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Aurora ...

Aurora - imrs.gif

Peering out a Dragon Endeavor window that frames red and green aurora streaming by Dragon Freedom docked to the front of the International Space Station.


Poslednja izmena:
‘Space hurricanes’ swirling over the Earth surprise scientists

Cyclone-like auroras near the North Pole, dubbed space hurricanes, can transfer large amounts of energy from the sun to Earth’s upper atmosphere

Last year, scientists announced they had discovered cyclone-like auroras near the North Pole. Over 600 miles in diameter with multiple arms that rotate counterclockwise, they contain a calm center, or eye, and “rain” electrons into the upper atmosphere. The team dubbed them “space hurricanes” for their 3D funnel shape.


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Inace, samo da dodam da mnogi astronomi kada vide Zemlju iz svemira dozive neku vrstu da ne kazem katarze, ali promene perspektive koja se naziva Overview effect (ne znam da li smo mi to preveli i kako)