Šta je novo?

Severna Tangenta, Most Zemun - Borča

Postoje. Inače, hvala za taj info pošto nisam znao tačno šta predstavljaju.

Uzgred, nije vezano za naš dunavski most ali ima veze sa Kinom.
Naime u Kini je nakon 4 godine gradnje završen najduži most na svetu od 42,58 km!!!
I to ima po 4 trake, i što je još impresivnije ima denivelisanu petlju iznad mora!
A asfalt je ravan kao staklo, bolje nego na stazama Formule 1.
Nemojte zameriti, ali moram postaviti nekoliko slika.






The 41.58-km, eight-lane Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, connecting the urban district of the city to its Huangdao district, cost 14.8 billion yuan ($2.3 billion). Construction started in May 2007.

The bridge will shorten the route between the two centers by 30 km, cutting travel time from more than 40 minutes to about 20 minutes, said Han Shouxin, deputy director of the city's traffic management committee.

Previously, the longest cross-sea bridge in the world was the 36-km-long Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge that connects the cities of Jiaxing and Ningbo in East China's Zhejiang province.

"The bridge has been a long-time dream for Qingdao residents," said Qingdao Party Chief Li Qun at the inauguration ceremony.

He said the bridge will greatly improve travel from the eastern tip of Shandong's Qingdao, Yantai and Weihai, through central Shandong's Rizhao, Linyi and even to the northern areas of neighboring Jiangsu province.

It makes the one-hour economy ring for downtown Qingdao and its surrounding districts a reality and strengthens the prospect of a four-hour economy ring among cities on the Shandong Peninsula, Li said.

Guan Hua, a 30-year-old woman at a local shipping company, was excited about the bridge.

"I have to travel back and forth between Huangdao and downtown and other places in Qingdao for work and sometimes for fun with friends," she said. "It was annoying to have to fight the downtown traffic for the expressway entry to reach the destinations.

"In addition, traveling will be more pleasant with the sea views from the bridge," she added.

Sixty-one-year-old Yu Zhong'ai, from Xuejiadao community of Huangdao district, said he had to spend nearly three hours traveling from his place to visit his daughter in downtown Qingdao.

"But with the bridge I will save at least one hour," he said.

The bridge was built in four years, with several world records and national prizes achieved. Before that, it took more than 17 years for the authorities and experts to finish the exploration, planning, design and bidding for the project.

Zhou Fengjun, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said: "A hard part has been that we have had to work out techniques to cope with the high salt content and winter ice in the seas of Jiaozhou Bay, which otherwise would damage the structure of the bridge."

Huangdao district, also known as Huangdao Economic and Development Zone of Qingdao, was among the first national development zones approved in the early 1980s.

Last year the gross domestic product of the zone stood at 100 billion yuan, with its per capita GDP reaching $25,000. The zone connects the Shandong Peninsula to central and western areas of the province.

Thursday also saw the opening of the nation's longest undersea tunnel, also linking downtown Qingdao to Huangdao. The 9.47-km tunnel provides a fast link between the two areas.

Wang Shengfu, a mini-bus driver from Qingdao Chengtou Group, was excited about the bridge and tunnel.

"My job means I often travel back and forth. Now I have more choices in finding the best route," Wang said.
A, ne, ne sinko, to je samo najduža takva igračka preko vode.
Imaju Kitajci 4 željeznička mosta koji su duži, najduži 165km! Mi jedva da imamo toliko dvokolosječne pruge...
I kako to da košta svega 1,6 milijardi €vra kada ovaj naš čuveni most na Adi košta (za sada) skoro 200 miliona € :)
Kako im je za 42 kilometra mosta bilo potrebno 4 godine, a za kilometar i kusur most u Zemunu im treba dve!? Nekada nije sve u analogijama ;)

Inace, rece Djilas danas da radovi pocinju krajem jula. Da do tada stizu i masine, i Kinezi, i sve potrebne dozvole za gradnju. Aj' da vidimo i to cudo.
Vozikah se malo danas po kraju i reko' da skoknem i vidim ima li šta novo u vezi mosta. Novo je da im je sad zasigurno baza ono što su ograđivali (slika u mojoj poruci u ovoj temi pod brojem 881). Sad je to komplet ograđeno, ograda betonska jedno 2 metra.

Ima i fotkica naravno.

Detalji oko mosta, kako/šta i kad...

Ovde će narednih godina biti prilično 'urbano'. Desno se ide ka 'Vojnim baštama' / Baza za mosto-gradioce itd. Između peska (na fotki) i te slame (isto na fotki) će ići most (naravno iza, pri nasipu), čisto da imate neku viziju. :)

Put koji je sad nasut tucanikom (verovatno će i tako ostati) koji vodi do Crvenke. Ipak je tako bliže doći do mosta, ne mora se ići do Kovilova pa putem prema nasipu do 'Baze'.

To je ono glavno što ima i što je zanimljivo.
Šta znači da je "експропријација земљишта за градњу готова"? Jel to znači da je postignut dogovor sa ljudima ili da je porušeno (a nije) ili nešto treće?

Samo nemojte da radite raskrsnicu sa cara Dušana :bash:
Dzoni,bravo.Znaci samo sto nisu krenuli da rade.

Opusteno,pravice petlje tamo kada znate vec ko dodje na vlast u zemunskoj opstini :rolleyes:
Сусрет кинеских змај-жена и Земунаца би могао да изроди нову расу господара планете.
Њиле, кажи нам која песма ће бити нова химна човечанства уједињеног под вашом чизмом, да почнемо да је учимо на време.
@dzonihsv +1 za sličice :)
Kako stvari stoje, prve aktivnosti će početi sa leve Dunavske strane
izgleda da je veliki teret pred tobom da nam prenosiš slikom i reči kao pravi nezavisni insajder :)
a bilo bi lepo da imamo i nekog ko je blizu i desne strane :rolleyes:
@boca-ica, nije frka. Kad god budem imao vremena, gledaću da skoknem do tamo i vidim/fotkam šta ima novo. :)
Dobro se vide rokovi.

Tek od avgusta 2013 planiraju da grade deo od novosadskog puta do mosta sto znaci da tu nisu resili ekspropriaciju.