of 13 January 2020
amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 as regards the approval of civil aviation security equipment as well as third countries recognised as applying security standards equivalent to the common basic standards on civil aviation security
The Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 is amended as follows:
(1) the list in Attachment 3-B of Chapter 3 is amended as follows:
(a) the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Montenegro:
‘Republic of Serbia, in regard to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’;
(b) the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Singapore:
‘State of Israel, in regard to Ben Gurion International Airport’;
(2) the list in Attachment 4-B of Chapter 4 is amended as follows:
(a) the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Montenegro:
‘Republic of Serbia, in regard to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’;
(b) the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Singapore:
‘State of Israel, in regard to Ben Gurion International Airport’;
(3) in the list in Attachment 5-A of Chapter 5, the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Montenegro:
‘Republic of Serbia, in regard to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’;
(4) in the list in Attachment 6-F of Chapter 6, the following entry is inserted after the entry concerning Montenegro:
‘Republic of Serbia’;
(5) in Chapter 12, Chapter 12.0 is replaced by the following:
Gde bas nadje Moskvu ovih dana?Naravno da postoji razdvanje. Nije reč o tome gde putnici idu, već odakle dolaze.
Ako dolazim npr. iz Frankfurta, gate će biti podešen tako da uđem direktno u tranzitnu zonu.
Ako dolazim iz npr. Moskve, izlaz će biti podešen tako da se penjem na gornji sprat. U zavisnosti od toga koje mi je konačno odrediše, zavisi i kontrola. Ako mi je Beograd konačno odredište, spustim se u zonu za pasošku kontrolu, prtljag. Ako sam u tranzitu, prođem kontrolu, i spustim se u tranzitnu zonu.
Ko je leteo, zna kako to izgleda na EU aerodromima. Minhen je npr. dobar primer kako je to
BEG je suvise mali aerodrom da bi se pravio poseban deo terminala za "bezbedne" putnike. Mozda da se gradio novi terminal skroz. Ovako lepo svi na KD kontrolu. Ionako nismo u Sengenu.
Ne znam kako su dva izlaza organizovana.E pa izgleda da me ne razumete, sleteli ste recimo iz Frankfurta na C14 i nastavljate putovanje ali posle 5min na C13sleteo je avion iz Istanbula i deo tih putnika isto nastavlja putovanje, zajedno istim hodnikom dolazite do punkta gde se vrši KD kontrola, kako ćemo znati ko je u onoj gomili doputovao iz Frankfurta a ko je doputovao iz Istanbula....?
Jesam leteo u tranzitu preko svih glavnih aerodroma Evrope. Misljenja sam da kad vec nismo u Sengenu treba lepo svi da prolaze kontrolu. Sengenska putovanja se tretiraju kao domestic, isto kao sto i na liniji BEG-INI nema KD kontrole.