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Leva obala Beograda -Borča- Ovča-Krnjača-Kotež Padinska Skela-Kovilovo-Ritovi

Odakle ti ta informacija za marinu na Cresu? Jel to nesto u pripremi da se gradi?
U Vladinom postu #48 je zgrada u Hamburgu koja je skoro zavrsena (krajem prosle godine). Inace, zgrada je najobicnija, vrlo jednostavnih linija, ali je fasada ucinila cudo!

Postoji mnogo objekata u Hamburgu za koje se radi state of the art fasada, jer su arhitekte "poludele" sa svojim vizijama, kao sto se da videti na gore postavljenim slikama.

Postavicu cim stignem reportazu o HafenCity, novog dela centra Hamburga gde su bukvalno otvoreni horizonti u gradnji. Inace, HafenCity je ono sto se nadam da ce jednom biti Savski amfiteatar.
Posle svih ovih slika ja sam toliko demoralisan :( :( da ću morati da povećam dozu antidepresiva.Vlado dobićemo svi kompleks niže vrednosti a gore od toga je što će verovatno neki drugi ljudi dočekati to u Beogradu mi ne :rant: idem da popijem nešto.
Prosto ne znam gde da stavim ovu vest :):):)

Anketa sajta “Beobuild” o mogućnosti širenja prestonice
Treći grad na levoj obali Dunava

U Beograd se svake godine, beleže statistike, doseli novih 50.000 stanovnika. Svima vidljive posledice su sve manji broj lokacija za stanovanje i poslovanje, što je u stručnoj javnosti pokrenulo ideju da se uz „stari“ i Novi Beograd, prestonica proširi i na levu obalu Dunava i izgradi takozvani treći Beograd. Priča o stvaranju trećeg Beograda stara je oko dve godine, a ideju su dali studenti arhitekture.

Podršku proširenju Beograda na treću obalu Dunava dalo je i 61 odsto posetilaca sajta „Beobuild“, koji je sproveo anketu na temu u kom pravcu treba da se širi glavni grad. Za 2.000 posetilaca ovog sajta proširenje grada na levu obalu Dunava bilo je strateški i dugoročno gledano, najbolji izbor, dok su ostale potencijalne lokacije dobile drastično manji broj glasova. To ne treba da čudi jer se proteklih godina i u stručnim krugovima puno govori o ovoj temi.
Širenje Beograda na treću obalu Dunava svojevremeno je predlagao i gradski arhitekta Đorđe Bobić. Velika prednost je i to što je treći Beograd veliki kao polovina Novog Beograda. Zato Urbanistički zavod radi studiju, spremaju se izmene Generalnog plana, a donesena je i jasna strateška odluka da se grad u budućnosti širi na levu obalu Dunava. Za to je, pre svega, neophodno da se izgradi most između Zemuna i Borče. Generalnim urbanističkim planom razvoja Beograda do 2012. godine predviđeno je da u užem gradskom jezgru, preko Dunava, budu izgrađena još dva mosta, odnosno osim mosta Zemun–Borča i jedan preko Ade Huje. „Blic nedelje“ saznaje u Direkciji za gradsko građevinsko zemljište, da bi prema Generalnom planu, trebalo da se izgradi takozvana severna tangenta. To je zapravo magistralna saobraćajnica koja je deo saobraćajnog prstena oko Beograda. Severna tangenta je put koji spaja gornji Zemun, preko budućeg mosta silazi na levu obalu Dunava, ukršta se sa Zrenjaninskim putem i ide sve do Pančevačkog puta.
Ipak, i dalje ne postoji inicijativa i želja investitora da se presele u ovaj deo grada. Gledano na „duge staze“, za Beograd je ovo najbolje rešenje za proširenje. Na taj način grad bi bio fizički zaokružen, a građevine i budući stanovi i poslovni prostori bi se nalazili na samo nekoliko kilometara od centra grada. Izgradnja i adaptacija „trećeg Beograda“ je veoma skup posao u kome se barata ciframa koje dostižu na stotine miliona evra. Zapravo najskuplje je nasipanje i utvrđenje obale, ali i razvijanje, takoreći, nepostojeće infrastrukture i, pre svega, kanalizacije.
Iako se trenutno najviše gradi na Novom Beogradu i Zemunu, prema anketi „Beobuilda“, ove dve lokacije su osvojile samo 18 odsto glasova Beograđana. Zbog dobro urađene infrastrukture i rešenih vlasničkih pitanja, ove lokacije su trenutno najinteresantnije za gradnju. Ipak, Univerzitetsko selo praktično je poslednja velika lokacija na Novom Beogradu koju je Direkcija mogla da ponudi investitorima. Postoji još jedan nedostatak, a to je ugrožavanje prvobitnog koncepta života u ovom delu grada. Tada bi najviše stradale javne i zelene površine, kojih na ovom delu teritorije ima najviše. S druge strane, iako zemunski deo uz autoput doživljava pravi privredni bum, loš transport sprečava izgradnju stambenog prostora.
Na trećem mestu, prema anketi „Beobuilda“, našao se prostor duž Ibarske magistrale i to sa 15,8 odsto osvojenih glasova. Ekspanzija ka ovom delu Beograda može da se očekuje završetkom obilaznice, koja će ujedno biti i sledeći razvojni korak na južnom obodu Beograda. Na ovaj način će se inicirati izgradnja proizvodnih kapaciteta, većeg broja objekata uslužnog karaktera i pratećih sadržaji duž autoputa. Jedna od prednosti širenja Beograda duž Ibarske magistrale je dobra pozicija i blizina glavnim putnim pravcima. Međutim, mana ovog pravca je loš i spor gradski saobraćajni prevoz kao i ostala slaba infrastruktura koja spušta cenu zemljišta.

Najmanje glasova za Smederevski put
Najmanje glasova, svega pet odsto, dobio je deo Beograda ka Smederevskom putu u pravcu Vinče i Grocke. Trenutno ovaj deo grada nema dovoljne i potrebne infrastrukturne preduslove da bi nosio titulu centra razvoja Beograda u budućnosti.

Perspektiva Beograda
Prema rečima Danila Bašića, predsednika Opštine Palilula, izgradnja mosta preko Ade Huje i mosta od Borče do Zemuna otvoriće potpuno novu perspektivu za celu levu obalu Dunava.
– Ovaj prostor, koji zauzima površinu od oko 30.000 hektara, kroz nekoliko godina postaće potpuno novi deo Beograda. Na ovom mestu ima sasvim dovoljno mesta za kolektivnu izgradnju, ali je neophodna urbanizacija područja. Kada urbanistički planovi budu omogućili veću izgrađenost, leva strana Dunava biće mesto u koje će se ulagati u narednih 10, 15 godina. Ovo je jedini deo Beograda koji ima potencijal za dalji razvoj – kaže Bašić.

Izvor: Blic
Link: http://www.blic.co.yu/beograd.php?id=60599
Cres ima relativno novu marinu tako da ne verujem da ce da grade opet.
GRID HOUSE: Maximizing Green Space in Urban Infill
by Mike Chino


Moto Designshop recently finished schematics for this beautiful modern residence situated on Pine street in Philadelphia. The Grid House packs a highly efficient floorplan into tight quarters, maximizing daylighting and ventilation via an abundance of open green spaces. The entire front and back façades open to infuse interior spaces with fresh air while the home’s flowing floor plan ensures a seamless transition between rooms. An elevated front garden preserves the residence’s interaction with the street while concealing an underground garage.


Moto Designshop employed a variety of techniques to ensure that the Grid House was as efficient as possible in terms of lighting and ventilation. A long three story skylight suffuses the interior spaces with light, while the home’s open-ended construction allows for excellent cross-ventilation. The front façade features two stories of wooden solar shades which are deployable in a variety of configurations to allow for variable degrees of privacy.

In order to maximize the residence’s available space, Moto Designshop chose to situate the home’s garage below ground floor: “Within the property line, is a 2-tier car/garden lift which lowers the car to the basement level, hiding it from view while creating a private garden space at street level.”

We love how the re-envisioned row home integrates a variety of green spaces and a rooftop garden into an elegant example of efficient modern design.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Interesantna stvar kod ovog projekta je što ima lift koji automobil spušta u podrum.
Modern Eco Villa for Southern Spain by Diseño Earle
by Ali Kriscenski


Diseño Earle is an international architecture firm known for unique, and often ecologically minded, projects around the world. Their latest design responds to a brief “to design and build a large and modern zero carbon footprint villa” in Southern Spain. The result is The Eco House, a modern luxury villa that holds up its name with a variety of environmentally friendly features including a chemical free canal that facilitates cooling.


The most apparent feature of The Eco House is the butterfly roof which serves several purposes. The angle allows the roof integrated solar panels to sit at the optimum angle for solar energy harvesting. The roof also creates a space around the building exterior where thermal air currents are created. As air passes across the roof, the building is cooled and ventilated through adjustable louvered vents on the main roof. A double glass facade functions in a similar way around the building, and the entire structure is built above a 30cm deep canal which enhances the natural cooling and ventilation.

The modern, glass filled design allows plenty of natural light into living spaces, while a natural, saline pool helps keeps chemicals out. The building stores grey water in holding tanks in the basement, and features a rainwater harvesting system to manage and conserve water. The rooftop photovoltaics supply electricity to a radiant floor heating system that works in tandem with the natural ventilation of the building which retains and removes heat by natural thermal draws throughout the structure. A geoexchange system provides backup heating and cooling.




Izvor: Inhabitat

Tipska vila na obalama Dunava. :)
Dockside Green: The World’s First LEED Platinum Community
by Evelyn Lee


Situated in Victoria, British Columbia, Dockside Green is a burgeoning community that has set its sights on becoming the first LEED Platinum community in the world. Its initial phase of development was recently completed, earning it an incredible 63 out of 70 points and qualifying it for LEED Platinum for New Construction. This is no small undertaking, especially considering the 95 new condo homes, townhomes, and commercial spaces that comprise the planned community. The usual sustainable suspects can be found throughout the property including Biomass gasification (the use of wood-waste to create all heat energy and hot water), improved insulation and high performance glazing, energy-efficient fixtures, on-site waste water treatment plant, green roofs and a naturalized creek.


Dockside Green is situated in the heart of downtown Victoria, British Columbia, on 15 sprawling acres of harbor-front industrial land. The community was made possible thanks to the vision of Windmill West, a development partnership focused on green urban environments, along with the financing of Vancity, Canada’s largest credit union. Due to the increasing number of LEED Platinum certifications being issued, not all are honored with a quote from USGBC CEO, Rick Fedrizzi, who has given Dockside green particular notice:

Dockside Green and Vancity Credit Union are to be commended for this significant achievement, and the leadership they have shown with this project sets a high bar for all of us. They are also participants in the US Green Building Council’s LEED for Neighborhood Development pilot, helping us move the benefits of LEED from beyond the building’s footprint into the community where it’s located.

The epitome of a holistically sustainable environment, Dockside Green encourages a healthy atmosphere for live, work, and play, and we’re hoping that is the first of many future LEED Platinum communities. We also hope to see similar communities spring up in urban adaptive re-use scenarios; although new structures make for a sexy press release, many of us would like to bestow LEED status upon our existing communities.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Green community, na delu ka Pančevu, sa kojim bi se eventualno spojilo.
Singapore’s Ecological EDITT Tower
by Alexandra Kain


Currently pending construction in Singapore, the EDITT Tower will be a paragon of “Ecological Design In The Tropics”. Designed by TR Hamzah & Yeang and sponsored by the National University of Singapore, the 26-story high-rise will boast photovoltaic panels, natural ventilation, and a biogas generation plant all wrapped within an insulating living wall that covers half of its surface area. The verdant skyscraper was designed to increase its location’s bio-diversity and rehabilitate the local ecosystem in Singapore’s ‘zeroculture’ metropolis.


Approximately half of the surface area of the EDITT Tower will be wrapped in organic local vegetation, and passive architecture will allow for natural ventilation. Publicly accessible ramps will connect upper floors to the street level lined in shops, restaurants and plant life. The building has also been designed for future adaptability, with many walls and floors that can be moved or removed. In a city known for its downpours, the building will collect rainwater and integrate a grey-water system for both plant irrigation and toilet flushing with an estimated 55% self-sufficiency.

855 square meters of photovoltaic panels will provide for 39.7% of the building’s energy needs, and plans also include the ability to convert sewage into biogas and fertilizer. The tower will be constructed using many recycled and recyclable materials, and a centralized recycling system will be accessible from each floor.





Izvor: Inhabitat

Obožavam ovakve projekte, obrasle u zelenilo, koji u osnovi ne zauzimaju puno mesta.
Kombinacije modernih zdanja i zelenila me odusevljavaju. Ne samo da imaju smisla vec i super izgleda sve to sa tim biljem, sibljem, drvecem. :D
Fusionopolis, Singapur




U stvari, lakše je da preselimo ceo Singapur na Palilulu :) Ionako će imati problema ako se nivo okeana podigne.
Chestnut House: Light, Airy Coastal Eco-Living

Pošto će sigurno ostati nasip prema Dunavu, kao i veći deo šume ispred njega, ovo bi moglo da ide sa druge strane, kao prvi red kuća prema nasipu





I na kraju, posle poplavljene šume, uz samu reku, niz vila odvojenih šumom.

Bird Island: Zero Energy Home in Kuala Lumpur
by Alexandra Kain


Bird Island is a stunning urban renewal project that is currently being developed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Designed by Graft Lab architects for the YTL Green Home Competition, the project comprises a zero energy home made of sustainably-sourced silicone glass fabric. Its lightness and flexibility will allow it to sway organically with the breeze just like a treetop, and slots in the fabric will give visitors a unique peek into the sky as the wind ebbs and flows.


The YTL Green Homes Competition challenged eight architects and designers from around the world to submit designs for six eco-friendly homes on Bird Island. Graft Lab’s proposal is an airy voluminous structure that utilizes a variety of energy-efficient building practices. The building consists of a lightweight bamboo frame wrapped in a tensile, environmentally-friendly fabric. The material reflects sunlight, keeping the interior cool and reducing the need for AC. Bird Island will also be outfitted with a grey water recycling system that channels water from sinks and showers back into the plumbing.


Graft states: “We have applied an integrated strategy of developing a zero-energy house that seamlessly dovetails the economic and environmental advantages of environmentally friendly living with the needs of a demanding and cosmopolitan clientele. The environmental and economic features of this way of living do not conflict with our client’s lifestyle; rather it furthers their ability to comfortably enjoy their time at home.”

As of yet, no construction date has been set.





Izvor: Inhabitat
Za one koji bi da krstare rekom na splavu

The Waterpod: a Floating Eco-Habitat
by Daniel Flahiff


Waterworld this is not; Waterpod is the real deal! Concieved by artists Mary Mattingly and Mira Hunter, the Waterpod is a visionary, floating habitat set to launch—certainly not coincinentally—on May 1st (a.k.a., International Workers’ Day, Labour Day and millions of other workers’ protests around the world). A collaboration between an eclectic group of artists, curators and educators, Waterpod is an experimental, self-sustaining community or as the organizers say, “a floating, sculptural, eco-habitat designed for the rising tides.”


While it may not seem like it at first, the Waterpod is actually a pretty radical idea. Why? Bear with me a moment. Though cited as the primary cause of most of the environmental challenges that we face, population growth gets surprisingly little press. Solutions are few and far between and those that make the headlines trade in unthinkable currency: draconian human rights violations, predictions of Malthusian catastrophe or worse, a kind of perilous, technological optimism. The Waterpod however, turns the debate on its head by suggesting that we have close to seventy percent more livable space than we thought: the ocean!

Beginning on May Day, 2009, Waterpod will travel down the Newtown Creek between Brooklyn and Queens, down the East River to the waters of New York Harbor, docking at several Manhattan piers on the Hudson before “continuing onward.”


Designed to test the feasibility of a fully self-sustaining, floating community, Waterpod is a triple-domed island fashioned from reclaimed wood, metal and plastic and affixed to an eighty by twenty-five-foot surplus barge. Organizers say the primary power sources will be passive and active solar systems combined with a wind turbine which together will power all on-board systems including “rotating art installations and a permanent projector illuminating the Waterpod dome each night.”

Waterpod organizers say it will”… showcase the critical importance of the environment and art, serving as a model for new living, d.i.y. technologies, art, and dialogue. It illustrates positive interactions between communities: private and corporate; artistic and social; aquatic and terrestrial while exploring the cultural richness of New York’s five boroughs and beyond.”

We are thrilled for the whole Waterpod team and are looking forward to the launch. See you there!




Izvor: Inhabitat
Kad smo već kod poplavljene šume, mogli bi da napravimo mini verziju Obedske bare, u samom gradu. Treba je samo očistiti od đubreta. Pošto će ovde cirkulisati više ljudi nego na VRO, potrebna su slična (minimalno invazivna) rešenja ali ipak većeg kapaciteta.

Ovih par sličica su iz eko parka u Sao Paolu. Možemo da upotrebimo delove dizajna, mostiće, šire pešačke pasarele, ali mi se jako sviđa drveni pod. Naravno. za razliku od njih, ove staze bi kod nas morale na stubove. I onda možete uz samu reku smestiti neku od vila iz gornjeg posta, koja bi mogla da služi kao galerija ili kulturni centar u sred šume. :D



Mislim da ovo moje pitanje nema bas veze sa trecim beogradom ali ajde.Bilo je nekih indicija da se sedamdesetih gradi Novo Pancevo nesto kao Novi Beograd. Od toga se odustalo.Pa me zanima jel ima neko od vas taj projekat kako bi to izgledalo trazio sam na netu ali nisam nasao.A to je sve radjeno sa ciljem da se Pancevo i Beograd spoje kao Zemun i Beograd izgradnjom Novog Beograda.Bas bi bilo lepo kada bi se to jednog dana izgradilo.Ps ja sam optimista :kk:
BOKI SMOKI":qvx9rlgx je napisao(la):
.Bilo je nekih indicija da se sedamdesetih gradi Novo Pancevo nesto kao Novi Beograd. Od toga se odustalo.Pa me zanima jel ima neko od vas taj projekat kako bi to izgledalo trazio sam na netu ali nisam nasao.A to je sve radjeno sa ciljem da se Pancevo i Beograd spoje kao Zemun i Beograd izgradnjom Novog Beograda.
па, никакав проблем, треба само градити вишњицу ка белој стени :)
дакле, вишњица је нови бгд ;)
Gratske vlasti ce se ipak odluciti za Borcu da bude 3 BG zato sto je tamo ravnica tj nema uzvisenja.A i dobro je mesto za Novogradnju.