Kolega, kada napišeš ovakav post, ti sam pokazuješ da je "inteligencija" jedan vrlo rastegljiv i (ne)upotrebljiv pojam. Prosečan IQ (ma šta to bilo) "objašnjava" isto koliko i prosečan telefonski broj, ni manje ni više.Koliko su tabele koa ova dole istinite?
Ako jesu, onda to mnogo objasnjava.
Average IQ by Country 2023 - Wisevoter
The average IQ is generally considered to be reflective of the overall well-being of a country, as the average IQ of a population is closely related to a variety of factors such as education, health, income inequality, and government financing of education can all have a significant impact on IQ...wisevoter.com
Averaqe IQ 2023.
Germany 100.74
Netherlands 100.74
Slovenia 98.6
Russia 96.29
Croatia 95.75
Serbia 89.6
Bosnia 88.54
Macedonia 81.91
Inteligence testing
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