Izgleda se nismo baš razumeli.
Ne kažem da je loše što se nabavljaju novi tramvaji niti bilo šta slično.
Ja sam samo izrazio iznenađenje tj nevericu da zaista neko misli da je pametno CAF-u odmah dati posao za narednih 50 tramvaja bez tendera
i još gore da forumaši koji se zalažu za to ne vide neki mali problemčić u tome.
Ja sam se pomalio razočarao tramvajima u Bratislavi.Očekivao sam da ima puno novih niskopodnih, ali se izgleda nije ulagalo u to.
Inače, Bratislava mi je veoma dopadljiv grad i sigurno ću ga opet rado posetiti.
Da li znaš nešto o ovom?
Izgleda se nismo baš razumeli.
Ne kažem da je loše što se nabavljaju novi tramvaji niti bilo šta slično.
Ja sam samo izrazio iznenađenje tj nevericu da zaista neko misli da je pametno CAF-u odmah dati posao za narednih 50 tramvaja bez tendera
i još gore da forumaši koji se zalažu za to ne vide neki mali problemčić u tome.
Ja sam se pomalio razočarao tramvajima u Bratislavi.Očekivao sam da ima puno novih niskopodnih, ali se izgleda nije ulagalo u to.
Inače, Bratislava mi je veoma dopadljiv grad i sigurno ću ga opet rado posetiti.
Da li znaš nešto o ovom?
Vest je iz 2008
Croatian ZET Trams In Bratislava
Zagreb mayor, Milan Bandic, is in Bratislava, where he is discussing the renewal of the capital`s tram system with his counterpart.
Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic met today with Bratislava Mayor Andrej Durkovski and discussed the co-operation when it comes to renewing their tram system, Bandic`s Office announced today.
Croatian CROTRAM consortium has already been instructed to issue its bid for the reorganisation of the Slovak capital`s tram system.
Bandic presented the current project of trams crossing over the Danube River, which will be accomplished in the next four years, initiating co-operation with experts from both cities.
Durkovski suggested that Slovak experts come to Zagreb and officially visit Zagreb Electric Tram (ZET) and CROTRAM to inform themselves in greater detail about Zagreb low-floor trams, one of the more famous Croatian potential export products.
Bandic and Durkovski have arranged the start of a cultural co-operation between the two capitals at this meeting anent the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Slovak Republic and Croatia.