Šta je novo?

Paralelni Beograd

Pa zelenilo je bilo tu nekad sad povracaj u predjasnje stanje mozemo da sanjamo
Na temu pesacke zone u centru.
Potez od kneza do k. Sime Markovica kao pesacka zona.
Primecujete da je mesto one stambene zgradurine u Kralja Petra zelena povrsina (ili plato kao opcija),
a Rajiceva se produzava sve do saborne crkve izmedju francuske ambasade i skole KPP.

Drakche":m561spnb je napisao(la):
Na temu pesacke zone u centru.
Potez od kneza do k. Sime Markovica kao pesacka zona.
Primecujete da je mesto one stambene zgradurine u Kralja Petra zelena povrsina (ili plato kao opcija),
a Rajiceva se produzava sve do saborne crkve izmedju francuske ambasade i skole KPP.

И ја сам тај део увек замишљао као парк, или трг..
Дивна замисао, али тешко изводљиво за наше прилике..
Kao sto niko ne bi dozvolio da se isece drvece jednog parka da bi se napravio trg tako isto niko ne bi podrzao da se srusi jedna zgrada da bi se napravio park.
Znam da je tesko izvodljivo, da ne bi dozvolili itd. Bas ocekivano dosadno. Kod nas se svasta nesto dozvoljava, sem onog sto treba.
Stambena zgrada koju sam izbrisao nije toliko grozna koliko pogresno nasadjena tj. na mestu gde ne treba da bude.

Ovaj deo grada bi bio prelepa otvorena pesacka zona, jos kada bi izlazila do obale ne bi joj bilo ravne u Evropi.
Bilo mi je zanimljivo, pa sam dalje radio na ovoj ideji, samo iz drugog ugla.

Ovde sam u pesacku zonu ukljucio Francusku ulicu i Kn. Sime Markovica, ispod kojih prolazi tunel.
Radio sam i na delu blize obali, ali mi nije nesto uspesno ispalo.

Takodje na raznim detaljima; krov skole,, niz zgrada u Francuskoj ul,, prohodnost iz Rajiceve direktno ka Karajdorjdevoj,, plato mesto stambene zgradurine,, pomocna kucica iz dvorista saborne crkve je premestena,, detalji oko Fr. ambasade,, neke polu-uspesne intervencije u delu Karajdjorjdeve ulice...
Kalemegdan - ovo sada stvarno zalazi u polje naucne fantastike i video igrica, ali barem je na ovoj temi sve dozvoljeno. :laugh:

Cekaj, nisi jos video varijantu gde sam crkvu sv. Marka stavio na sred gornjeg grada :laugh:

Jeste preterano, to je bila donekle i poenta, pustiti masti na volju, ali pazio sam da se perspektive, dimenzije i senke uklapaju u vizuru koliko je to moguce.
Bravo ! Hahahha!

In the meantime...

Zeks ajde spoji zutu zgradu i burence i promjeni fasadu kuli da vidmo kako bi to izgledalo

Zex sto bi rekli u filmovima u prevodu "zumiraj i izostri" :)
Ево како чувена тема "Београд какав је могао бити" у верзији: Њујорк какав је могао бити ...

Never Built New York: Projects From Gaudí, Gehry and Wright that Didn’t Make it in Manhattan

Sketches by Gaudí on the left, with Joan Matamala’s drawing of the building on the right. Image Courtesy of 6sqft

Ever since its unprecedented skyward growth in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Manhattan has been an icon of construction all over the world, with recent estimates concluding that the island contains some 47,000 buildings. However, as with all construction, completed projects are just the tip of the architectural iceberg; Manhattan is also the home of many thousands of unloved, incomplete, and downright impossible proposals that never made it big in the Big Apple.

Of course, the challenges of New York are indiscriminate, and even world-renowned architects often have difficulties building in the city. After the break, we take a look at just three of these proposals, by Antoni Gaudí, Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry, courtesy of 6sqft.

Antoni Gaudí’s Skyscraper Família


Interior sketch by Gaudí. Image Courtesy of 6sqft

Designed by Gaudí in 1908 and only uncovered by a 1956 report by Gaudí’s collaborator Joan Matamala, the details of the colossal “Hotel Attraction” project are largely mysterious, with the client and exact site for the project remaining unknown. What is known though is that the project was intended for Southern Manhattan and planned to be 360 meters tall, which had it been constructed would have secured the Hotel Attraction the title of world’s tallest right up until the completion in 1931 of the Empire State Building (although this may be purely academic, considering that the only project by Gaudí of comparable size is still under construction 133 years later).


Gaudí’s Hotel Attraction as featured in the TV series “Fringe”. Image © FringeTelevision.com

Of Gaudí’s original drawings, only some basic sketches and interior drawings remain, but the design has been given new life repeatedly over the years: first by Matamala’s drawing (top image, right) which he produced for his report; then again by a group of Spanish architects who submitted the design for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site; finally the design received an outing in the 2010 television series Fringe, where it poignantly forms a major part of the New York skyline in an alternate reality similar to, but ultimately different from our own.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian Skyscrapers


Frank Lloyd Wright’s drawings for the project. Image © MoMA/Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Through proposals such as Broadacre City Frank Lloyd Wright made it clear that he was no advocate of urban density, however this didn’t prevent him from courting a piece of Manhattan’s construction action. Decades before he completed his seminal Guggenheim building, Wright proposed a trio of towers to surround St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery. He attempted to leave space between the new buildings to provide park space, and to preserve the church on the site.


Frank Lloyd Wright’s drawings for the project. Image © MoMA/Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

The design is also the first appearance of Wright’s innovative “taproot” structural system for tall buildings in which the floors are cantilevered off of the central core instead of being supported by columns, freeing up the building’s facade. At the time, this system was striking enough that the press lauded it as “New York’s first all-glass building.” The design feature would also make it into both of Wright’s completed highrise buildings: the Research Tower for Johnson Wax and the Price Building in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Frank Gehry’s East River Extravaganza


A model of Gehry’s design that was put on display for the public. Image © Carter B. Horsley for The City Review

Riding high on the spectacular success of the Guggenheim Bilbao, in the early 2000s both Frank Gehry and the Guggenheim Foundation were looking to capitalize on what appeared to be a winning formula. The result was this plan for a new Guggenheim Museum on the East River, a 40-story tall sprawling titanium behemoth with 200,000 square feet of exhibition space which would dwarf not only the original museum by Wright but also its new Spanish cousin.


Models of Gehry’s design that were put on display for the public. Image © Carter B. Horsley for The City Review

Eventually though, the ambitious proposal became the victim of both financial troubles at the Guggenheim and of the changed political and cultural climate after the September 11th attacks. Instead, the site is now the subject of a plan by SHoP Architects, who have proposed a tower which sits less conspicuously among the Manhattan skyline.

http://www.archdaily.com/613142/never-b ... manhattan/
Odlicno bas te inspirisu ove kod mosta .Ajde namontiraj ovo kod tunela
Brankova ;)

Inace nisam procitao na vrhu sto ti je ostalo sa mape :)
Dobro si je odradio ali vodi racuna o nazivima brankova zaradismo igor i ja pivo
Odlicno izgleda samo sam ja mislio da ces popuniti prostor do zgrade skroz da nema kalkana nova fasada je mrak