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Projekat za zaštitu sveta od otopljenog leda - Džinovska ostrva - lokvanji utočišta od poplava
22. 06. 2008.

Elementarne nepogode i katastrofe, poput poplava izazvanih globalnim zagrevanjem, lišile bi, prema proceni stručnjaka, ogroman broj ljudi krova nad glavom. Jedno od najspektakularnijih rešenja na polju borbe protiv ove vrste problema nosi slikoviti naziv „Lokvanj“ i delo je arhitekte vizionara Vinsenta Selbuta. Ovaj koncept predstavlja celokupan plutajući grad koji je rešen tako da sam obezbeđuje dovoljne količine svega što je potrebno za spašavanje izbeglica usled katastrofe izazvane izlivanjem okeana.

Inspiracija za ovo delo svakako se krije u biomimikriji, a svojim spoljašnjim dizajnom grad imitira džinovski lokvanj, kako i samo ime kaže. Objekat je u potpunosti opremljen svim tehnologijama koje omogućavaju iskorišćenje sunčeve energije, snage vetra itd. , a sve to u cilju samostalne proizvodnje celokupne energije potrebne za život ljudi na njenu. Pored toga, čitavo zdanje obloženo je slojem titanijum dioksida koji obezbeđuje nesmetanu apsorpciju i ispuštanje ugljen dioksida u atmosferu.

Svaki od lokvanja osmišljen je tako da može da primi 50 hiljada ljudi, koji bi na njemu bili okruženi prostorom nalik laguni, koji ima za cilj da boravak na objektu učini što prijatnijim. Ideja je da ovakvi „lokvanji“ plutaju ili blizu obale ili da se slobodno kreću pravcem kojim ih nosi topla Golfska struja (od Ekvatora ka Severnom moru).

Naravno, jasno je da je ovom projektu potrebno jako mnogo vremena kako bi zaživeo, ali čak i kao inspiracija, on je dovoljan pomak na polju arhitekture. Neko od ovakvih futurističkih rešenja jednog dana će spasiti veliki broj života.
Izvor: eKapija
Link: http://www.ekapija.com/website/sr/page/177361
ovo sam video na inhabitatu pre neki dan i odusevio se idejom, pitanje je koliko ce vremena proci dok ovakva vrsta zamisli ne postane stvarnost

Zgrada od 1001m u Kuvajtu,izgleda bas extra,mislim treba da se gradi.:)
Ovo je nastavak pričice o Viktoru i Viktoriji, par džinovskih statua:

Hanuman in Nandura, 32m

Laozi statue in Mount Mao,33m

Lord Shiva of Murudeshwara,37m

Guanyin of Mount Xiqiao,62m

Mother Motherland,62m

Rodina-Mat' Zovyot!, Mamayev Kurgan; Volgograd, 82m

Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako park, 88m

Sendai Daikannon,100m

Nanshan Haishang Guanyin,108m

Ushiku Daibutsu, Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, 110m

Weight: 4000 tons
Length of Left Hand: 18.0m
Length of Face: 20.0m
Length of Eye: 2.5m
Length of Mouth: 4.0m
Length of Nose: 1.2m
Length of Ear: 10.0m
Length of the First Finger: 7.0m
optočen bronzom

Spring Temple Buddha,Lushan, Henan, 128m (sa postoljem 153m), trenutno najviša statua na svetu

Ono što je interesantno je da, iako je najviša statua, mnogo je lakša od gore navedene, izlivena je od 1100 komada bronze, ukupne mase 1000t. Sama statua košta 18 miliona dolara, a ceo kompleks 55.

Lično, meni se najviše sviđa spoljni izgled (ne dizajn već materijal i boja) Nanshan Haishang Guanyin i Sendai Daikannon, obe statue su blago beloplave. Takav izgled bi se savršeno uklopio u naše okruženje.

Dakle, treba da damo kinezima ili japancima da grade ovih 6 statua, jer imaju najviše iskustva sa tim a nisu ni skupi. :)
Meka - u izgradnji :D


visina - 595m a kako to sada izgleda:
Fuuuck :o Oni ovo cudo grade pored Cabe ?! Neznaju sta ce sa parama vise... A stil je totalni Soviet-neostalinism :lol:
Uopste mi se ne svidja i ne pase tu. Jezivi nesklad sa svime okolo.
Floating City Proposed For Shanghai World Expo
by Justin Thomas, Virginia on 07.12.07


A team of Dutch designers recently revealed a plan to build a floating city on Shanghai’s Huangpu River. If built, the city will debut during World Expo Shanghai 2010. The floating city will have many green elements — it will use the water of the river for cooling and it the city will make use of renewable energy. However, one has to wonder if matters like sewage treatment and impact on the river environment have been addressed. The model of the construction on display at Shanghai Sculpture Space, has five honeycomb-like balls, one big one surrounded by four smaller ones, functioning as a 3D cinema, pubs, a shopping mall and theater. The biggest honeycomb will have a restaurant at the top floor 80 meters above the river, the report said.


The project would be part of the Expo’s “Urban Best Practices Area,” where cities have been invited to display their own innovative technologies to improve urban living conditions, said Eric Verwaal, of the Dutch Consulate-General in Shanghai.


"People living in the floating city can contact with people outside conveniently", said Michiel Fremouw, CEO of the designing company Deltasync. He went on to say that residents will be able to fish easily from their homes.

Izvor: treehugger.com
freedom ship, 25 spratova, 1600m dužine, 60.000 ljudi





projekat za brod - zgradu

dobar štos za pod, napunjen je tečnošću koja menja boju pod pritiskom

projekat za hotel u Šangaju


ovo stvarno postoji, zgrada radio stanice u Poljskoj

Ocean-Grown Homes: Wolf Hibertz Wants To Build Low-Cost Housing From The Sea
The seas absorb carbon dioxide from the airs. Wolf Hibertz wants to use it to build low-cost housing.
PM Illustration by David Schleinkofer
Published in the September 1997 issue.

A cargo ship drops anchor in choppy water 300 miles off the coast of North Africa. With practiced efficiency, its crew deploys the ship's crane and begins hauling house-size wire frames and reels of thick electrical cable from the hold. As quickly as this cargo appears topside, it is flung overboard, disappearing into the gray, swirling sea. When the decks are finally clear, the crew begins assembling floating solar panels that look like adult-size tinkertoys. The ship's engines rumble as the first of these ungainly structures is hoisted skyward and carefully deposited alongside. The activity continues until they form a vast spiral that dips below the horizon as the ship steams away. Five years later, a luxury cruise liner drops anchor at precisely the same place. Instead of finding bobbing rafts, the passengers lining its decks see the thriving island of Autopia Ampere. With a population of 50,000, it is the newest destination for "eco-tourists," an honor befitting its stature as the first city to rise from the sea.

All of this is the dream of German architect Wolf Hilbertz. It represents the ultimate application of the "mineral accretion" building technology he pioneered when he was an associate professor of architecture at the University of Texas. Simply put, Hilbertz has found a way to use sunlight to turn the minerals in seawater into limestone.

utopia Ampere will begin as a series of wire-mesh armatures anchored atop a sea mountain. Once in place, they will be connected to a supply of low-voltage direct current produced by solar panels. Over time, electrochemical reactions will draw minerals from the sea to the armatures, creating walls of calcium carbonate, which is what us landlubbers commonly call limestone. (See illustration on page 57.) In much the same way that a household sponge absorbs water, the oceans absorb CO2. By removing carbon-containing compounds from the oceans, the mineral accretion process would help reduce the buildup of CO2, which is a greenhouse gas.

The idea works in practice as well as theory. Hilbertz began modestly enough, by growing a coating of limestone on wooden piles wrapped in chicken wire at 30 piers on the coasts of Texas, Louisiana and California. He is now a visiting professor of architecture at the Hochschule fur Kunst in Bremen, Germany, and an adjunct professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and he has moved on to a larger project. He invited Popular Mechanics to see a sample of his handiwork that is using the same technology to build artificial reefs off Jamaica.

Working with the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society, Hilbertz now has five experimental reefs growing around the island. Three of the experiments use power from the shore. A fourth uses a "sacrificial anode," in effect making a wet-cell battery from nearby seawater. The fifth runs on solar power.

As a step toward his ultimate ocean-grown city, Hilbertz has planned to grow a self-sustaining island city on Seamount Ampere, which is situated about halfway between the Madeira Islands and the tip of Portugal. If constructed, it will extend 50 ft. down to the bottom of the Atlantic in that spot. Besides shallow water, the site offers good fishing, a dependable ocean current, and polymetallic nodules on the ocean floor that contain copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel and iron.

A huge limestone dam will surround the city, Hilbertz says, and building components will be grown in the sea, as shown in the illustration (right). Solar and wind generators will furnish power. So too will a thermal energy conversion system that will extract power from temperature differences among different ocean currents.

One of the cornerstones of the new city's economy would be "limestone farming." The mineral accretion technique that has built reefs in the Caribbean and that could one day build marine cities could also make building components for use on land. Using appropriately shaped wire forms, the minerals deposited from seawater could grow building blocks, wall panels or complete building components just like those that would build a sea-born city, but for use on dry land.

Hilbertz envisions these products being lifted directly out of the sea into barges and ships, which could deliver them to seaports around the world. A limestone farm in the Caribbean could efficiently ship the building materials to coastal areas of North and South America, Europe and Africa, to inland North American ports on the St. Lawrence Seaway and Mississippi River systems, to most of Central Europe via the Rhine, Rhone and Danube rivers and to most of the Amazon basin in Brazil. A farm in the South Pacific could service the west coast of North and South America, and booming Pacific Rim countries.

Hilbertz also envisions others of his cities becoming centers for an undersea mining industry. The seafloor is believed to be littered with metal- and mineral-rich nodules, from which refiners in a city will produce pure metals. The fact that metals refining is an energy-intensive activity isn't the least bit daunting. He enthusiastically describes a plan in which the sea would "grow" limestone conduits that would tap deep, slow-moving ocean currents and guide them through the blades of giant hydroelectric plants.

Whatever Hilbertz's cities manufactured, their occupants would dine on the bounty of the sea. Wild fish would be guided into nets, and domestic fish would be raised in pens, along with cultured abalone, sea urchins, oysters, mussels and other shellfish. Useful seaweeds will be cultured, and more common vegetables would be grown in hydroponic chambers.

The fact that ocean-grown cities could stand on their own economically and become independent and self-governing entities poses what Hilbertz believes to be one of the biggest barriers to their creation. He says there is no legal precedent regarding national ownership of a newly formed island that is beyond a nation's territorial waters.

He plans to face this issue head-on with an experiment on Skerki Bank, in the Mediterranean Sea. The bank consists of a few-hundred square yards of knee-deep water between Tunisia and Sicily. It's in international waters, but within the area both Italy and Tunisia claim as an "Exclusive Economic Zone."

Hilbertz hopes to start growing an island there before the end of the year. "We'll establish our presence there and stake a claim, and see what happens. If anyone challenges us, we have lawyers ready to argue our case. We've had so many legal opinions that we decided just to go ahead and see what happens," he says.





Izvor: Popular Mechanics
Predlog kineskih arhitekata – moderni čajna taun
Pokretni grad za 15.000 ljudi
Autor: E.B. | 12.10.2008. - 00:02


Superzvezda je fenomenalan futuristički koncept pokretnog grada za 15.000 ljudi. Njegovi stanovnici biće potpuno nezavisni od gradova-domaćina širom sveta do kojih će grad moći da „skokne“, jer će moći sami da gaje hranu, recikliraju svoj otpad, šopinguju, a imaće na raspolaganju i sportske terene i teretane, jezera pijaće vode, čak i virtuelno groblje.

Superzvezda je radikalna ideja za novi „model“ mobilne kineske četvrti. Delo je arhitekata MAD-a, mlade inovativne arhitektonske firme sa sedištem u Pekingu, koji su svoj projekat predstavili na ovogodišnjem venecijanskom Bijenalu.
– Superzvezda je spoj tehnologije, prirode, budućnosti i humanosti. Mobilni kineski grad, koji kao dobroćudni virus može da se spusti na bilo koji kraj sveta, tako razmenjujući kinesku energiju s okolinom u kojoj je „odseo“. Prva destinacija biće joj periferija Rima, ali sledeće mogu biti i Peking, Šangaj i Njujork – kažu kreatori zvezde.
Unutrašnjost Superzvezde koncipirana je po ugledu na tradicionalne čajna taune, nalik onima koji se nalaze u Londonu i San Francisku. U njoj će moći da živi čak 15.000 ljudi. Zvezda će biti potpuno energetski samoodrživa, praviće sopstvenu struju i reciklirati otpad. Osim stambenih i poslovnih prostora, imaće i spa centre, jezera pitke vode, teretane i sportske terene, šoping molove. Biće tu i virtuelno groblje, za davanje pomena preminulima, mada arhitekte još nisu precizirale šta bi se zaista radilo s telima stanovnika koji umru. Takođe nije precizirano ni kako bi se zvezda tačno „kretala“, ali njeni kreatori ističu da je ona kompletno integrisana, koherentna i pre svega modernizovana kineska četvrt 20. veka.
– To će biti mesto za uživanje, za konzumiranje kineske hrane, šoping i kulturne događaje. A stanovnicima će biti omogućeno da sami kreiraju i proizvode, odnosno koriste radionice da uče, dizajniraju i realizuju svoje ideje – dodaju arhitekte.
Projekat „Superzvezda: Mobilni kineski grad“ predstavljen je na izložbi „Uneternal City“ na 11. venecijanskom Bijenalu arhitekture, koji traje od 14. septembra do 23. novembra ove godine. Zadatak 12 mladih svetskih arhitektonskih firmi bio je da predlože urbano futurističko rešenje za jedno od predgrađa Rima.

Kreatori plutajućeg grada
MAD je mlada inovativna arhitektonska firma sa sedištem u Pekingu, koja je poznata po futurističkim arhitektonskim konceptima koji prevazilaze i granice savremene arhitekture. Trenutno se po njihovim projektima grade Toranj u Torontu, Mongolski muzej, Tianjin sinostil internešenel plaza u Kini i stambeno-poslovni kompleksi u Dubaiju, Hongkongu, Singapuru, Maleziji, Japanu, Danskoj. Poznat je i njihov futuristički koncept „pliutajućeg grada“.

Izvor: Blic

hodajući chinatown :lol: Imam par slika ovoga, samo da ih nađem.
Moj kandidat za najgluplju buduću građevinu u Dubaiju, a verovatno i svetu. Ideja iza ovog khm "projekta" је da pošto jel'te u pustinji ne pada kiša, naprave iluziju kišnog oblaka i slapova kiše. Tj. gledano iz daljine, trebalo bi da izgleda kao da nad gradom pada kiša.
Zgrade bi pravili na vrhu oblaka. Ne smem da pomislim šta bi se desilo sa banderama i zgradama oko njih u slučaju zemljotresa od 3 rihtera, neke poplave, vetra ili samoubica u kamionu ili avionu.




Ili ako ipak preferiraju toplije krajeve, mogu kupiti vilu na nekom od budućih ostrva Crnog Mora. Svaka sličnost sa sličnim projektom u UAE i kartom Rusije je... namerna :) (čudi me da nije mapa SSSR-a, ali ima dovoljno mesta za popunjavanje rupa)


