- Učlanjen(a)
- 19.05.2009.
- Poruke
- 11.170
- Pohvaljen
- 26.495
Pošto je u novom geostrateškom pozicioniranju i Grenland ispao bitan, a mi ne znamo baš ništa o tamošnjoj situaciji, evo jednog lepog i icrpnog komentara čoveka koji tamo živi.
Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland!
Greenland is currently an autonomous region within the Kingdom of Denmark. We are Danish citizens but our dream is full independence.
We, most emphatically, DO NOT want to become another, abused, neglected overseas territory of the US. The idea that you can just send someone in here with a bunch of money and we’d sell our country, is ludicrous. All we have to do is to see how the US has, and is treating its indigenous populations in Alaska and in the continental US. We have no illusions about being treated any differently under US rule.
Greenland has formally been a territory of Denmark since 1721, long before the U.S. was even a sovereign country.
In 1979, Greenland got autonomy and a Home Rule government was elected. This was achieved, not through bloodshed and war but through peaceful negotiations. A situation pretty unique in a world where most colonized people have had to pay for any independence with their blood.
The authority of the Government of Greenland, and its parliament, was further expanded in 2009. The Greenland government and parliament make unilateral decisions on almost all domestic issues.
The members of the parliament are elected every four years through free and fully democratic elections. However, some areas are still determined by Denmark such as defense, foreign policy, citizenship, and the judiciary system. Denmark does not, however, enact or decide any laws in these areas that concern Greenland without consulting first with our own lawgivers.
The ties between Greenland and Denmark go way beyond history, politics or money. There are many deep family ties. Many people in Greenland have a Danish ancestor or ancestors or Danish family members.
Our society is modeled on the Scandinavian system of tax payed healthcare, education, social services etc. Currently Denmark subsidizes Greenland annually with the equivalent of around 600 million US dollars.
To think that the US would ever willingly pay even a fraction of that to Greenland is insanely naive. The US has never paid as much as a penny in rent to Greenland for the land they have annexed/occupied for their military bases.
The US already strategically controls Greenland, through their military base in the northern part of Greenland. There is no chance of the Russians or the Chinese coming in here with any military might.
No, trump isn’t worried about the Russians or the Chinese coming to Greenland. That is an excuse. No, he wants full control so he can strip mine Greenland with impunity of any and all mineral wealth, raping her blind and leaving nothing but death, destruction and pollution in his wake. This is what his MAGA goons mean when they talk about “development”.
We don’t want your system of government, we don’t want your model of society with its crazed gun culture, insane medical bills and costly education only for the rich. You have no freedoms that we don’t already have. Our society is not perfect, but yours is definitely not worthy of emulation.
We can’t do much if the orange menace wants to act like Hitler and annex/occupy us. Our population is small and not heavily armed.
But such an aggressive act towards a friendly, peaceful neighbor and ally, would certainly not win the US any new friends on the world stage. They would probably lose several of the ones they have now as other countries would justifiable fear a U.S. take over. Trump may think he’s joking or that it’s fun to threaten the sovereignty of other sovereign nations as he has done to Canada, Greenland, Panama and Mexico. But this kind of rhetoric is dangerous in a world as volatile as ours. To dismiss his comments is foolish, as he, like Hitler did, has plenty of followers who are ready and willing to carry out his wishes of a violent take over of territories not belonging to the US.
The US under trump would gain far more through peaceful coexistence and trade…and as our leaders in Greenland have stated: We are open for business, but we are definitely not for sale
"Dokle će Grenland da bude danski kamen oko vrata, bukagija na nozi koja vuče nekadašnjeg skandinavskog giganta na periferiju sveta?"
"Sa Grenlanda eskim kliče 'de si Trampe predsedniče"
"Opušteno braćo Danci možda dobijete sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, a kad uđete u EU ionako ćete shvatiti da granici i nisu toliko važne"
Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland!
Greenland is currently an autonomous region within the Kingdom of Denmark. We are Danish citizens but our dream is full independence.
We, most emphatically, DO NOT want to become another, abused, neglected overseas territory of the US. The idea that you can just send someone in here with a bunch of money and we’d sell our country, is ludicrous. All we have to do is to see how the US has, and is treating its indigenous populations in Alaska and in the continental US. We have no illusions about being treated any differently under US rule.
Greenland has formally been a territory of Denmark since 1721, long before the U.S. was even a sovereign country.
In 1979, Greenland got autonomy and a Home Rule government was elected. This was achieved, not through bloodshed and war but through peaceful negotiations. A situation pretty unique in a world where most colonized people have had to pay for any independence with their blood.
The authority of the Government of Greenland, and its parliament, was further expanded in 2009. The Greenland government and parliament make unilateral decisions on almost all domestic issues.
The members of the parliament are elected every four years through free and fully democratic elections. However, some areas are still determined by Denmark such as defense, foreign policy, citizenship, and the judiciary system. Denmark does not, however, enact or decide any laws in these areas that concern Greenland without consulting first with our own lawgivers.
The ties between Greenland and Denmark go way beyond history, politics or money. There are many deep family ties. Many people in Greenland have a Danish ancestor or ancestors or Danish family members.
Our society is modeled on the Scandinavian system of tax payed healthcare, education, social services etc. Currently Denmark subsidizes Greenland annually with the equivalent of around 600 million US dollars.
To think that the US would ever willingly pay even a fraction of that to Greenland is insanely naive. The US has never paid as much as a penny in rent to Greenland for the land they have annexed/occupied for their military bases.
The US already strategically controls Greenland, through their military base in the northern part of Greenland. There is no chance of the Russians or the Chinese coming in here with any military might.
No, trump isn’t worried about the Russians or the Chinese coming to Greenland. That is an excuse. No, he wants full control so he can strip mine Greenland with impunity of any and all mineral wealth, raping her blind and leaving nothing but death, destruction and pollution in his wake. This is what his MAGA goons mean when they talk about “development”.
We don’t want your system of government, we don’t want your model of society with its crazed gun culture, insane medical bills and costly education only for the rich. You have no freedoms that we don’t already have. Our society is not perfect, but yours is definitely not worthy of emulation.
We can’t do much if the orange menace wants to act like Hitler and annex/occupy us. Our population is small and not heavily armed.
But such an aggressive act towards a friendly, peaceful neighbor and ally, would certainly not win the US any new friends on the world stage. They would probably lose several of the ones they have now as other countries would justifiable fear a U.S. take over. Trump may think he’s joking or that it’s fun to threaten the sovereignty of other sovereign nations as he has done to Canada, Greenland, Panama and Mexico. But this kind of rhetoric is dangerous in a world as volatile as ours. To dismiss his comments is foolish, as he, like Hitler did, has plenty of followers who are ready and willing to carry out his wishes of a violent take over of territories not belonging to the US.
The US under trump would gain far more through peaceful coexistence and trade…and as our leaders in Greenland have stated: We are open for business, but we are definitely not for sale
"DOGODINE NA GRENLANDU" Srpski Tviter danima "gori" nakon Å¡to je Tramp zapretio da Äe oteti najveÄe ostrvo od Danske: "Kud god da krenem, NA GRENLAND SE VRAÄAM PONOVO"
Srpski "tviteraÅ¡i" danima duhovito seire nakon Å¡to je Donald Tramp, novoizabrani ameriÄki predsednik, praktiÄno najavio moguÄnost da Danskoj preotme Grenland. Napravljena je paralela sa kosovskim pitanjem i Å¡ale su se raÅ¡irile poput leda na najveÄem ostrvu na svetu.
"Dokle će Grenland da bude danski kamen oko vrata, bukagija na nozi koja vuče nekadašnjeg skandinavskog giganta na periferiju sveta?"
"Sa Grenlanda eskim kliče 'de si Trampe predsedniče"
"Opušteno braćo Danci možda dobijete sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, a kad uđete u EU ionako ćete shvatiti da granici i nisu toliko važne"
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