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Svetska politika

Izrazito upečatljiva, jasna, i u novom ruhu ponovo aktuelna ilustracija stare Američke kolonijalne ideje "Manifest Destiny" (slika iz 1872.)

I Tramp je, od svega što je mogao, izabrao da upravo to pomene.

"Columbia, a personification of the United States, is shown leading civilization westward with the American settlers. She is shown bringing light from east to west, stringing telegraph wire, holding a school book, and highlighting different stages of economic activity and evolving forms of transportation. On the left, Indigenous Americans are displaced from their ancestral homeland."

Ta slika je sustina Amerike i njihovog nacina razmisljanja.
Neki Amerikanci koje znam su sada presrecni.
Tramp je njima nesto kao Slobodan Milosevic Srbima 1987.
Ovo je taj, "Manifest Destiny", takođe prilično upečatljiv trenutak iz njegovog programskog govora:

Trampovanje, zaludnima radovanje. :D Pa da pustim i ja nešto, evo od ovog dase čija razmišljanja generalno cenim.

Usput, idiom money talks je zapravo definicija "američke političke kulture":

While the role of money in American politics has always been an abject scandal — robber barons like Rockefeller and Carnegie easily ran state governments, and the Constitution was largely written to institutionalize the power of big business and private property — what’s happening now, while an extension of this legacy, is reaching ugly new heights of brazen rule by wealth, with famous billionaires personally promising to strip away popular and essential social programs.

The rising tide of cash swamping U.S. elections has swollen since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which deemed campaign donations a form of speech and removed all political giving limits on corporations and the rich. Indeed, the 2024 campaign was a wall-to-wall billionaires’ election, with Forbes magazine estimating that more than 100 billionaires publicly supported Harris or Trump.

The Billionaires’ Election
Poslednja izmena:
Stigle su d'onde dokle su ih domoroci pustili, tada i danas. Budućnost će pokazati mogu li više, dalje, dublje. Te sile, mislim.

Pogledajte prilog 226747
Pogledajte prilog 226748
An American infantry camp in Siberia, Russia, December 1918
Мислио сам на испрекидану линију, отприлике границу Русије са западним суседима (Балтичке ССР, Белорусија, Украјина) докле су стигле армије Немачке и Аустроугарске.
Ne treba sè cuditi. Fasizam je integralni deo kapialisticke ekspanzije. Ocekivano. Malo he neobicno da se milijarderi koji upravljaju vise ne kriju. Plebsu je to sada sasvim ok.