Борчанац":wkabnl7a je napisao(la):
Једино јединствена такса, па да се смучи као тв претплата. Овај план са хиљаду начина наплате је бар необичан, по истом основу можеш бити опорезован 20 пута... због близине, због паркинга, просека плате, дела града...
Ако не ојача привреда, неће бити ни метроа, толико је просто. Ако би се градио на други начин, тим неким нерационалним политичким одлукама, био би извор неконтролисане пљачке. Тако и мост на ади делује као инстант промоција, јер свако зна да пара за њега није било.
Pa sve to što si naveo se sliva u jednu taksu tj,jedan racun pod nadzorom,jer ako je na sto mesta te pare za metro videti nećemo..ta taksa je iskustvo iz ostalih gradova ,nisam ja izmislio,pa da je branim.. :kafa:
A ako je bilo za most i tada je privreda bila slaba,biće i za metro,kredit,koncesije,razvoj infrastrukture samo upošljava domaću privredi i generiše rast..štednja ne.Cela evropa peva to u horu .. :kafa:
Evo vam primera iz američkih gradova..ako je neko sumnjao..
Governor proposes transit-dedicated metro sales tax to accelerate transit system build-out
Business study concludes return on investment of $6-10 billion for regional economy
A seven-county metro area quarter cent sales tax proposed in Gov. Dayton’s budget would accelerate the build-out of transitways in the region, create jobs, and ensure the region’s economic competitiveness well into the future.
“Sustained economic development and job growth must be supported by a sustainable and reliable transit financing strategy,” said Metropolitan Council Chair Susan Haigh. “The Governor’s budget includes a dedicated sales tax to greatly accelerate the build-out of metro area transit services. This is a significant investment in this region as a world class economic competitor.”
The transitway network that would be funded under the governor’s proposal includes additional LRT, highway BRT, arterial BRT, and growth in regular-route bus service.
The Governor’s proposal also expands the sales tax to include more goods and services, which will result in a revenue increase for the Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB).
New tax would eliminate need for state transit bonding and general fund expenditures
Peer regions across the country understand the value of transit service to economic competitiveness, and are currently investing more than the Twin Cities metro area, using the sales tax as a more stable funding source.The regional sales tax increase would cover both capital and operating expenses for the growing transit system, and eliminate the current use of both state bonding and state general fund expenditures for metro area transit services. The tax would raise an estimated $250 million each year, resulting in:
•A 1% annual increase in bus service region-wide (more routes, greater frequencies, and longer service hours)
•Elimination of current transit operating structural deficits
•Full funding for Southwest light rail capital and operating expenses
•As many as 12 new arterial bus rapid transit (BRT)or streetcar lines and as many as 5 new highway BRT lines can be developed over the next 20 years, as well as Southwest (LRT), Bottineau (LRT), Gateway (LRT or BRT), and I-35W BRT lines
•At build-out, 500,000 more employees will have access to jobs via transit
Ovi naši iz grada su često boravili u USA ,Čikagu ,N.Y, pa su mogli da se informišu.. :wink: mada znamo da jesu.. :wink:
Kod njih u americi su vlasti iz gradova i regiona, išli da mole federalnu vladu da im odobri takse..