Šta je novo?

Epidemija CoViD-19

Da li ćete se vakcinisati i kojom vakcinom?

  • Da - Sinopharm

    Glasovi: 32 10,1%
  • Da - Sputnik V

    Glasovi: 25 7,9%
  • Da - Pfizer-BioNTech

    Glasovi: 81 25,6%
  • Da - bilo kojom dostupnom vakcinom

    Glasovi: 49 15,5%
  • Da - AstraZeneca

    Glasovi: 23 7,3%
  • Da - Moderna

    Glasovi: 2 0,6%
  • Nisam siguran sačekaću još

    Glasovi: 44 13,9%
  • Ne želim da se vakcinišem

    Glasovi: 60 19,0%

  • Ukupno glasača
Nisi napisao o čemu se priča, ja ne znam da li si mislio na učestalost ili druženje generalno i u odnosu na koje zemlje jer si spomenuo "masovnih i čestih druženja, velike fizičke bliskosti". Čak i Pantograf nije lepo zaključio šta je pisac hteo da kaže. Za nekoga ko tvrdi da voli da piše opširno i precizno nisi baš precizan. Takodje i turizam gde su jedno 10x jači od nas. Svakako ne možeš zaključiti o nekom narodu i šta su njihove navike, šta vole i ne vole... na osnovu čitanja na internetu. Po nekim tekstovima na internetu mi smo još uvek bradati brdjani koji sa puškama ubijaju svakoga ko im kaže dobar dan. Sa druge strane pored negovanja zdravlja imaju i druge extreme, a to su gojazni i depresivni ljudi, malo sunca jbg. Prosto se zapitaš gde su te silne "Švedjanske" koje se mogu videti na televiziji. :)
Osećam se kao kad mi je neka daleka rođaka koja nikad nije imala pasoš rekla da su Amerikanci 'arogantni'...
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=862431#p862431:15ma83vb je napisao(la):
mariks » 05 Jul 2021 04:25 pm[/url]":15ma83vb]Nisi napisao o čemu se priča, ja ne znam da li si mislio na učestalost ili druženje generalno i u odnosu na koje zemlje jer si spomenuo "masovnih i čestih druženja, velike fizičke bliskosti". Čak i Pantograf nije lepo zaključio šta je pisac hteo da kaže. Za nekoga ko tvrdi da voli da piše opširno i precizno nisi baš precizan. Takodje i turizam gde su jedno 10x jači od nas. Svakako ne možeš zaključiti o nekom narodu i šta su njihove navike, šta vole i ne vole... na osnovu čitanja na internetu. Po nekim tekstovima na internetu mi smo još uvek bradati brdjani koji sa puškama ubijaju svakoga ko im kaže dobar dan. Sa druge strane pored negovanja zdravlja imaju i druge extreme, a to su gojazni i depresivni ljudi, malo sunca jbg. Prosto se zapitaš gde su te silne "Švedjanske" koje se mogu videti na televiziji. :)
Ne razumem šta se tu uopšte može pogrešno shvatiti. Svi koji pišu u ovoj temi znaju, ili bi trebali da znaju, staru kotraverzu oko Švedskog modela. Suština je da li strožijim ili manje stogim merama subijati širenje virusa, što ima za posledicu manje ili više mrtvih. U međuvremenu se pokazalo da je Švedski model skoro totralne slobode propao pošto su umereni lokdauni nekad nužni, pa su ga i oni sami krajnje razvodnili, pošto se pokazalo:

1. da su vakcine ipak stigle brzo, a ne kao što su oni verovali da će to dugo trajati, pa se zato tobože isplati ići na prirodno prokužavanje jer će "tako brže doći do kolektivnog imuniteta"
2. da imaju drastično više mrtvih od susednih i uporedivih zemalja
3. da zbog tako skupo postignute lične slobode nisu imali čak ni ekonomskih prednosti u odnosu na susedne zemlje sa lokadunima
4. da prirodno stečeni imunitet takođe polako nestaje pred novim sojevima virusa, isto kao i onaj dobijen vakcinama, pa svo to umiranje nije postiglo baš ništa, pošto ih, ako se ovo produži, OPET čeka ili vakcinacija, ili novi ciklus u kome svi treba PONOVO da se razbole i budu "prirodno imunizovani"
5. A obaška što "prirodno prokužavanje" ogromnom brzinom generiše nove sojeve virusa, pošto se deli i mutira pravi virus, na umrtvljena vakcina u fabrici vakcina. A onda opet sledi novi ciklus razboljevanja "po Švedskom modelu"...

Ukratko, čitava ideja je tako ispala totalno debilna, što je uostalom razlog što ih niko ozbiljan odavno ne sledi.

E sad, iako je to potpuna propast cele njihove strategije, zagriženi branioci "ličnih sloboda" se i dalje hvataju za jednu stvar. Ma koliko da je Švedska loše prošla u poređenju sa sebi uporedivim susednim zemljama, ona ipak nija prošla baš onoliko loše koliko bi se očekivalo, pa su čak bili i bolji od nekih Evropskih zemlja. I upravo se TA pojava objašnjava onim što sam ranije rekao. Švedska nije prošla JOŠ LOŠIJE samo zato što U ODNOSU na druge zemlje ima neke posebne prednosti. Ljudi u većoj meri OD DRUGIH ZEMALJA dobrovoljno slede preporuke medicinskih vlasti čak i kad nema zabrana, manje se često druže U ODNOSU na druge zemlje, to kraće traje nego U DRUGIM ZEMLJAMA, prosečna domaćinstva imaju manje članova OD DRUGIH ZEMALJA, gustina stanovanja u državi je manja OD DRUGIH ZEMALJA ... itd, itd ... sve su to uvek i samo odnosi. Šta bi drugo uopšte moglo da bude u ovom kontekstu sem ODNOSA veličina pojedinih faktora u Švedskoj i drugde? Ista ta Švedska strategija bi u drugim zemljma dala još lošije rezultate nego u Švedskoj, pa zato njihova strategija ne bi bila prenosiva čak i kad bi bila dobra za njih same, prosto zato što je ODNOS svih tih kulturnih navika koji ometaju slobodno širenje virusa takav da u zbiru ide na ruku Šveđanima (čak i sa lošom strategijom), a drugima ne. Niko ne kaže da se oni UOPŠTE ne druže i sve ono ostalo. Ali to u zbiru svih tih faktora ipak, kao severnjačka zemlja, rade manje OD DRUGIH koji su više na jugu (opet odnos). Ukratko, stategija niti valja za njih, niti bi bila prenosiva u druge države i da valja, jer su u kulturnom smislu dovoljno drugačiji u mnogim stvarima koje su u epidemijama važne. Zato nisu JOŠ gori nego što jesu, a ne zato što im je strategija dobra. O tome je bilo puno priče, a na Internetu imate mnogo analiza, i ja sam to ovde pričao još na samom početku. Ne mogu stalno da ponavljam za sve koji ne čitaju ili ne razumeju. Spamuje se tema i čitavim morem besmislica odvlači pažnja od korisnih poruka.
A zašto se Švedska ne bi uporedila sa Češkom ili Belgijom?
A sta se desava sa Ceskom i Belgijom? Pitam stvarno, ne znam, ne mogu da ispratim svaku zemlju ponaosob.
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=862470#p862470:2cvusyr1 je napisao(la):
Navip » 05 Jul 2021 07:40 pm[/url]":2cvusyr1]A zašto se Švedska ne bi uporedila sa Češkom ili Belgijom?
Zato što se u svakom ispravno dizajniranom eksperimentu uvek menja samo po JEDNA promenljiva veličina (a ne više njih istovremeno), da bi se znalo šta je od mnogih stvari koje bi mogle da utiču na rezultat ono što zaista menja taj rezultat.

U ovom slučaju znamo da je Švedski model primenjen u Švedskoj, a nije u Češkoj, pa gledajući kretanje broja zaraženih u obe zemlje pokušavamo da otkrijemo da li je Švedski model dobar ili loš. Recimo da li je zbog toga Češka prošla bitno gore nego Švedska, ili isto, ili bolje. To je u ovom slučaju naš "eksperiment". Međutim, da bi broj zaraženih zavisio samo od toga da li je primenjen Švedski model, Češka i Švedska bi morale da budu sto sličnije u svemu drugom što bi TAKOĐE moglo da utiče na broj zaraženih. Inače ne znamo zašto je broj zaraženih ispao drugačiji, ako ispadne drugačiji. Zbog toga se zemlje porede samo sa sebi što sličnijim zemljama, dakle Švedska sa recimo Norveškom i Finskom koji su joj susdi, pa dele i istu klimu i sličnu istoriju i običaje. Češka je od njih previše različita, pa kad vidimo da se razlikuju po broju zaraženih i dalje ne znamo zašto se razlikuju, budući da ima previše mogućih uzroka te razlike (a ne - idealno - samo jedan, tj primena ili odustajanje od Švedskog modela).
Španija je pojedine delove Finske stavila na crvenu listu ??? Što je apsurd dok su španska letovališta po brojevima otišla u nebesa , čak četiri puta više od Madrida i pozivaju nove turiste da dođu. Turizam im jeste petina BDP ali ne treba preterivati.
Primaju sve vakcinisane, sa bilokakvim testovima samo da dođu ne mareći za opšte zdravlje.
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=862470#p862470:2czra79v je napisao(la):
Navip » 05 Jul 2021 07:40 pm[/url]":2czra79v]A zašto se Švedska ne bi uporedila sa Češkom ili Belgijom?
Zato što su, za razliku od mirnih i povučenih Šveđana, Česi, a posebno Belgijanci, među njima naročito Flamanci, kraljevi splavova i noćnog života, hipersocijalna bića koja imaju bezbroj kontakata, što u okviru svojih velikih porodica i rodbine, što u vršnjačkim i ostalim socijalnim grupama.
Ko se ne vakciniše - grešnik i mora da se iskupljuje do kraja života?

Ruska pravoslavna crkva osudila je ljude koji odbijaju vakcinaciju protiv kovida 19 kao grešnike i poručila im da će morati da se iskupljuju do kraja života.

Zato što se Rusija suočava sa još jednim skokom broja novih infekcija i smrtnih slučajeva.

Crkva je pozvala sve svoje vernike da se vakcinišu pošto je danas registrovano još 24.353 nova slučaja kovida19, od kojih 6.557 u Moskvi, čime je ukupan broj zaraženih od koronavirusa od početka pandemije porastao na 5.635.294, preneo je Rojters.

Vladina radna grupa za borbu protiv pandemije koronavirusa saopštila je da su u protekla 24 časa od uzroka povezanih s koronavirusom preminula 654 čoveka, pa ukupan broj smrtnih slučajeva iznosi 138.579.

Govoreći na državnoj televiziji, mitropolit Ilarion, šef odeljenja Moskovske patrijaršije za spoljne crkvene odnose, rekao je da oni koji odbijaju da se vakcinišu čine greh za koji će morati da se iskupljuju tokom svog života.

"Svakodnevno svedočim situacijama kada ljudi posećuju sveštenika kako bi priznali da su odbili da vakcinišu sebe ili svoje bližnje i nevoljno prouzrokovali nečiju smrt", rekao je mitropolit Ilarion.

On je istakao da je greh misliti samo na sebe, a ne i na drugu osobu.

https://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.ph ... id=1886541
Džabe se i crkva uključuje kad 62% Rusa ne veruje u ruske vakcine. I jedna trećina lekara.
U kojoj meri je sinofarmova vakcina efikasna protiv D soja?
https://www.timesofisrael.com/ministry- ... lta-cases/

Ministry data said to show Pfizer shot blocks majority of serious Delta cases
Figures reportedly indicate vaccine less effective against contagion from variant, but hospitalizations remain low; officials said weighing use of Moderna for 2nd dose for over 18s

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine appears to largely prevent hospitalization and serious cases, but is significantly less effective against preventing the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

New Health Ministry figures reported by the Ynet news site indicated that over the past month, the vaccine, which has been the one used for almost all vaccinated Israelis, has been just 64 percent effective in preventing coronavirus infection. The data reportedly shows that during May, when the strain was less prevalent, the vaccine was 94.3% effective.

According to Ynet, the figures were presented Sunday evening at a meeting of a team of experts advising the government on its handling of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, a study from researchers at the Hebrew University and Hadassah University Medical Center indicated that the Pfizer vaccine is 60-80% effective against infection from the Delta strain.

The Delta variant, which is believed to be twice as contagious as the original strain of COVID-19, is thought to be responsible for 90% of new cases in Israel over the past two weeks.

The Health Ministry figures, however, report that the vaccine is still considerably effective against preventing serious symptoms and hospitalization. During May that figure stood at 98.2%, according to the data obtained by Ynet, and during June it was 93%.

But the researchers at Hebrew University warned that it was too early to fully tell how effective the vaccine is at preventing hospitalization.

“Due to the recognized delay in serious morbidity (by about 10 days), there is not currently enough data to predict how the current wave of infections will be expressed in serious cases,” wrote the researchers.

They added that while serious cases are expected to rise in the coming weeks, data from Singapore and the UK indicate that the Pfizer vaccine is still overwhelmingly effective at preventing the most serious symptoms.

The researchers urged the government to take immediate measures to halt the current rise in cases, including greater enforcement of the indoor mask mandate, boosting vaccination rates and the return of the “Green Pass” system, which limits access to some venues and events to only those who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from the illness.

Israel’s stockpile of Pfizer vaccines is slated to expire at the end of July, and it is working on several approaches to deal with the situation. The Prime Minister’s Office said on Sunday that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has held several conversations in recent days with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to weigh bringing forward the date of the next shipment, or brokering a swap deal with another country for Israel’s expiring doses. Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said Sunday evening that Israel was in advanced talks with another country on a swap deal.

Army Radio reported Monday morning that Israel is expected to begin using its Moderna stockpile once the Pfizer doses expire — just for those over age 18 — and is also considering giving a second dose of the Moderna vaccine to people who received a first dose from Pfizer, something already being done in Spain and Germany.

To that end, according to Army Radio, Israel has requested and received approval from Pfizer to delay its final decision on purchasing another 1 million doses from the company.

The coronavirus cabinet is slated to meet Tuesday evening to weigh a series of new restrictions amid the rise in new cases. The potential steps reportedly under consideration include the return of limits on large gatherings, the reinstatement of the Green Pass, and requiring vaccinated parents of infected children to quarantine until they receive a negative test.

As of Monday, there were 2,597 active cases in Israel after 343 people tested positive for COVID a day earlier.

There were 68 people hospitalized and 35 in serious condition. A week ago there were just 22 people in serious condition.

https://fortune.com/2021/07/05/israel-d ... riant/amp/

Israel has recorded a steep drop in the efficacy rate of the Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech SE in preventing coronavirus infections, due to the spread of the delta variant and the easing of government restrictions, Ynet news website reported, citing Health Ministry data.

At the same time, the decline in protection against serious cases and hospitalization is considerably milder, the website said. There was no immediate comment from the ministry.

The figures show that between May 2 and June 5, the vaccine had a 94.3% efficacy rate. From June 6, five days after the government canceled coronavirus restrictions, until early July, the rate plunged to 64%. A similar decline was recorded in protection against coronavirus symptoms, the report said.
At the same time, protection against hospitalization and serious illness remained strong. From May 2 to June 5, the efficacy rate in preventing hospitalization was 98.2%, compared with 93% from June 6 to July 3. A similar decline in the rate was recorded for the vaccine’s efficiency in preventing serious illness among people who had been inoculated.

These figures are in line with ministry data that show that many of the new cases are among people who have been vaccinated, while the number of serious cases is rising much more slowly, Ynet said. Last Friday, 55% of the newly infected had been vaccinated, the website said. As of July 4, there were 35 serious cases of coronavirus in Israel, compared with 21 on June 19.

The government is considering reinstating additional coronavirus-related restrictions after restoring a mandate to wear masks indoors in public spaces. Officials are also discussing whether to recommend a third dose of vaccine, the report said.
Џавиде, краљино.

"Ne može samo korona, korona, korona"

London -- Britanski ministar zdravlja Said Džavid smatra da svet više ne može samo da razmišlja o kovid-19 i da ignoriše druga kritična pitanja.

"Ne možemo živeti u svetu u kojem je jedino o čemu razmišljamo kovid, a da izbegavamo sve ostale zdravstvene izazove, naše ekonomske i probleme u obrazovanju i zato moramo da primenjujemo vakcinu koja na sreću deluje", rekao je Džavid danas za Skaj Njuz, prenosi Rojters.

On je naglasio da je u trenutku kada je krajem juna preuzeo ovaj resor bio šokiran činjenicom da se oko sedam miliona ljudi nije obratilo zdravstvenoj službi tokom pandemije za pomoć sa svojim zdravstvenim problemima koji nisu povezani sa korona vurusom.

Џлинк: https://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=06&nav_category=78&nav_id=1886678
И то је последица короне. Људи се плаше да оду код лекара јер шта ако неко у чекаоници има корону?
Da li imate problema sa čulom mirisa? Ja sam u martu preležao, standardno izgubio miris na desetak dana, vratilo se sve u normalu posle oko 3 nedelje.

Međutim, pre nekih mesec dana neke stvari počele da mi smrde i imaju čudan ukus. Prvo sam pomislio da je do domaćih jaja koje sam krenuo da uzimam na pijaci (uz njih sam počeo da osećam taj miris, ali samo ako su na oko ili kuvana, kajgana ništa), ali sa vremena na vreme osetim taj neki čudan ukus / miris i kada jedem / mirišem nešto drugo.
Ja bih rekao da ti je mozda imunitet odreagovao. Bas sam hteo da napisem da su ljudi oko mene poceli da se razboljevaju, vecinom neprelezani i poneki vakcinisani i zena koja je prelezala. Da li je delta soj ili neki drugi virus ko zna, na televiziji danas krive "zarazene komarce". U laboratoriji su joj rekli "haos poslednjih dana". Pre nekih mesec je bio rotavirus, ali sta je sada... Do zime cemo svi biti imunizovani :)
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=862577#p862577:371qdyvz je napisao(la):
Пантограф » Uto Jul 06, 2021 9:13 am[/url]":371qdyvz]Џавиде, краљино.

"Ne može samo korona, korona, korona"

London -- Britanski ministar zdravlja Said Džavid smatra da svet više ne može samo da razmišlja o kovid-19 i da ignoriše druga kritična pitanja.

"Ne možemo živeti u svetu u kojem je jedino o čemu razmišljamo kovid, a da izbegavamo sve ostale zdravstvene izazove, naše ekonomske i probleme u obrazovanju i zato moramo da primenjujemo vakcinu koja na sreću deluje", rekao je Džavid danas za Skaj Njuz, prenosi Rojters.

On je naglasio da je u trenutku kada je krajem juna preuzeo ovaj resor bio šokiran činjenicom da se oko sedam miliona ljudi nije obratilo zdravstvenoj službi tokom pandemije za pomoć sa svojim zdravstvenim problemima koji nisu povezani sa korona vurusom.

Џлинк: https://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=06&nav_category=78&nav_id=1886678

O tome pišem odavno i ne treba biti ni na kakvoj funkciji da bi video da je lečenje ljudi bukvalno stalo.
Treba da bude šokiran činjenicom da to stanje traje preko godinu dana i da je to jedan od generatora viška smrti.

Izrael se vraća maskama i ograničenjima.
https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-07- ... ypass.html

Israel data 'preliminary signal' Delta variant can bypass vaccine: expert

Rising coronavirus cases in Israel, where most residents are inoculated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, offer "a preliminary signal" the vaccine may be less effective in preventing mild illness from the Delta variant, a top expert said Monday.
But Ran Balicer, chairman of Israel's national expert panel on COVID-19, stressed it was "too early to precisely assess vaccine effectiveness against the variant" first identified in India in April that is surging across the globe.

That is partly due to the overall low number of cases among fully vaccinated Israelis, and because exposure to the virus and the likelihood of being tested are not evenly distributed across the population, further complicating efforts to reach conclusions about the data.

Balicer, also the chief innovation officer at Clalit, Israel's largest health maintenance organisation (HMO), told AFP that the Delta variant's emergence as the "dominant strain" in the country has led to a "massive shift in the transmission dynamic".

Israel's vaccine rollout that began in December was one of the world's fastest, making the Jewish state a closely-watched case study on whether mass inoculation offers a path out of the pandemic.

Vaccinations had brought transmission down to about five local new cases per day, but that figure has risen to around 300 in recent days, with the Delta variant raging.

About half of the daily cases are among children, and half are among mostly vaccinated adults.

"To some extent that could be expected since 85 percent of Israeli adults are vaccinated," Balicer said.

"But the rates in which we see these breakthrough cases make some believe they extend beyond that expected point and suggest some decrease in vaccine effectiveness against mild illness—but not severe illness—is likely."

The number of severe cases among vaccinated Israelis has risen in recent days from roughly one every two days up to five cases per day, Balicer said.

He said it was also too early to draw conclusions about the vaccine's effectiveness against serious illness caused by the Delta variant.

But, he added, experts "remain hopeful that the vaccine effectiveness against serious illness will remain as high as it was for the alpha strain" identified for the first time in Britain in December.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned Sunday, ahead of a weekly cabinet meeting, that "with the Delta variant running amok," Israel may have to reintroduce certain restrictions that were lifted last month to curb transmission.

Balicer said it was unlikely Israel could contain rising cases without further restrictions being reimposed, but voiced hope they would be mild and that Israel's "vaccine wall" of inoculated citizens will help reduce further spread.

"It is encouraging that we still maintain zero deaths for the last twelve days," he further said.
Сад, ако ће "mild illness" неком да утиче на живот... ја му нећу сметати.
Nekom mild a nekom o glavi i to ti neće smetati ???
A korona je kao prehlada dođe i prođe ?
https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-07- ... unami.html

Tunisia hospitals struggle with COVID 'tsunami'

Tunisian hospitals are battling to keep operating as the number of people dying of COVID-19 spikes and bodies are left in rooms because mortuaries are running at full capacity.
"Some patients have died without us realising it," said Imen Fteiti a nurse at the Ibn Jazzar hospital in the central city of Kairouan, one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

Some bodies of COVID victims have been left lying in rooms, next to other patients, for up to 24 hours because there were not enough staff to organise their transfer to overstretched mortuaries.

Tunisia has officially recorded more than 15,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic last year with the toll rising in recent weeks.

More than 600 COVID patients are in intensive care units around the country, and authorities have set up field hospitals to cope with a crisis they have compared to a "tsunami".

Doctors, nurses and non-governmental organisations have sounded the alarm particularly for Kairouan, a marginalised region where intensive care beds and oxygen supplies are lacking.

"We have reached a point where we don't know who to assist first," Fteiti said.

In Kairouan, 5,500 litres (195 cubic feet) of oxygen are now needed daily to treat those stricken by COVID compared to 400-500 litres two weeks ago before the number of cases spiked, regional health officials said.

And there are only 45 beds in intensive care units in Kairouan hospitals, both private and public, and just 250 oxygen cylinders are available, they added.

Since June 20, authorities have imposed a total lockdown on six regions across Tunisia, including Kairouan, as the number of COVID cases spiralled in the North African country.

The capital Tunis has been placed under partial lockdown since last week, with weekend lockdowns from July 10 to prevent crowds at beaches.

'Touch and go'

But the health situation in Kairouan, home to 593,000 people, is among the worst and for health workers it has become a nightmare.

At the Ibn Jazzar hospital there are only three nurses for 35 COVID patients.

"Our day begins very early in the morning and we never know when it will be over," said nurse Fteiti.

The day starts with caring for incoming patients who have slept on the floors of hospital corridors because no beds were available when they arrived, she said.

Fteiti recalled a young woman whose mother had just died of COVID who pleaded with her to check on her ill father. "Unfortunately, he too passed away," said the nurse.

Health officials say the daily number of COVID deaths in Kairouan has climbed to 20, including children.

"We have been through tough days with the ICU beds full," said regional health official Mohamed Rouiss.

When the spike began last month, patients from Kairouan could be transferred to other hospitals in the region.

"But now they too are full," he said.

Slah Soui, a doctor at Kairouan's second largest hospital Aghlabides, blames the situation on "recklessness" and people failing to respect hygiene rules, including social distancing.

But "a severe lack of vaccination" is also at fault, he said.

Tunisia has struggled with a lack of vaccines and launched its campaign in March, a month later than planned.

In the Kairouan region, just 95,000 people have registered to be vaccinated and only half of those have received a first dose.

Across Tunisia, only four percent of the population of 12 million have received the full two doses.

In June, the director of the Tunis Pasteur Institute Hechmi Louzir told reporters that the country had received only 1.6 million doses of vaccine.
Russia again posts record coronavirus deaths

https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-07- ... eaths.html

Russia reported 737 coronavirus deaths on Tuesday, a national record of pandemic-related fatalities over a 24-period, as the country battles a new surge in cases.
It marks the first time Russia, the fifth worst-hit country in the world for the number of infections, has crossed the 700-mark for daily virus deaths.

Russia has set six new pandemic highs for COVID-19 deaths in the last eight days as it fights a surging outbreak driven by the highly transmissible Delta variant.

In Moscow, the epicentre of Russia's outbreak, the Delta variant first identified in India now accounts for 90 percent of new cases, the city's mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said.

He has ordered offices to send home a third of their unvaccinated employees and restaurants to allow inside only patrons who have been vaccinated or infected in the past sixth months.

He has also mandated that 60 percent of service industry workers must be fully inoculated by mid-August.

As of Tuesday, just 1.8 million of Moscow's population of 12 million had been fully vaccinated, according to the Gogov website, which tallies COVID data from the regions.

Nationwide the total stood at just 18.2 million of Russia's some 146 million people.

Authorities have faced a vaccine-sceptic population, with an independent poll this week showing that 54 percent of Russians do not plan on getting a COVID jab.

The Kremlin had set a goal of fully inoculating 60 percent of Russia's population by September, but conceded last week that it would not be able to meet that target even though free jabs have been available since early December.

With 139,316 deaths from the virus, Russia has the highest official COVID toll in Europe—even as authorities have been accused of downplaying the severity of the country's outbreak.
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У Индији више хиљада људи вакцинисано сланом водом

Више хиљада људи у Индији постало је „плен” разрађене шеме преваре у оквиру које су продаване лажне вакцине против корона вируса и њима су људи вакцинисани, а међу ухапшенима су и лекари и медицински радници, саопштиле су данас индијске власти.

Најмање 12 лажних акција вакцинације одржано је у Мумбају или близу тог града, у западној индијској држави Махараштра, рекао је Вишал Такур, високи званичник полицијске управе Мумбаја, а преноси ЦНН.

„Користили су слану воду и убризгавали је. У сваком лажном кампу који су имали су радили ово”, изјавио је Такур.

Процењује се да је 2.500 људи добило лажне вакцине, а организатори вакцинације су наплаћивали те вакцине својим жртвама, зарадивши укупно 28.000 долара.

„Ухапсили смо лекаре. Користили су једну болницу која је производила лажне потврде, бочице, шприцеве”, изјавио је Такур, преноси Танјуг.

До сада је ухапшено 14 особа које се сумњиче за превару, покушај убиства, заверу и за још низ других кривичних дела.

Индију је између априла и почетка јуна захватио други талас корона вируса, који је заразио милионе и убио десетине хиљада људи широм земље.

Након врхунца таласа у мају, број дневних случајева је полако почео да опада, ублажавајући притисак на пренапрегнут медицински систем и омогућавајући властима да убрзају свој програм вакцинације.

http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/48273 ... anom-vodom