Ovo je samo presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno, restruktuiranje zajmova, i ništa drugo. Ne verujem da ćemo videti išta u skorije vreme...
Since January 2011, the Group has been in breach of the requirement to pay the
monthly lease payments. As of 30 June 2012 the total breach was EUR 3.8
The Company is exposed to the following sanctions:
• Termination of the lease contracts which will cause the loss of the right
to use of land;
• In the case of termination the final result of termination would be
restitution of the amounts paid by Marina Dorcol based on the agreements with
the municipality, decreased for the amount of compensation for usage of such
land for the period of duration of lease and for compensation of damages which
occurred for the municipality, if any.
Should any party commence bankruptcy procedure against Marina Dorcol, the
Company would lose control of Marina Dorcol and would be exposed to
uncertainty with respect to compensation from the bankruptcy estate, since the
Company will be in the "last row of creditors".
The management of the Company estimate, inter alia, based on its legal advisor
that it is not likely the Serbian municipality will act to terminate the
agreement between the parties and that bankruptcy procedure against Marina
Dorcol will commence.
In order to manage its financial situation the Company has requested Engel
Resources and Development Ltd., the parent company of the Company's immediate
parent company, Engel General Developers Ltd. ("ERD"), to provide additional
financial assistance to fund the Company's immediate liabilities.
During the reporting period ERD provided several bridge loans for a total
amount of approximately EUR 0.6 million. After the reporting period the
Company received additional loans from ERD for a total amount of EUR 118
thousands regarding the related guarantees granted to ERD.
The management is also examining other solutions to fund the Company's
immediate liabilities and to resolve its financial situation.
Should the going concern assumption not be appropriate, adjustments would have
to be made to reflect a situation where the assets may need to be realized
other than in the normal course of business and at amounts which could differ
significantly from the amounts stated in the consolidated financial
Bez rešenja problema "Marine Dorćol" »
27. Mart. 2014 | (18:13 -> 18:51), Izvor : Studio B, Komentari: 0 komentari
Mesec dana nakon što je košava srušila zaštitnu metalnu ogradu oko zemljišta koje se već godinama najavljuje kao budući kompleks „Marine Dorćol", sve što se tamo promenilo jeste materijal ograde.
Iako je komunalna inspekcija opštine Stari Grad naložila firmi „Marina Dorćol" da metalnu ogradu dovede u funkcionalno i bezbedno stanje, ona je uklonjena, a umesto nje postavljena plastična mreža.
I dok inspekcija zbog toga najavljuje prekršajni postupak, u „Marini Dorćol" ne žele pred kamere. Za to vreme, jedna od najatraktivnijih beogradskih lokacija nije ništa drugo do korovom obrasla poljana.
ssimovic":2ovhgd9k je napisao(la):Da li neko zna kakav bi pravni status imala ova naša akcija i da li bi neko sutra mogao da nam upropasti trud?