Ako 1 London može da ima tunele i od 3,2m, i od 3,5m a Beograd mora od 10m da bi se 2 Sovjetska čudovišta za bacanje svog mogućeg i nemogućeg prostora mimoišla....onda stvarno nemam reči. Čoveče ti ne shvataš da apsolutno NIŠTA ne gubiš time što je tunel 3,5m sem što nećeš imati prostor za prtljag iznad glava onih koji sede na sedištima, čak šta više to je gradski voz i imaćeš preglednu mapu linija (ne reklame) i displeje za obaveštavanje plus ozvučenje. A što se bezbednosti tiče normalni vozovi su obične pečurke koje ne mogu da izdrže ni 50KPa udara odma im leti konstrukcija na sve strane dok ovi vozovi imaju male prozore, teški su (svaki vagon iko 30T), ukratko napravljeni su kao sami tuneli oko njih ali na točkovima i kao takvi se najbolje mogu uporediti sa tenkom. "Vrata" nisu vrata koja se krive pod pritiskom mase ljudi nego su faktički pokretni zidovi i široka su preko 2,4m.
Molim te nemoj upoređivati železnička vozila i tenkove, postovi su i bez toga dovoljno smešni. Hvala.
Taj isti London je te tunele gradio pre više od stopedeset godina, uz pomoć krampova i konjske zaprege. Da danas kreću od nule da grade metro gradili bi veće tunele.
Dovoljno je ovlaš pogledati kartu londonskog metroa pa videti da metro nije pored svakog ćoška.
The Underground serves London north of the river much more extensively than the south. This is the result of a combination of unfavourable geology, historical competition from surface railways and the historical geography of London which was focused to the north of the Thames. (
Oni su počeli davno sa gradnjom i ta gradnja i dalje traje. 55% od oko 400km je iznad zemlje, što ostavlja oko 180km tunela. Ti misliš da mi za godinu dana možemo da izgradimo 160km tunela, za šta je njima bilo potrebno vek i po? Yeah, and pigs fly.
Šta sam imao da kažem o sovjetskom dizajnu sam rekao, a evo članka o svrsihodnosti ugledanja na rane početke Londona.
Commuters face 'daily trauma'
The committee says overcrowding is likely to get worse
People using public transport face a "daily trauma" and are forced to travel in "intolerable conditions", according to a House of Commons report on overcrowding.
The report said that failing to take the issue seriously was "tantamount to waiting for a tragedy to occur".
The influential cross-party transport committee called for "immediate and urgent plans" to improve the situation.
It took evidence from travellers who routinely found themselves subjected to overcrowding that was "not simply uncomfortable, but positively frightening".
"Improving the reliability of services, whether bus, underground, tram or rail, is a key part of this, but will not be enough," the committee, chaired by Labour backbench MP Gwyneth Dunwoody, found.
Overcrowding will get worse
14% of people use public transport
In inner London the figure is 42%
In central London it is 80%
In London delays cost £230m at least
In Yorkshire peak rail capacity is exceeded by 9%
The MPs said passengers were often unable to board vehicles.
"Managements which accept overcrowding as inevitable are not only short changing the travelling public, they are failing to run the system properly."
The report, entitled Overcrowding on Public Transport, said that the hardened traveller may have come to accept the problem.
Costs to business
But it is one area where there needs to be "huge improvements" if public transport use is to increase.
The committee quotes a report from Oxford Economic Forecasting which found that lost business due to overcrowding and delays cost the City of London about £230m a year.
Tourism - worth £75bn to the UK economy - is another area which is likely to suffer if overcrowding during the high season is not addressed, the MPs concluded.
The report is also adamant that overcrowding is not just a south-east of England phenomenon.
Labour MP Gwyneth Dunwoody chaired the committee
A survey by the Rail Passenger Users Committee of north-western England found overcrowding on many routes, with the Huddersfield to Manchester route being singled out as particularly bad.
London Underground also comes in for criticism.
The committee was told by the London Transport Users Committee that most passengers are forced to stand at peak times.
Some stations are regularly closed for short periods to handle peak flows and long intervals between trains can cause overcrowding - even at off-peak times, the report noted.
Representatives of London Underground Ltd told the committee that reliability had improved and was expected to improve still further.
But the committee said the Chancery Lane derailment and its aftermath had demonstrated the "fragility" of the Underground system, and the need for staff to be thoroughly trained to deal with such problems.
And, in a swipe at the government's policy of public private partnership of London Underground, the MPs concluded: "We are not convinced that the PPP will provide the improvements forecast."
The report suggests a range of possibilities to tackle the problem, including lengthening trains, changing service frequencies and even simply communicating better with the public.
"Constant gross overcrowding should not be an acceptable fact of travelling life."
The committee thought overcrowding on buses was less of a problem than on trams or rail, as one vehicle was likely to be quickly followed by another service.
But bus overcrowding could be much reduced by greater use and enforcement of bus priority measures and better bus design, the MPs found.
Izvor: BBC
E sad što se tiče tvrdnje da je 180cm dovoljno za nas
I mi kao i drugi narodi smo danas mnogo viši nego pre pedeset ili sto godina. Gradeći metro za dwarfove doći ćemo u situaciju da posle završene dva tri linije zaključimo da treba proširivati tunele, što zbog priliva stanovništva, što zbog visine istog.
ja ne bih da u Beogradu vidim ovakvu stanicu, obratite pažnju na čoveka koji izlazi iz metroa. Da li ćemo se za dvadesetak godina saginjati kada budemo ulazili u metro?
ove slike metroa treba nekog da ubede da je ovo dobro rešenje?
U slučaju sudara ili požara putnici će biti prvo ugušeni a zatim spaljeni. Da si čitao i gledao reportaže o požarima u tunelima u Švajcarskoj i pod Mon Blanom ( narod je izgoreo jer se upalio kamion koji je prevozio puter, temperatura je bila više od 1000 stepeni, a neki su se i blago obarili u navodno bezbednim skloništima) nikada ne bi ovo predlagao kao rešenje za Beograd.
Ko ovde ima šanse da izađe napolje, čak i da nema dima i vatre?
Jedini izlaz za slučaj opasnosti su vrata koja se mogu otvoriti na dva načina.
Međutim, ako su vrata zaglavljena, ili ih nešto drugo sprečava da se otvore (recimo voz) šanse da neko odatle izađe a da nije u varijanti sa nogama napred je minimalna.
Holland Park and Redbridge fires
Two train fires occurred on the Central Line in 1958 and 1960, due to electrical short circuits in the trains causing arcing. In both cases the trains had to be evacuated in the tunnels and passengers and crew suffered from smoke inhalation. One passenger died in the Holland Park fire on 28 July 1958[4]. There were no fatalities in the Redbridge fire on 11 August 1960[5
a ovo se desilo kada je takav mini metro uleteo u tunel pravljen za normalne vozove.
USER":141z4rgu je napisao(la):
Prokleta bila ova zemlja, koja gamad u njoj živi, gadi mi se stvarno. Neće da slušaju, e pa eto im sad nek žive u septičkoj jami.
Mora da je teško biti neshvaćeni genije.
Mislim da bi trebalo da odveslaš na neko pusto ostrvo i tamo izvodiš vudu rituale u nadi da će nas strefiti neki asteriod i potrebiti ovako grešne.