Šta je novo?

Cene nekretnina

Uvodjenje evra u Španiji. Ministri se dogovorili sa drugarima da napumpaju tržište nekretnina. Novac iznosili van zemlje i kupovali zlato i šta sve ne. Došla seka i nikad se nije oporavilo tržište. Ni nakon prestanka krize. Svaka sličnost sa nama je slučajna 😉
Bukvalno nema sličnosti. Španija pred krizu gradila milion stanova godišnje.
Will the price of real estate increase until 2035 in Belgrade?

ChatGPT said:​

Predicting the exact trajectory of real estate prices in Belgrade, or any market for that matter, involves a variety of factors, many of which are unpredictable. However, we can consider several key influences that will likely shape the market through 2035:
  1. Economic Growth: Serbia's economy has shown steady growth in recent years, and if this continues, Belgrade could see rising real estate demand, especially as more international companies establish offices or invest in the region.
  2. Urbanization and Infrastructure: Belgrade is already experiencing significant urbanization, and with ongoing infrastructure improvements (such as the expansion of the Belgrade metro, new roads, and bridges), the city's real estate market is likely to become more attractive for both local and foreign investors.
  3. Foreign Investment: Serbia’s real estate market has seen increasing interest from foreign investors, particularly from countries like the UAE, Russia, and China. If this trend continues, it could drive up prices, particularly in high-demand areas.
  4. Government Policies: The Serbian government’s policies on housing, construction, taxes, and foreign investment will also play a significant role. Proactive policies aimed at boosting the housing sector could support price growth, while restrictive policies might limit it.
  5. Demographics: Belgrade is the largest city in Serbia, and it continues to attract a significant portion of the country’s population, as well as migrants from other regions. The demand for housing, especially in central areas, will likely increase as a result of demographic trends.
  6. Global and Regional Economic Factors: The broader regional and global economic conditions, including inflation rates, interest rates, and geopolitical stability, will also impact the real estate market. For example, if the global economy enters a downturn, this might affect the local market, especially for luxury or speculative investments.
In conclusion, while it’s difficult to guarantee an upward trend in prices, the factors above suggest that, barring unforeseen global or regional disruptions, the real estate market in Belgrade could continue to appreciate, albeit with periods of volatility. A more conservative estimate would see moderate to strong price increases through 2035.
1.) Mozes da ga pitas na nasem jeziku
2.) Mozes da mu kazes da ti da tacnu procenu po godinama ali da ukljuci expo u racunicu.
3.) Kazes mu da pregleda dosadasnje trendove i da na osnovu toga uradi zakljucak
4.) Kazes mu da ti da njegovu procenu a ne da prenosi sa intereneta razne izvestaje
5.) Napises mu da ti da procenu rasta po godinama
6.) Kazes mu da uzme u obzir predvidjanja za kamatne stope
7.) Kazes mu da uzme u obzir rast broja turista u Beogradu

Kada to uradis onda mu kazes da ti da "sazeto" a ne da pise tekst na 5 strana. Takodje mali screenshot bi bilo bolje a ne copy/paste
(jer ima ljudi koji vole da modifikuju da bi spinovali)
Just fyi admin nije bas fan postovanja sa GPT-a pogotovo ne tako tekstova suvoparnih a i mislim da pise negde u pravilima.
Da je nesto kratko pa i da progleda kroz priste.
Sto to ne uradis sam vradovicu, zadjabe je ;) ako uracuna Expo i Surcin i Jarkovo, sta ce biti s Jajincima... ili ne daj boze Sunvilom kraj Lesca. Ako vec verujes govorecem robotu bez svesti i pitas ga za inuiciju i oseceanje koje nema... Ja ga pitao, veli ne zna.. Mozda, mozda ne, zavisi kako ga pitas. Pitao ga kad je after u Mirijevu, bilo jace od mene. Pogubio se ko prase u Teheranu, kaze nije obavesten, on je iz Stranke Srpskog Jedinstva, dezura samo.
ChatGPT ne može da proceni bilo šta. U pitanju je sistem koji generiše niz reči po principu verovatnoće. Ne postoji razumevanje bilo koje vrste koje rukovodi procenom, sve je samo imitacija racionalnog rasuđivanja.
Mogao sam i na srpskom i sažeto, znam da može, takodje može i da se navodi na stranu kojoj odgovara sa pitanjima i uračunavanjem pozitivnih stvari ili negativnih itd...
Evo do sada sam pričao sa njime vezano za neke druge stvari, pa dobar asistent u svakom slučaju 😉
Sve sam ostavio što je napisao baš na ovo po meni ok pitanje, jer na neki način o tome se ovde i diskutuje, a i slažem se sa napisanim.
Nisam čitao pravila foruma i eto prvi put da kačim copy past od chat gtp-a.