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Železnice - infrastruktura

Čuo sam od radnika u vozu da planiraju da reše ovo sa kablovima tek pred otvaranje pruge za Suboticu.
Ниси добро чуо, тј. радници вероватно нису добро упознати. Имам поузданију информацију да се на решавању проблема ради, и да ће бити решен најкасније до недеље 6.10.2024. године.
Ниси добро чуо, тј. радници вероватно нису добро упознати. Имам поузданију информацију да се на решавању проблема ради, и да ће бити решен најкасније до недеље 6.10.2024. године.
Nadam se da je tako onda. Ja sam čuo to od konduktera dok je pričao sa stjudardesom iz voza.
Ниси добро чуо, тј. радници вероватно нису добро упознати. Имам поузданију информацију да се на решавању проблема ради, и да ће бити решен најкасније до недеље 6.10.2024. године.
Radi se tako što se tapka u mestu. Za prethodne dve krađe IŽS je pozajmila kablove od Kineza. Kinezi više nemaju takvih kablova jer su ih sve ugradili i završili su svoje radove (u toku je testiranje). IŽS nije raspisala javnu nabavku za kablova. Videćemo.
Imaju ICNG koji mogu 200, za njih je to dovoljno, jer nemaju interesovanja za dalje od Brisela.

Vozovi koji koriste HSL i saobraćaju pod brendom NS idu kao "IC Direct" i plaća se neka sitna doplata, jer postoje i klasični IC koji idu starom rutom.
Postoje više relacija IC Directa:
1) Amsterdam - Rotterdam
2) Amsterdam - Rotterdam - Breda
3) Amsterdam - Rotterdam - Breda - Antwerpen - Brisel (Ta linija se radi u kooperaciji sa Belgijskim železnicama)
4) Den Haag - Rotterdam - Eindhoven Centraal

(Uzeti u obzir da pojedini vozovi staju na još nekoliko stanica koje nisam naveo)

Do skora su se koristili stare ICR vagone sa po 2 Traxx lokomotive sa po obe strane, ali od ove godine se povlače i sada su rezerva, a Traxx lokomotive se vraćaju kompaniji koja ih je dala u najam.
Zanimljivo da je Arriva htela voz Groningen - Paris, ali nešto su malo splasnuli sa entuzijazmom..

Pored gore navedenih, HSL koristi još samo Eurostar za Pariz & London, tu potpada i bivši Thalys koji je spojen sa Eurostarom.
Radi se tako što se tapka u mestu. Za prethodne dve krađe IŽS je pozajmila kablove od Kineza. Kinezi više nemaju takvih kablova jer su ih sve ugradili i završili su svoje radove (u toku je testiranje). IŽS nije raspisala javnu nabavku za kablova. Videćemo.
Ипак се не тапка у месту. Радови на повезивању каблова су у току овај викенд. Сутра вече се очекује успостављање редовног стања сс уређаја.

Исправка: каблови су замењени и повезани, успостављено је редовно стање СС уређаја и саобраћаја.
Poslednja izmena:
Ипак се не тапка у месту. Радови на повезивању каблова су у току овај викенд. Сутра вече се очекује успостављање редовног стања сс уређаја.

Исправка: каблови су замењени и повезани, успостављено је редовно стање СС уређаја и саобраћаја.
Samo da potraje 🙏
Ипак се не тапка у месту. Радови на повезивању каблова су у току овај викенд. Сутра вече се очекује успостављање редовног стања сс уређаја.

Исправка: каблови су замењени и повезани, успостављено је редовно стање СС уређаја и саобраћаја.
Da li možda znaš, da li planiraju nešto po pitanju osiguranja pruge kako se ne bi ubuduće to događalo?
Kako bi to u praksi izgledalo?
Živo me zanima.
Nema veze direktno sa infrom u Srbiji ali odskora db uvodi deonice koji će da nadletaju njenu infrastrukturu, mogu da uposle i naši neko domaće znanje da smisle sistem za osmatranje pruge. Recimo vojska bi tako mogla da testira sisteme u praksi.

Prevod na engleski


Monitoring the rail network
DB deploys long-distance drones

Status: 25.09.2024 14:09

In future, Deutsche Bahn wants to use long-distance drones to monitor its rail networks. Drones are already being used on shorter sections of track. Deutsche Bahn wants to monitor its rail network with long-haul drones in future. Their use will be trialled from next spring, the federally owned company announced at the Innotrans trade fair in Berlin. The railway also presented a prototype there. In future, a total of around 100 of these drones are to be deployed throughout Germany. The railway is already using drones to assess the condition of the tracks or to check the vegetation along the tracks. However, according to the company, the new drones have a significantly greater range of around 150 kilometres and can also be used during ongoing rail operations. Closure breaks are not necessary.

More cost-effective and flexible than helicopters The advanced technology also saves on on-site staff deployment: "We can use it during normal train operation, even in wind and weather, even at night," explained Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, the DB board member responsible for digitalisation and technology. "This is also great for the employees, as they no longer have to go out in the wind and weather, but can get the information they need on their tablet with the help of AI." Compared to helicopters, the long-haul drones are more flexible, can be deployed at short notice and are also more cost-effective, according to Deutsche Bahn. For example, route managers could get a quicker overview of the impact on the infrastructure after a storm. "All the data that the drones record while flying is available to the teams in real time and in high resolution," it said. In addition, the all-electric, battery-powered drone is no louder than a normal conversation at less than 60 decibels during operation.

Übersetzt mit DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation)

Nema veze direktno sa infrom u Srbiji ali odskora db uvodi deonice koji će da nadletaju njenu infrastrukturu, mogu da uposle i naši neko domaće znanje da smisle sistem za osmatranje pruge. Recimo vojska bi tako mogla da testira sisteme u praksi.

Prevod na engleski


Monitoring the rail network
DB deploys long-distance drones

Status: 25.09.2024 14:09

In future, Deutsche Bahn wants to use long-distance drones to monitor its rail networks. Drones are already being used on shorter sections of track. Deutsche Bahn wants to monitor its rail network with long-haul drones in future. Their use will be trialled from next spring, the federally owned company announced at the Innotrans trade fair in Berlin. The railway also presented a prototype there. In future, a total of around 100 of these drones are to be deployed throughout Germany. The railway is already using drones to assess the condition of the tracks or to check the vegetation along the tracks. However, according to the company, the new drones have a significantly greater range of around 150 kilometres and can also be used during ongoing rail operations. Closure breaks are not necessary.

More cost-effective and flexible than helicopters The advanced technology also saves on on-site staff deployment: "We can use it during normal train operation, even in wind and weather, even at night," explained Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, the DB board member responsible for digitalisation and technology. "This is also great for the employees, as they no longer have to go out in the wind and weather, but can get the information they need on their tablet with the help of AI." Compared to helicopters, the long-haul drones are more flexible, can be deployed at short notice and are also more cost-effective, according to Deutsche Bahn. For example, route managers could get a quicker overview of the impact on the infrastructure after a storm. "All the data that the drones record while flying is available to the teams in real time and in high resolution," it said. In addition, the all-electric, battery-powered drone is no louder than a normal conversation at less than 60 decibels during operation.

Übersetzt mit DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation)

Stevo, pa infra nije u stanju wc na stanicama da održava čistim a kamoli da čuva prugu visokotehnološkim gedžetima.
Nema veze direktno sa infrom u Srbiji ali odskora db uvodi deonice koji će da nadletaju njenu infrastrukturu, mogu da uposle i naši neko domaće znanje da smisle sistem za osmatranje pruge. Recimo vojska bi tako mogla da testira sisteme u praksi.

Prevod na engleski


Monitoring the rail network
DB deploys long-distance drones

Status: 25.09.2024 14:09

In future, Deutsche Bahn wants to use long-distance drones to monitor its rail networks. Drones are already being used on shorter sections of track. Deutsche Bahn wants to monitor its rail network with long-haul drones in future. Their use will be trialled from next spring, the federally owned company announced at the Innotrans trade fair in Berlin. The railway also presented a prototype there. In future, a total of around 100 of these drones are to be deployed throughout Germany. The railway is already using drones to assess the condition of the tracks or to check the vegetation along the tracks. However, according to the company, the new drones have a significantly greater range of around 150 kilometres and can also be used during ongoing rail operations. Closure breaks are not necessary.

More cost-effective and flexible than helicopters The advanced technology also saves on on-site staff deployment: "We can use it during normal train operation, even in wind and weather, even at night," explained Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, the DB board member responsible for digitalisation and technology. "This is also great for the employees, as they no longer have to go out in the wind and weather, but can get the information they need on their tablet with the help of AI." Compared to helicopters, the long-haul drones are more flexible, can be deployed at short notice and are also more cost-effective, according to Deutsche Bahn. For example, route managers could get a quicker overview of the impact on the infrastructure after a storm. "All the data that the drones record while flying is available to the teams in real time and in high resolution," it said. In addition, the all-electric, battery-powered drone is no louder than a normal conversation at less than 60 decibels during operation.

Übersetzt mit DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation)

Skupo izgleda, bolje da uposle nekoga ko će da pregleda snimke sa kamera i gleda da li je neko ispisao grafit i sl.
Za krađu delova pruge primeniti neki zakon o terorizmu.