- Učlanjen(a)
- 19.05.2009.
- Poruke
- 11.353
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- 26.952
Sledeći video je godinama smatran izgubljenim. U pitanju je kompletan snimak predavanja Karla Sagana u kome se na samom kraju, kao kruna pažljivo konstruisane argumentacije, nalazi čuveni govor "Pale Blue Dot". U arhivi Kornel Univerziteta je slučajno pronađena jedna Soni Betamax kaseta na kojoj je bio snimak upravo tog izgubljenog predavanja iz 1994. godine, dve godine pre nego što je umro od raka. Osnovna tema je skretanje pažnje na opasnost koju za slobodno mišljenje i traganje za istinom ima antropocentrizam i šovinizam u svim njihovim oblicima, tj ideja da smo ili mi ili naše "pleme" na neki način posebni i posebno važni, ali sa mnogim daleko širim filozofskim aspektima. Predavanje je apsolutno izuzetno po svemu, pogotovo pitanja i odgovori koji takođe lepo ilustruju njegov način razmišljanja i reagovanja na čitavu lepezu popularnih ideja. Isplati se izdvojiti vreme da se pogleda kompletan snimak, od početka do kraja. Njegov govor počinje od 7:12. Na 30:48 očigledno fali deo mali predavanja zbog toga što kamerman menja kasetu.
The lecture in question was delivered in November 1994, two years before Sagan died from complications of a blood cancer. For decades, it was thought to be lost—until a happy coincidence returned it to public view. Druyan’s reminiscence at the Voyager event rang a bell for a University Relations staffer, who remembered having come across a Sony Betacam recording of the lecture years earlier while doing research for another project. “When I heard someone had found the tape, I couldn’t believe it,” says astronomy professor Lisa Kaltenegger, director of the Cornell-based Carl Sagan Institute. “I thought, This can’t be real.” The lecture was posted to YouTube last November—timed to celebrate what would have been Sagan’s eighty-fourth birthday—and garnered more than 55,000 views in its first month. “A new Sagan video, twenty years later,” noted one commenter. “It’s like Christmas.” Said another: “Everyone on the planet should see this.”
Sagan’s lecture was entitled “The Age of Exploration”—a topic he chose, as he jokingly admitted, because it was “sufficiently broad and ambiguous” that it would fit whatever he decided to talk about. Weaving through the history of human evolution, Sagan discussed our species’ tendency to cling to chauvinistic beliefs, from the idea that humans are the greatest form of life on Earth to our conviction that our planet lies at the center of the universe. (In actuality, he noted, we live in the “galactic boondocks.”) This parochial way of thinking, Sagan observed, comes from “the same psychic wellsprings that say that our gender, or our ethnic group, or our particular melanin content in the skin . . . is important and central, and all those alternative ways of being human are somehow less central, less important, less worthy than we are.”
Viewing the lecture for the first time, Kaltenegger says she was struck by how relevant Sagan’s subject matter remains, two decades later—and how approachable he seemed. “He was so relaxed, making jokes and laughing,” she says. “My favorite part was the question and answer portion. He was just as eloquent as he was during his talk.” Sagan fielded all manner of queries, from his views on animal testing and the existence of God to his opinion of astrology and clairvoyance to the likelihood that aliens had visited our planet. “He didn’t take anyone down, or say, ‘You really shouldn’t believe that,’ ” she observes. “He took people seriously.”