Da li su velike boginje ikada postale kao grip? Ili crna kuga? Tuberkuloza?MC_":1xjs3nc0 je napisao(la):Pisali su mnogi ovde "kako je san svakog virusa da postane koa virus gripa", bezopasan i cest.
Medjutim, svaki novi soj korone je sve opasniji.
Kako to?
When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
Here are the key issues:
Natural immunity. By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.
We have known about natural immunity from disease at least since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC. Pilots, truckers and longshoremen know about it, and nurses know it better than anyone. Under Fauci's mandates, hospitals are firing heroic nurses who recovered from COVID they contracted while caring for patients. With their superior immunity, they can safely care for the oldest and frailest patients with even lower transmission risk than the vaccinated.
Protecting the elderly. While anyone can get infected, there is more than a thousand-fold difference in mortality risk between the old and the young. After more than 700,000 reported COVID deaths in America, we now know that lockdowns failed to protect high-risk older people. When confronted with the idea of focused protection of the vulnerable, Dr. Fauci admitted he had no idea how to accomplish it, arguing that it would be impossible. That may be understandable for a lab scientist, but public health scientists have presented many concrete suggestions that would have helped, had Fauci and other officials not ignored them.
What can we do now to minimize COVID mortality? Current vaccination efforts should focus on reaching people over 60 who are neither COVID-recovered nor vaccinated, including hard-to-reach, less-affluent people in rural areas and inner cities. Instead, Dr. Fauci has pushed vaccine mandates for children, students and working-age adults who are already immune—all low-risk populations—causing tremendous disruption to labor markets and hampering the operation of many hospitals.
School closures. Schools are major transmission points for influenza, but not for COVID. While children do get infected, their risk for COVID death is minuscule, lower than their already low risk of dying from the flu. Throughout the 2020 spring wave, Sweden kept daycare and schools open for all its 1.8 million children ages 1 to 15, with no masks, testing or social distancing. The result? Zero COVID deaths among children and a COVID risk to teachers lower than the average of other professions. In fall 2020, most European countries followed suit, with similar results. Considering the devastating effects of school closures on children, Dr. Fauci's advocacy for school closures may be the single biggest mistake of his career.
Masks. The gold standard of medical research is randomized trials, and there have now been two on COVID masks for adults. For children, there is no solid scientific evidence that masks work. A Danish study found no statistically significant difference between masking and not masking when it came to coronavirus infection. In a study in Bangladesh, the 95 percent confidence interval showed that masks reduced transmission between 0 percent and 18 percent. Hence, masks are either of zero or limited benefit. There are many more critical pandemic measures that Dr. Fauci could have emphasized, such as better ventilation in schools and hiring nursing home staff with natural immunity.
Contact tracing. For some infectious diseases, such as Ebola and syphilis, contact tracing is critically important. For a commonly circulating viral infection such as COVID, it was a hopeless waste of valuable public health resources that did not stop the disease.
Collateral public health damage. A fundamental public health principle is that health is multidimensional; the control of a single infectious disease is not synonymous with health. As an immunologist, Dr. Fauci failed to properly consider and weigh the disastrous effects lockdowns would have on cancer detection and treatment, cardiovascular disease outcomes, diabetes care, childhood vaccination rates, mental health and opioid overdoses, to name a few. Americans will live with—and die from—this collateral damage for many years to come.
In private conversations, most of our scientific colleagues agree with us on these points. While a few have spoken up, why are not more doing so? Well, some tried but failed. Others kept silent when they saw colleagues slandered and smeared in the media or censored by Big Tech. Some are government employees who are barred from contradicting official policy. Many are afraid of losing positions or research grants, aware that Dr. Fauci sits on top of the largest pile of infectious disease research money in the world. Most scientists are not experts on infectious disease outbreaks. Were we, say, oncologists, physicists or botanists, we would probably also have trusted Dr. Fauci.
The evidence is in. Governors, journalists, scientists, university presidents, hospital administrators and business leaders can continue to follow Dr. Anthony Fauci or open their eyes. After 700,000-plus COVID deaths and the devastating effects of lockdowns, it is time to return to basic principles of public health.
Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., is an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine. Both are Senior Scholars at the newly formed Brownstone Institute.
The views expressed in this article are the writers' own.
Ti baš voliš da ističeš kako si pametniji i od lekara čija je uža specijalnost vezana za kovid. :wink:[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=896834#p896834:2hyrenrr je napisao(la):chiko » 07 Nov 2021 20:05[/url]":2hyrenrr]Ove "trash" tekstove vise niko normalan ne uzima za ozbiljno.
Jedino se loze likovi koji misle da time dobijaju na vaznosti, jer su eto oni otkrili svecku zaveru farmakomafije/duboke drzave/.../dopisati po zelji, i da su pametniji od svih doktora koji su jadni gubili silne godine po univerzitetima i klinikama, a istina je dostupna na dva klika.
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.
We also urge journalists and other individuals who report on medical research to the general public to consider this when discussing work that appears on medRxiv preprints and emphasize it has yet to be evaluated by the medical community and the information presented may be erroneous.
Our study has several limitations. First, as the Delta variant was the dominant strain in Israel during the outcome period, the decreased long-term protection of the vaccine compared to that afforded by previous infection cannot be ascertained against other strains. Second, our analysis addressed protection afforded solely by the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine, and therefore does not address other vaccines or long-term protection following a third dose, of which the deployment is underway in Israel. Additionally, as this is an observational real-world study, where PCR screening was not performed by protocol, we might be underestimating asymptomatic infections, as these individuals often do not get tested.
Lastly, although we controlled for age, sex, and region of residence, our results might be affected by differences between the groups in terms of health behaviors (such as social distancing and mask wearing), a possible confounder that was not assessed. As individuals with chronic illness were primarily vaccinated between December and February, confounding by indication needs to be considered; however, adjusting for obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer and immunosuppression had only a small impact on the estimate of effect as compared to the unadjusted OR. Therefore, residual confounding by unmeasured factors is unlikely.
This analysis demonstrated that natural immunity affords longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization due to the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Notably, individuals who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant. The long-term protection provided by a third dose, recently administered in Israel, is still unknown.
Tako da - tacno, imunitet se moze steci prelezavanjem, i vakcinisanjem. Koliko je jedan "jaci" od drugog - ostaje da se potvrdi. Koliko jedan TRAJE duze od drugog, zavisi od gomile dodatnih faktora, i to takodje treba tek da se utvrdi, ako ikada (sto zbog metodologije sto zbog novih sojeva). I naravno, neko istrazivanje kako na sve uticu buster doze vakcina.Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
Pa, koja god bude potvrdjena kao potpuno tacna od strane naucne zajednice, nijedna ne tvrdi da nam vakcine ne koriste bilo da smo prelezali kovid ili ne.In this U.S.-based epidemiologic analysis of patients hospitalized with COVID-19–like illness whose previous infection or vaccination occurred 90–179 days earlier, vaccine-induced immunity was more protective than infection-induced immunity against laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, including during a period of Delta variant predominance. All eligible persons should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible, including unvaccinated persons previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Ljudi koji dobiju neke simptome prehlade, preleze to i sami sebi kazu da su prelezali kovid bez odlaska kod doktora ili testiranja. Oni potom mogu da se setaju okolo misleci da su "zasticeni" iako sustinski nisu
Ljudi koji su prelezali kovid, ali nisu stekli imunitet ili im je isti oslabljen zbog drugih razloga
Zatim imamo odredjen broj "false positive" ljudi koji dobiju rezultat da su pozitivni na kovid iako nisu, oni isto mogu doci u problem
Ljudi koji su prelezali kovid, sa vakcinom mogu da dobiju dodatnu zastitu
I naravno, svi ostali koji ne zele da rizikuju odlazak u bolnicu i tezu klinicku sliku.
Tako da - tacno, imunitet se moze steci prelezavanjem, i vakcinisanjem. Koliko je jedan "jaci" od drugog - ostaje da se potvrdi. Koliko jedan TRAJE duze od drugog, zavisi od gomile dodatnih faktora, i to takodje treba tek da se utvrdi, ako ikada (sto zbog metodologije sto zbog novih sojeva). I naravno, neko istrazivanje kako na sve uticu buster doze vakcina.
Hospitalized adults aged ≥18 years with COVID-19–like illness were included if they had received testing at least twice: once associated with a COVID-19–like illness hospitalization during January–September 2021 and at least once earlier (since February 1, 2020, and ≥14 days before that hospitalization).
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=896951#p896951:swr9k1m2 je napisao(la):mariks » Pon Nov 08, 2021 12:33 pm[/url]":swr9k1m2]
Po tvrdnjama "struke" ovo je nemoguće. može biti false negative ali lažno pozitivan ne. Naravno s obzirom da smo mi mnogo "sposobni", da imamo odlično zdravstvo i da je nemoguće da dodje do kontaminacije uzoraka slažem se da je neko moguće biti i false pozitivan.
On je pulmolog, i u toj uskoj oblasti je verovatno dobar (mada nisam siguran, nisam pratio tu oblast, ali dopustam da jeste).[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=896931#p896931:1874j1z9 je napisao(la):ŽeljkoNV » Pon Nov 08, 2021 11:22 am[/url]":1874j1z9]@chiko
Hoćete da kažete da Nestorović ne zna ono za šta je školovan?