Клима на минусу је потпуно "нормална" ствар у КАФ-у! Моја се сестра се пре 2-3 недеља возила КАФ-ов од Устаничке до Цветка и у њему је радила клима! Тврди да је напољу било
Преносим пост са ССЦ форума корисника "gishko"
November 11th, 2011
Данас сам се возио са CAF-ом 1504 и приметих да заиста не ради најава стајалишта, а на дисплејима се поред датума и температуре исписивало и "др ВЕЛИЗАРА КОСАНОВИЋА"
Врата су се сама отварала, али се опет прави пауза као док смо чекали да се упали светло на тастеру. Иначе, трамвај је возила нека жена и неколико пута је затворила врата пре времена и "прикљештила" неколико пута људе који су улазили у возило.
Е сада, да ли је ово место предвиђено за противпожарни апарат, ако јесте где је нестао :bash: (иначе, слике су лошијег квалитета
Ево још мало сличица новог трамваја.
Надам се да се "Гишко" неће љутити што сам му мазнуо пост
Иначе "Rail_Serbia" са истог форума је КАФ-у написао једно писамце
To be precise, problem is arrangement of passenger space inside tram. This arrangement is, maybe good for EU cities with 300.000-400.000 people, where is standard that the most passengers seat. But, Belgrade is city:
- with more then million people in urban area
- city where 52-58% people use public transport (driving~25%, walking~20%)
- city without metro or LRT, where tramway is really the highest level of mass transit (there is commuter rail, but suburban)
- the line with the highest ridership is tram line 7, with approximately 100.000 passengers/day.
- for the most of passenger who travel in or outside of Belgrade, using private car or taxi for bulky luggages is luxury, and people use public transport. Also, some market place sellers use public transport to transport their merchandises.
The consequence of all is that for Belgrade tram is very important arrangement of standing places! In this situation that is one of mistakes of purchasers. But it is not to late to make the things better. The tasks would be:
1) reduce number of sitting places to not more then 60.
2) make standing places on opposite side of not lessen then 2 doors without sliding chairs, for comfortable standing without pushing, and for bulky luggages.
3) possible easy moving inside between 2. and 3. and between 4. and 5. door. That mean that when one person walk between chairs, other standing person don`t need to turn on side. That is impossible in 1., 3. and 5. module, because of wheels, but it is possible in 2. and 4. module.
4) better arrangement of pipes (catch for pipes), with more horizontal pipes, maybe with belts on them for low people. Also there is lack of horizontal pipes. Your company has experience with metro rolling stocks, and that experience you can implement in Belgrade trams.