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Svemirska istraživanja

Tako je. Upravo su poslali i kompilaciju video snimaka skinutih direktno sa fleš memorija u kamerama. Imaju usporene snimke, snimke visoke rezolucije iz više različitih uglova, sa raznim zumovima. Veoma dobro urađeno. Vidi se i deo atmosfere među gomilom amaterskih video ekipa. Snimili su čak i auroru svega 25 stepeni severno od ekvatora, kao i pad prstena između dva stepena.

Evo odakle izlazi vatra

Superheavy test 5, izvor vatre.jpg
Poslednja izmena:
Našao sam i dobar snimak gde se vidi šta je ustvari usijano. Ili tu možda tinjaju ostaci metana? U svakom slučaju to je dno bustera IZMEĐU motora.

Superheavy test 5, usijani delovi.jpg
Kako izgledaju slojevi usijane plazme kad soliter od 23 sprata buši rupu u vazduhu brzinom od 22.000 km/h

Superheavy test 5, plazma 0.jpg

Superheavy test 5, plazma.jpg

Pogledajte crvene zone. Na kraju toplota počinje da prodire i dublje, kroz zaštitu ...

Superheavy test 5, usijani blokovi termicke zastite.jpg
Novi snimak hvatanja sa interne kamere tik pored oslonca na busteru. Kosi prilaz, vibracije u horizontalnoj ravni, sam dodir, amortizacija udara u vertikalnoj ravni.

Poslednja izmena:
Jos jedna sjajna kompilacija snimaca. Posebno snimci hvatanja u drugom delu videa:

Појавила се изнад Србије комета звана C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS. Следећи пут ћемо је видети за 80.000 година. Снимљено је изнад Новог Сада, Словеније и осталих делова Србије. Слике нису моје. Припадају ауторима са друштвене мреже Редит.
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Brutalan supercut IFT-5, hvala gospodinu Timu Dodu na ovoj kompilaciji. Nema kadra koji bih izbacio, a ako vas plasi duzina, pola klipa je otislo na dva usporena snimka.

Licni favorit mi je kamera koja prati booster od pocetka do kraja. Sve se to odigra prilicno brzo, 6 minuta od poletanja, preko odvajanja, povratak, ulazak i sletanje.
Elon Mask ima običaj da se opušta igrajući video igrice. U live strimingu jedne takve sesije u pozadini se mogao čuti njegov istovremeni telefonski razgovor sa inženjerima SpaceX-a. Tako smo dobili izrazito retku priliku da čujemo tehnički opis koliko smo bili blizu da prethodno "hvatanje" buster rakete ne uspe: Jedan sekund daleko od eksplozije.

Live stream

Transkript razgovora:

Reddit.com, Dont_Think_So, 15h ago, Edited 15h ago

Speaker: I want to be really up front about scary shit that happened and what we're doing about it.

Elon: Sure

Speaker: Because I think that's our focus getting to Flight 6. I think Mark talked about really trying to get to Booster risk reduction vs Ship envelope(?) expansion. So, going in chronological order on the landing burn, we were - we had a misconfigured spin gas abort that didn't have quite the right ramp up time for bringing up spin pressure, and we were one second away from that tripping and telling the rocket to abort and try to crash into the ground next to the tower, instead of the tower.

Elon: Wow!

Speaker: Erroneously telling the rocket to not try to catch. And we knew we had a whole bunch of aborts and commit criteria that we tried to double-check really well, but, like, I mean, I think our concern was well-placed, and one of these things came very close to biting us.

Speaker 2: This is one of the reasons we were thinking about delaying the launch.

[talking over each other]

Speaker: If we had one more day just like checking some things some more, I'm not saying we would have found this one, but just to

Speaker 3: We were scared for launch, is the takeaway.

Speaker: We were scared about the fact, we had 100 aborts that were like not super-trivial but ultra-well-grounded and like we didn't do as good of a review as like we did for pre-flight-1 liftoff, when we were like in a simpler risk posture, we spent a butt-load of time as a leadership team going through every last detail really, arguing it multiple times.

Speaker 2: It's really nice having the flight data now, we had a review yesterday everybody going through the 100 aborts vs flight data and what we need to change on them, but just to ground your mental model on where we were.

Speaker: And, like, just to, this is also the reason, this is what's driving, fundamentally, the flight 6 schedule. We're not, like, going, we're not taking as much time as we'd ideally want to have a very, luxurious, like, really study everything. But, given this is the first launch, in a long time, well, really ever, that we've not been FAA-driven, so we are trying to go do a reasonable balance of speed and risk mitigation on the booster specifically.

Elon: Okay.

Speaker: Right at transsonic, which is like just before engine startup, one of the chine covers ripped off. Which is something we were - we were worried about these spot weld margins on chine skin right before flight, we wouldn't have predicted the exact right place, but this cover that ripped off, was right on top of a bunch of like single-point-failure valves that must work during the landing burn. So thankfully none of those or the harnessing got damaged, but, we ripped this chine cover off over some really critical equipment right as landing burn was starting. We have a plan to address that.

There are a bunch of, like, it seems like the plume during landing burn coming back-[cuts off]

Ne znam koliki je vremenski prozor za taj spin prime koji je bio malo kilaviji, ali sekund zvuci solidno komotno. Ne sjajno, ali ne preterano napeto.


Poslednja izmena:
SpaceX ubrzava tempo testiranja novog Starship-a. Prenos novog test lansiranja, šestog po redu, možete pratiti sutra, u utorak, od 22:15 po našem vremenu (samo lansiranje je u 23 h). Jedna od novosti je da su promenili vreme lansiranja tako da "sletanje" u Indijski okean bude po danu. Tako ćemo, ako sve bude u redu, imati retku priliku da na osvetljenom delu Zemlje uživo gledamo kako čitav jedan soliter na vatrenom stubu veoma polako ulazi u vodu. Inače, kažu da njihove kamere rade i iznad i ispod vode :)

Prenos će biti ovde
