Zanimljiva je sada situacija u Ukrajini. Zapad, a sada Trampovi ljudi nezvanicno, traze od Zelenskog da se spusti starosna granica za mobilizaciju na startost 18-25. godina. Do sada je ukrajinska elita sprecavala mobilizaciju najmladjeg godista, naravno ne zbog humanosti, nego zato sto se radi o generacijama odraslim i vaspitanim posle 2014. apsolutno zadojenih mrznjom prema Rusiji. Ako Veci deo ovih mladica bude nastradao u ratu, bice tesko preneti seme banderitizma za buducnost.
Sa druge strane Zapad, kapitalisticki zapad, zeli brz profit i prijateljski savetuje Ukrajinu da brzo mobilise i ove ljude.
Why Russia's seeming high class problem of being able to secure a military victory in Ukraine really is a problem.
Druga zanimljiva situacija je vezana za pokusaje Trumpa i Muska da korumpiraju tzv desne pokrete u evropi (AfD, Meloni...).
Preporucujem vam da procitate sledeci link, pa i komentare. Djordja Meloni je vec imala tajnu posetu Trampovoj rezidenciji. Srevilnost Evropljana postaje farsicna.
Meloni offers vassalage to the US under faux nationalist packaging. Musk’s support of the Alternative for Germany shows it might be prepared to do the same.
TL: It is very clear what the US has been trying to achieve. As shown by Musk’s support for AfD, the victory of the far right party in Germany will almost certainly lead to a surge in emigration as young professionals increasingly look for exits from economic downturns in Germany. The AfD victory will be the final nail in the coffin for many young professionals.
There is only one place most of them will go to: the US. As the domino starts falling with far right fascist parties gaining power across Europe, more and more European workers especially those with professional degrees will start to flee. Trump and Musk will then hand out H-1Bs to poach the European skilled labor force with ease, maybe even enticing them with permanent residency. This is the strategic end game of the US since the Ukraine war. The European prosperity is over.
Revenant: If the USA is circling the wagons, strengthening its Imperial core and binding its wealthiest vassals to it tighter, in order to loot them, it makes sense that it would favour authoritarian fascist governments in said vassals. Of course, we have seen this film before.
The future for Europe is Latin America. Welcome to the banana republics.
Of course, not all of Latin America was a coup-ridden hell hole. The question is, who gets to be Costa Rica and Uruguay (peaceful, neutral, democratic and rich) and who gets the different flavours of authoritarianism: Central American (violent, poor), Argentinian (from riches to rags) and Chilean (neoliberal economic laboratory)? My guess is that Ireland and Switzerland get to be Costa Rica and Uruguay and everybody else gets to be Argentina or Chile.
sausage factory: The West has, and always will, align itself with fascism (and its worst iteration, Nazism)
for the simple reason that fascism protects capital. Thats all its about, freedom for billionaires to continue to rape their citizens, profit from war and create digital feudalism in the name of capitalism.
Treca stvar. Cuveni analiticar Dima tvrdi da po anketama sada 73% Ukarjinaca zeli da se rat zavrsi odmah, bez obzira na gubitak teritorija.
This channel provides objective information about the military conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. We condemn any aggression in Ukraine.