U pravu si da P+R parkinzi treba da postoje na stanicama BeoVoza ili ti BGV, ali ja ih nikako ne bi stavljao kod Pančevačkog mosta, a ni na stanici NBGD ne bi pravio veliki parking.2012":2vrgpafd je napisao(la):Da to nam treba,ali me čudi da ništa ne rade na tome na trasi BGV,gde postoje svi uslovi posebno na NBG ili recimo na straroj strani kod P.Mosta . :kafa:
Ni metro neće da reši saobraćajne gužve
No,i ti se izgleda slažeš da metro sam po sebi ne rešava problem saobraćaja, jel dao si primer Toronta, ili se varam?hazard":2trzudq1 je napisao(la):1) za trenutne korisnike javnog prevoza ce putovanje postati mnogo brze, lakse i manje stresno
2) masa vozila (autobusa) koja se sada krece gradskim vise nece biti deo saobracaja.
The first metro in the Soviet Baltic republics was also to have been the most expensive one in the Soviet Union. It was estimated that the cost of one kilometre would be 25-26 million rubles. At the time the Riga metro was being planned, the metro in Minsk, Belarus was being built at a cost of 15 million rubles per kilometre.
Officials in Riga were not very concerned with funding, as the necessary money would come mainly from Moscow. The budget of the Latvian SSR would have been responsible for funding the train depot (10-12 million rubles), engineering details (2.5 million rubles), and station vestibules (4-5 million rubles). As a result, Riga would have been expected to spend less than 20 million rubles for the city's metro. However, the city would have had competition for funding from Moscow, as Odessa and Omsk were also eager for financial assistance in establishing their own metro systems at the same time.
Objections against the Riga metro began to be raised as the final design proposal was being finalised. The most pressing concerns, raised by the local scientific community, regarded the usefulness and effectiveness of such a massive and challenging project. They argued that the project would bring more harm than benefits to the city, as the ground waters in Riga are very high with migrating currents, and, as a result, nobody could tell where they would be after a decade. If ground waters were to flow across metro lines, the metro system would get flooded. However, this same argument did not prevent the construction of a metro in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), which has similar geological features to Riga. As perestroika began to become established in the Soviet Union, the local press became filled with geologic and geodesic articles and how these issues could affect a potential metro in the city.
In addition to concerns about potential flooding, the project's authors were also blamed for having planned stations at inconvenient locations, and that the idea itself of a metro was becoming outmoded. After these arguments were evaluated and dismissed, nationalist elements within Latvia began protesting against another likely wave of migration of Slavs into Riga, which was said to pose a threat to the identity of Latvia and the Latvian language.
The wave of mass nationalism in Latvia at the end of the 1980s brought about disputes and doubts regarding the decisions of the Riga and Latvian governments concerning the metro, as well as the competence of specialists from Moscow. In 1987, ecological activists organised an act of protest; despite the protest, however, the decision was made to start work on the second stage of technological and economic planning. However, local specialists were asked to take over much of the work, despite lacking the necessary skills and expertise, to reduce Latvia's reliance on specialists from Moscow.
After two months, the planning commission came to the conclusion that there was no economic or technological basis to continue with the project, and twelve years of bureaucracy and planning had come to an end without any work ever being completed.
Realno Torontu npr. "fali" bar jedna metro linija (ja bi rekao 2) da bi mreza bila kompletna (sad ce to pokusati kao da rese gradnjom mase nekih LRT linija, ne znam koliko ce to da uspe) a autoputevi su puni uglavnom ljudi koji dolaze iz predgradja gde metroa naravno nema (ali zato ima autoputeva) - postoji i prigradska zeleznica i dosta je ljudi koristi (dal su bas puni vozovi ne znam) ali mreza nije dovoljno razgranata, a ima i losu "konfiguraciju terena" (uzasno rasprostranjena predgradja projektovana sa automobilskim prevozom na umu na 1. mestu).nbumbic":3vfxjha9 je napisao(la):No,i ti se izgleda slažeš da metro sam po sebi ne rešava problem saobraćaja, jel dao si primer Toronta, ili se varam?
Jes da sam se vozio samo jednom linijom i to od Tavisuplebis Moedani, do Avlabari ili Vagzlis Moedani pa ne znam kakve su druge, ali nisam imao takva iskustva kao nbumbic, sve je funkcionisalo u najboljem redu, vozovi su bili cesti i brzi, isto kao i u Jerevanu, gde su doduse kompozicije manje od onih u Tbilisiju.2012":8y5ywpns je napisao(la):Pa i Tbilis ima Metro...a ovo mu dođe Lrt do sela..
Da eto povela se priča oko Bečkog Metroa,ali za poređenje ima i drugih kao Minhenski Metro,Praški ili Atinski,gde su rezultati imresivni u smanjenju gužvi i ekologiji..Мирко":16yq8242 je napisao(la):Ја бих да приметим да је метро итекако решио проблем саобраћаја у Бечу и да се сматра једним од најбољих у свету - то што има гужви потпуно је неважно; ко баш хоће у први бецирк колима, па одбија и парк-енд-рајд, нека се вози и пет сати ако треба (а ипак нису толике гужве). Београд је баш по угледу на Беч планирао свој метро и тек се сада види колико смо изгубили за све ове деценије...
Malo su dalje od realnosti tamo2012":1vd8v5be je napisao(la):Pa i Tbilis ima Metro...a ovo mu dođe Lrt do sela..