SIZIF,to što napisa je malo diletantski
,ako se stvarno protumači šta je Đilas rekao on je pominjao kao i Antić podzemno-nadzemni sistem a i U6 ide dobrim delom na stubove,dok zemne deonice se koriste u gradskom reonu samo ako mora u Budimpešti je to stara Metro linija,dok nova koja se upravo dovršava je kompletno podzemna ide čak ispod Dunava,pa da je zemno bolje rešenje ponovo bi ga primenili u Budimpešti zar ne(edukuj se malo),da bi taj "Metro" išao po površini na Nbg u Bulevaru Đinđića,morali bi da podignu novi Berlinski zid oko njega (i podelili NBG?)da se kojim slučajem neko nebi preskočio jer je tu "kraće"uostalom ,zašto podizati sarkofag kada cela linija može u plitki tunel na Nbg? Jedno je sigurno bilo kakva realizacija Belama onako kako nam je prezentovano ranije će naići na burne reakcije stručne i obične javnosti jer koliko god se trudili ne mogu da prevare javnost da grade Metro dok postavljaju tramvajske šine,a ono što su Đilas i Antić najavljivali javnosti je pozemno u starom Beogradu a eventualno na stubove u na NBG,uostalom ne može se uzeti kredit za Metro a praviti tramvaj jer će neko pitati za razliku u novcu isuviše je to veliki projekat da bi se izbegla odgovornost u slučaju korupcije ,jer opozicija vreba grešku baš na velikim projektima,ali ipak dok nečujemo komisiju i zvanične predloge projekata plašim se da vodimo raspravu o Projektu X..
Traffic troubles around Edmonton's south LRT stop to be dealt with
“The planning showed it would work but reality is completely different"
By FRANK LANDRY, Edmonton Sun
Last Updated: April 27, 2010 5:58pm
A truck waits at an LRT crossing near 51 Avenue and 111 Street Tuesday. (JASON FRANSON/Edmonton Sun) The wheels are rolling on a plan to ease brutal traffic congestion around the south LRT extension, vows the city’s transportation boss.
During the morning and afternoon peaks, frustrated motorists have had to wait up to half an hour because of passing trains.
Transportation manager Bob Boutilier says there should be noticeable changes by the afternoon rush on Wednesday — calling the current situation “totally unacceptable.”
But he also admits it may be a year before the equipment that controls traffic signals can be upgraded — the ultimate solution to improving the flow of traffic.
The problem has been at the intersection of 51 Avenue and 111 Street, where passing trains have caused vehicles to be backed up for blocks. It’s mostly an issue at the rush-hour peaks, when LRT service is every five minutes, said Boutilier.
The planning showed it would work but reality is completely different,” he said.“We discovered the way traffic moves, the way the LRT trains arrive at that intersection, was creating the sort of perfect storm for people to find themselves waiting in traffic for 10 or 15 minutes — waiting to get through the light system.
“It’s totally unacceptable.”