- Učlanjen(a)
- 21.10.2024.
- Poruke
- 2.272
- Pohvaljen
- 3.299
Merim u kuci :
38 ug/m3 za pm10 (EU limit = 40 ug/m3 )
30 ug/m3 za pm2.5 (EU limit= 25 ug/m3 )
20 ug/m3 za pm1 (EU limit nije definisan, ponegde nalazim na limit od 15ug/m3)
Samo pre 4 godine u kuci nikad nisam merio vise od 15 ug/m3 za pm2.5.
Imam 3 meraca i rezultati su konzistentni.
Napolju imamo vrednosti od 210 ug/m3 za pm2,5 u Borci, Jajincima, Rakovici do 170 u gradu i 110 blizu obale DUnava (vece strujanje vazduha).
PM1 is most harmful
Today, WHO and the EU are monitoring PM2.5 and PM10 and reporting on the negative health effects of these particles and their ability to penetrate our lungs and cause respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity and disease.
But to provide a truly healthy and productive indoor air environment in areas with bad air pollution, ventilation systems need filters that are also capable of removing PM1 particles – the smallest fraction and the most harmful.
Our lungs are prey to PM1. When inhaled, PM1 particles travel to the deepest area of the lungs, where a significant part of them passes through the cell membranes of the alveoli (the millions of tiny sacs in our lungs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged), enter the bloodstream, damage the inner walls of arteries, penetrate tissue in the cardiovascular system and potentially spread to organs.
At worst, PM1 can contribute to deadly diseases like heart attacks, lung cancer, dementia, emphysema, edema and other serious disease, leading to premature death.
38 ug/m3 za pm10 (EU limit = 40 ug/m3 )
30 ug/m3 za pm2.5 (EU limit= 25 ug/m3 )
20 ug/m3 za pm1 (EU limit nije definisan, ponegde nalazim na limit od 15ug/m3)
Samo pre 4 godine u kuci nikad nisam merio vise od 15 ug/m3 za pm2.5.
Imam 3 meraca i rezultati su konzistentni.
Napolju imamo vrednosti od 210 ug/m3 za pm2,5 u Borci, Jajincima, Rakovici do 170 u gradu i 110 blizu obale DUnava (vece strujanje vazduha).
PM1 is most harmful
Today, WHO and the EU are monitoring PM2.5 and PM10 and reporting on the negative health effects of these particles and their ability to penetrate our lungs and cause respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity and disease.
But to provide a truly healthy and productive indoor air environment in areas with bad air pollution, ventilation systems need filters that are also capable of removing PM1 particles – the smallest fraction and the most harmful.
Our lungs are prey to PM1. When inhaled, PM1 particles travel to the deepest area of the lungs, where a significant part of them passes through the cell membranes of the alveoli (the millions of tiny sacs in our lungs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged), enter the bloodstream, damage the inner walls of arteries, penetrate tissue in the cardiovascular system and potentially spread to organs.
At worst, PM1 can contribute to deadly diseases like heart attacks, lung cancer, dementia, emphysema, edema and other serious disease, leading to premature death.