Ovo je zaista ikoničan film, kao i prva verzija iz 1956-te Don Siegel-a. On i Kaufman su mi u vrhu omiljenih režisera. Za one koji nisu gledali, ovaj lik je napravio sjajan rezime. 
Two historical points I’d argue. Historian Peter Kuznick and I, in our “Untold History of the United States” series (2012), made the important distinction that --
1. Japan barely knew what hit them on August 6 at Hiroshima. LeMay’s Air Force had firebombed 100 Japanese cities -- more than 80,000 killed in Tokyo firestorm alone, a million homeless and wounded. Japanese leaders accepted that the U.S. could destroy their cities, but they were willing to sacrifice them. And --
2. Japan did not surrender, as American propaganda would have it, because of the atomic bomb, but because a few days later, on August 9, 1.5 million Russian soldiers invaded and destroyed their Imperial Army in Manchuria. Hokkaido was next. The Japanese leaders feared the Russians would give no quarter, removing Japan's beloved Emperor as they did their own Czar in their Revolution of 1917. The supposed, much-hyped U.S. land invasion of Japan could not even have happened, according to our planning, for some three months. Given these fast-moving events, there was no way the Japanese mainland -- already devastated, short of food, and on the point of famine -- could have held out that long.
Оliver Stone
Evo uvrnutog filma sa Izabel IperOvo je bre mnogo sporo i nema ništa uvrnuto![]()
Drzao bi nekog kao nasa premijerka Brnovicka (nezvanicno) onu jadnicu na povocu kako je seta gradom... ili bi organizovao neke sado-mazo Olimpijske igre? Samo osvajaci drvenih medalja umiru, jel? Bronza znaci zivot, srebro privilegije, zlato-tron i zvanje titulara...Lanci da, al ne kratka uzica Voxe... ograničeno kretanje... kao bukagije...