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Изглед новог кружног тока који спаја нови ВГП парк са државним путем 319 и петљом Добановци на А3.


  • Obeveštenje - izlaz iz VGP Parka Beograd_240925_121213.pdf
    474,6 KB · Pregleda: 93
Pretpostavljam kad sve ovo završe. Glupo bi bilo sad dok je raskopano sve. Nije to njihov stil. Bez deset kopanja ništa.
Nema razlike izmedju kruzne raskrsnice i kruznog toka.
Evo malo štiva

In U.S. dictionaries the terms roundabout, traffic circle, road circle and rotary are synonyms.[38] However, several experts such as Leif Ourston have stressed the need to distinguish between the characteristics of the modern roundabout and the nonconforming traffic circle:[3]

Modern roundabout
Entering traffic yields to circulating traffic
Entering traffic aims at the centre of the central island and is deflected slowly around it
Upstream roadway often flares at entry, adding lanes
Nonconforming traffic circle
Entering traffic cuts off circulating traffic
Entering traffic aims to one side of the central island (right side for right-hand traffic) and proceeds straight ahead at speed
Lanes are not added at entry


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