Parker Solar Probe to touch the Sun on December 24 !
Pred sam katolički Božić biće oboren prethodni rekord prilaska Suncu. Parkerova solarna proba će proći kroz atmosferu Sunca, koronu, na svega 6,2 miliona kilometara. Kao poređenje, prosečna udaljenost od Sunca najbliže planete, Merkura, je 58 miliona kilometara.
Razgovor. Jedan zanimljivi snimak je na 33:12.
Na slici dole, snimci sa prethodnog prolaska, nešto dalje od Sunca.
What does touching the sun look like? For one thing, as Parker Solar Probe passed through our sun’s corona, or wispy outer atmosphere, it flew by structures called coronal streamers. These structures are the bright features moving upward in the upper images above, and angled downward in the lower row. They are the streamers visible around the dark moon silhouette during total solar eclipses. And
Parker Solar Probe touched and measured these streamers for the first time. Image via NASA/ Johns Hopkins APL/ Naval Research Laboratory.