric bus similarly efficient as diesel buses. Battery charging cycles are pre-programmed. The bus is fuelled with hydrogen once a day in the depot. It is ready to cover 300 km per day.
The parameters and solutions adopted in the construction of the Urbino electric are a combination of state-of-the-art technology and design that pay particular attention to the environment. The bus is fitted with energy-saving LED lights. This technology has been used both for exterior and interior lighting. In the Solaris Urbino electric, driver have a dashboard equipped with touch-screen panels at their disposal, which in addition to the basic parameters display information about the state of the electric system and the battery charge level. Integrated into the touch screens are controls for the heating and other vehicle functions. This intuitive and easy-to-use system allows drivers to concentrate on driving without distractions.

Kako ispraviti pogresno osmisljen deo privremene nove trase za 85 u Zemunu ?

Razumem da je moralo zbog radova na toplovodu u Banaskoj da se privremeno menja
ali trasa je sada suluda a radovi na toplovodi trajace najmanje do sredine oktobra, te ce u pretrpanoj Dušanovoj biti još veci haos po zvršetku ferija.....

a tu privremenu trasu je vrlo lako odmah ispraviti dok nisu krenule gužve....
Evo i predloga sa identičnom kilometražom ali se trasa ne krati kao sada - lakše i vozačima busa i putnicima
ko ne veruje da je u bolji predlog - nek izbroji samo br skretanja na raskrsnicama (3:1) :D

Sa Pupinovog mosta umesto Banatske po novom do Ugrinovacke bus 85 kruži preko zagušene Cara Dušana i Filipa Višnjica

umesto da odmah sa
Pupinovog mosta malo produži pravo i odmah kod novog poštanskog centra udje u Ugrinovacku pa na njenu staru trasu

i obrnuto ,,iz grada ,,
do kraja Ugrinovacke i skrene na NSput tj i odmah je na Pupinovom mostu :D
Gubi se presedanje na buseve ka Zelenom vencu i centru Zemuna. Jedino ako uvedu neko privremeno stajalište odmah posle raskrsnice kada se pređe most.