U Alitaliju je ulagao i Etihad. Gotovinu, a ne konsalting i uniforme kao u nasem slucaju.
[url= je napisao(la):tragac » 18 Јан 2018, 15:11[/url]":2d8jnecy]U Evropi država ne sme direktno da pomaže aviokompanije. Ukoliko je neka država-kompanija uhvaćena u tome, može ili da odmah izgubi AOC (slučaj Monarcha) ili da joj bude naloženo da iz sopstvene aktive vrati sve što je država uložila u nju od dana stupanja ovog propisa (Slučaj Cyprus Airwaysa). U oba slučaja kompanija istog trenutka prestaje da leti, otkazuju se i letovi na koje se u tom trenutku ukrcavaju putnici.
Air Seychelles announces business transformation plan to safeguard long-term profitability
Key notes
- Both Paris and Antananarivo will be terminated from 24 April 2018
- Focus will on domestic/regional networks
- Leased A330s to be returned to lessor
Meni je sve jasno, a na "potencijalno" ovakav rasplet sam upozoravao pre vise godina.loyola":3kfeh5u9 je napisao(la):Prosle godine su jos uveli na nekim letovima samo rucni prtljag za 5-10evra jeftinije. Onda su cene postale iste kao i tarifa gde je bio prtljag, a ta sa prtljagom je poskupela. Glupe fore.
Mislim da se zvala super economy saver
il ti tačnije rečenobeowl wrote: ...Operativno stanje Er Srbije je daleko bolje nego što je bilo u poslednjim danima Jata....
Произвођач Херпа има доста добрих модела авиона и осталих колекционарских ствари, модела аутомобила, камиона, аутобуса,... Овај Ер Србијин модел АТР-а 72 у размери 1:500 је на Амазону достигао цену од 107,- долара.[url= je napisao(la):vucko » 30 Јан 2018 11:45 pm[/url]":40n1tste]Mobing plej set za decu
[url= je napisao(la):boca-ica » 31 Jan 2018 01:27 pm[/url]":12c7jtux]il ti tačnije rečenobeowl wrote: ...Operativno stanje Er Srbije je daleko bolje nego što je bilo u poslednjim danima Jata....
Đekna još nije umrla.... a ka' će ne znamo..... :lol:
[url= je napisao(la):HoRuS » Čet Jan 25, 2018 2:16 am[/url]":32bxlgsi]Zna li neko šta se desilo sa onim ugovorom o kupovini 10 a320neo koji je potpisan pre 5 godina, a predviđao je da prvi avioni krenu da stižu u drugom kvartalu ove godine... U taj ugovor je otišla i ona kapara za porudžbinu iz 1998 godine...
[url= je napisao(la):tragac » Čet Jan 18, 2018 9:30 pm[/url]":har7jv5g]U Alitaliju je ulagao i Etihad. Gotovinu, a ne konsalting i uniforme kao u nasem slucaju.
Koliko vidim, starim avionima se produžava život, novi avioni ne dolaze, iako je ugovoreno da treba ove godine da stignu.[url= je napisao(la):Djape » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:55 am[/url]":1fyc2mem]Another Etihad Airways Partners member, Air Seychelles, which itself announced a major cost cutting initiative last week, has said it will replace its two A320s with next-generation aircraft, presumably the A320neos, that would likely come from the Air Serbia order. The Serbian carrier secured ten of the narrow-body aircraft as part of a major fleet order by its equity partner Etihad Airways in 2013, for up to 117 Airbus jets. They were set to completely replace Air Serbia's existing fleet of A319s and A320s. Instead, the airline now plans on returning two of its leased A320s at the end of the year. The delivery of the neos is slated in between 2018 and 2020. A previous deposit payment made by JAT Yugoslav Airlines for eight A319s in 1998 has been credited against the pre-delivery payment for the neos".
[url= je napisao(la):roland » Čet Feb 01, 2018 12:37 pm[/url]":3eg7diwn]Koliko vidim, starim avionima se produžava život, novi avioni ne dolaze, iako je ugovoreno da treba ove godine da stignu.[url= je napisao(la):Djape » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:55 am[/url]":3eg7diwn]Another Etihad Airways Partners member, Air Seychelles, which itself announced a major cost cutting initiative last week, has said it will replace its two A320s with next-generation aircraft, presumably the A320neos, that would likely come from the Air Serbia order. The Serbian carrier secured ten of the narrow-body aircraft as part of a major fleet order by its equity partner Etihad Airways in 2013, for up to 117 Airbus jets. They were set to completely replace Air Serbia's existing fleet of A319s and A320s. Instead, the airline now plans on returning two of its leased A320s at the end of the year. The delivery of the neos is slated in between 2018 and 2020. A previous deposit payment made by JAT Yugoslav Airlines for eight A319s in 1998 has been credited against the pre-delivery payment for the neos".
A izgleda da su srpski poreski obveznici počeli da finansiraju i sejšelske avio prevoznike. Toliko nam dobro ide da smo počeli da subvencionišemo nova radna mesta i na Sejšelima. :mrgreen:
Toliko znam engleskog, piše " it will replace its two A320s with next-generation aircraft, presumably the A320neos, that would likely come from the Air Serbia order"[url= je napisao(la):Djape » Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:07 pm[/url]":3thaom9h][url= je napisao(la):roland » Čet Feb 01, 2018 12:37 pm[/url]":3thaom9h]Koliko vidim, starim avionima se produžava život, novi avioni ne dolaze, iako je ugovoreno da treba ove godine da stignu.[url= je napisao(la):Djape » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:55 am[/url]":3thaom9h]Another Etihad Airways Partners member, Air Seychelles, which itself announced a major cost cutting initiative last week, has said it will replace its two A320s with next-generation aircraft, presumably the A320neos, that would likely come from the Air Serbia order. The Serbian carrier secured ten of the narrow-body aircraft as part of a major fleet order by its equity partner Etihad Airways in 2013, for up to 117 Airbus jets. They were set to completely replace Air Serbia's existing fleet of A319s and A320s. Instead, the airline now plans on returning two of its leased A320s at the end of the year. The delivery of the neos is slated in between 2018 and 2020. A previous deposit payment made by JAT Yugoslav Airlines for eight A319s in 1998 has been credited against the pre-delivery payment for the neos".
A izgleda da su srpski poreski obveznici počeli da finansiraju i sejšelske avio prevoznike. Toliko nam dobro ide da smo počeli da subvencionišemo nova radna mesta i na Sejšelima. :mrgreen:
Ono ne znam kako si to zakljucio ali sta god... Dakle, AirSerbija ce preuzeti deo, od predhodno sa strane Etihada narucenih 10 aviona. Svako placa svoje avione.