Ne znam da li je već postovano:
Branko MIlanović
ne znam koliko je u pravu, ali ako jeste - hladan tuš,
Branko MIlanović
ne znam koliko je u pravu, ali ako jeste - hladan tuš,
The decision not to move into the political and not to transform itself into a formal organization or a political party is both the blessing and the curse. It is a blessing because only thus can the movement go on; it is a curse because it can never formulate its demands in an understandable political language and improve or change the political system. For the latter, it needs to descend from its Olympian heights, transform itself into a hierarchical organization with the known leadership (no single leader has emerged in almost four months!), convert its current language into a political idiom, and expect, or hope, to politically represent large segments of the disaffected population. But once it does that, it descends to the level of political parties, which, as already noted, are widely distrusted. Further, as the movement moves into the world of politics, the fact that within itself it contains all kinds of supporters, from the extreme nationalist right to the Greens, social-democrats, and pro-European liberals will become manifest and such a heterogenous coalition will be unmanageable and would quickly dissipate.
The movement thus must continue playing the same game with no end in sight. That situation will at some point become unsustainable and the Vučić regime will have to become more repressive and move towards an open dictatorship. This is exactly what happened in 1929 when King Alexander I banned all political activity and imposed personal dictatorship. The broad-based apolitical movement ultimately leads to two outcomes: dictatorship or chaos. As chaos cannot last, it produces dictatorship in any case. In the longer-term, some of the movement’s good sides will probably remain (in the way that the 1968 student movements transformed social mores), but in the short- to medium-term its political results will be the exact opposite of what it hopes to achieve.