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Expo 2027

Вау како су набуџили мост на Ади :D Занимљив онај булевар уз обалу реке.

O železnici opet ni reči, ali ima o tome da će se graditi 4 saobraćajnice i petlja.
Dovesti,vodu,struju,kanalazaciju,sve od infrastrukture,neće pokriti nikakva poseta niti ulaznica,niti zarada od šećerne vune.
Ove će se sve zidati parama građana iz budžeta,dok će sa druge strane šeici dobiti besplatno zemljište na starom sajmu.
Tu treba dodati i nacionalni stadion,i on će se zidati parama građana.
Tako će grad sa jedne strane, uložiti stotine i stotine miliona evra,a sa druge strane neko će dobiti besplatno zemljište.
Sve ovo bi bilo fantastično,da vlasnik kluba svojim parama sazida stadion,i da neki isti takav vlasnik,svojim parama sazida sajam ,expo ili kakav vašar.To bi svakako bio, siguran pokazatelj pravog zlatnog doba.
Zašto to nije moguće,nije moguće,zato što su oba projekta finansijski neodrživa i nesiplativa,i zato to nikome nije palo na pamet.Palo je napamet,samo onima koji nemaju svoj novac,pa će novac da uzmu od građana,sazidaju tuđim parama,stanove prodaju od besplatnog zemljišta,i na kraju zaposle svoje tetkičine i sestričine,u te nove državne jasle,koje nikada,ali nikada,ne mogu da budu profitabilne.
Zato se valjda ljudi i grabe za političku funkciju,samo tu mogu bez svojih para,da naprave svoje pare.
Zato je trebao Expo,da sirotinji raji,dočara neviđeni uspeh,kako je nešro neprofitabilno i gubitaški,zapravo profitabilno,i da će Beograd da procveta,a neće,jer će posle tog cvetanja,zapasti u samrtni ropac,troškova održavanja,kada ta vašarska šatra ugasi svoje svetlo,i kada se građani vrate ovozemaljskom životu,posle par meseci te belosvetske svetkovine,ili par utakmica svog voljenog kluba, koji je svake godine sve dužniji i ružniji.
Poslednja izmena:
Zanimljiv tekst o projektu za izložbeni prostor u Surčinu. Naravno, sa stranog portala. Meni se samo čino da ovi "naši" n'umeju to da naprave:


27/06/2023. [BELGRADE] SERBIA

The Spanish studio Fenwick Iribarren Architects (FIA) has been the author of the project presented by Serbia for the 2027 Belgrade Expo.

This Expo will be held between May 15 and August 15, 2027 under the motto "Game for humanity: sport and music for all" and will be located southwest of the city, close to the Nikola Tesla airport and the Sava river, in an area of expansion and growth of the city. The enclosure will have 170,000 sqm of commercial, leisure, restaurant and rest spaces.
Expo 2027 will be held in Serbia with a project by Fenwick Iribarren. Rendering.

The project carried out by the Fenwick Iribarren Architects studio is based on seven large fair pavilions to house the different participating countries, and together in an outdoor area, different national pavilions from various countries, three thematic pavilions and the National Pavilion of Serbia. Once finished, the Expo will be able to continue operating as a traditional fairground, since the large pavilions can be reused later, to host concerts or performances of all kinds, while the outer pavilions will be dismantled, leaving an esplanade that serves as support for the Fair.

The complex is distributed around a large square where the Serbian National Pavilion will be located. From here, the rest of the pavilions can be accessed through large avenues with green areas. In addition, the project is designed under a philosophy of user well-being and in which sustainability and energy efficiency prevail through the use of solar energy, wind energy and water treatment.

Rendering of Expo 2027 will be held in Serbia with a project by Fenwick Iribarren.

Description of project by Fenwick Iribarren Architects

The project of the Spanish architects Fenwick Iribarren gives victory to Serbia at Expo 2027

Its innovative design, similar to that of the revolutionary 974 recyclable stadium in Qatar, allows Belgrade to beat Malaga's bid

The Spanish studio Fenwick Iribarren Architects (FIA), creator of the innovative 974 stadium that caused great international admiration during the last World Cup in Qatar, has been the author of the design and development of the project presented by Serbia for the 2027 Belgrade Expo and that has managed to prevail over the rest of the candidacies, including that of the city of Malaga.

The Expo will be held between May 15 and August 15, 2027, under the motto "Game for humanity: sport and music for all". The new facility will be located to the southwest of the city, close to the Nikola Tesla airport and the Sava River, in an area of expansion and growth for the city.


Rendering of Expo 2027 will be held in Serbia with a project by Fenwick Iribarren.

The project presented by Fenwick Iribarren has been carried out in association with the engineering company Massino Projekt and includes a surface area of 170,000 metres. It has an emblematic entrance building and some pergolas that are reminiscent of each of the mountains near Belgrade that houses cafeterias, restaurants, office spaces, and rooms.

The general design is based on a large fairground with green and exhibition spaces, which will be the legacy of this Expo for the city, and another external area of removable pavilions combining future and sustainability. In total, there will be seven large fair pavilions to house the different participating countries, and together in an outdoor area, different national pavilions from various countries, three thematic pavilions and the National Pavilion of Serbia. In addition, it is planned that the complex will house the new National Stadium in Belgrade next to the fair area in the future.

Once finished, the Expo will be able to continue operating as a traditional fairground since the large pavilions can be reused later to host concerts or performances of all kinds, while the outer pavilions will be dismantled and the resulting esplanade will serve as support for the Fair.


Rendering of Expo 2027 will be held in Serbia with a project by Fenwick Iribarren.

This concept of removable and reusable buildings is the same one used by Fenwick Iribarren in Stadium 974 of the recent World Cup in Qatar. This project, together with the Al Thumama and Education City stadiums, caused great expectations worldwide due to its innovative and sustainable nature. The studio received the Gold Medal for Spanish professional excellence for the work carried out at the World Cup in Qatar.

As for its configuration, the Belgrade Expo 2027 complex is distributed around a large square, Tesla Square, in which a large dome is located where the Serbian National Pavilion will be installed. From this large square, it will be possible to access the set of pavilions through large avenues endowed with innumerable green and landscaped areas. Tesla Square will be crowned by an installation that pays tribute to this Serbian engineer, a well-known figure in the country. To this is added the existence of numerous sculptures and works of art spread over all the exterior surfaces, which coexist as areas of fun and play.

The most sustainable Expo in history

Next to the main entrance, there is a large communications hub, with taxi ranks and municipal and tourist buses, as well as an area for bicycles. It also has different means of transport to facilitate internal circulation throughout the Expo site.


Rendering of Expo 2027 will be held in Serbia with a project by Fenwick Iribarren.

The project is designed under the "Blue Architecture" philosophy of the Fenwick Iribarren studio, which gives great priority to the well-being of the users of said buildings and humanizes the rooms. The design, in turn, prioritizes the sustainability and energy efficiency of the venue, so that the Belgrade Expo will be the first in history to make maximum use of solar energy through the implementation of numerous solar panels in the car parks and in high areas of the pavilions. The complex will be certified with maximum efficiency in the treatment of irrigation water and wastewater and will use wind energy as part of its supply sources. It has an innovative air conditioning system that distributes the air conditioning through the benches and seats located in the enclosure.

The enclosure also includes large commercial spaces, rest and leisure/sports areas, as well as numerous restaurant and service areas. In total, it has almost 10,000 meters of restaurants and 4,600 meters of commercial areas. It also contemplates the provision of accessory services (lost property office, medical clinic, etc.) to promote the comfort of visitors. And it has numerous parking spaces spread throughout the enclosure. Some parking areas will be managed by the system.

Izvor: Metalocus
Evo video sa druge teme koji daje nadu da ce sve da bude uradjeno kako treba i na vreme. Nema razloga za sumnju.

Evo video sa druge teme koji daje nadu da ce sve da bude uradjeno kako treba i na vreme. Nema razloga za sumnju.

Evo predlog kada se s pravom buni oko smeca. Ponesi kesu za djubre pa dok se setas okolo ti daj primer drugima pa to smece pokupi. Neka ti to bude preksa. Covek prodje pored i kaze vidi kesa, pa kralju baci je u smece nece ti pasti kruna s glave.
Него хајмо мало о техничким детаљима овог пројекта, може ли канализациона мрежа на НБГ да поднесе прикључење једног оваквог комплекса (и евентуално остатак насеља Сурчин)?
Jel mogu da se uzmu pare za expo, a da se zavrse neke druge stvari tipa kanalizacije i metro, pa da se to predstavi svetu?
Gde ces vece dostignuce za Beograd od ovih vekovnih teznji.
Чувени београдски биолошки интерцептор колектор - систем Дунав-Сава-Дунав, са троугластом дистрибуцијом: Лидо-Сурчин-Карабурма, и притокама ништа мањег доприноса:: мокролушким, миријевским, топчидерским потоцима. Највећи и најефикаснији фекални колектор у Европи. Може и да се уврсти на изложбу, сви туристи би пали на педу и дали свој допринос. Може и перформанс за Гиниса да се изведе.
Mogu i svi turisti da daju doprinos direktnim pražnjenjem bešike i creva direktno u "najveći i najefikasniji fekalni kolektor" sa najnovijeg mosta na Savi - bez posrednika. To bi zaista bilo za Ginisa. :LOL:
Чувени београдски биолошки интерцептор колектор - систем Дунав-Сава-Дунав, са троугластом дистрибуцијом: Лидо-Сурчин-Карабурма, и притокама ништа мањег доприноса:: мокролушким, миријевским, топчидерским потоцима. Највећи и најефикаснији фекални колектор у Европи. Може и да се уврсти на изложбу, сви туристи би пали на педу и дали свој допринос. Може и перформанс за Гиниса да се изведе.

Ja bi u tom interceptoru-kolektoru koji je izgradjen do Višnjice postavio kolosek i pustio voz da ide. :)
