Писао сам већ неколико месеци у назад, имао полемику са Зумом...[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=915092#p915092:3v3qt5v1 je napisao(la):LeninVaskrse » Пет Јан 07, 2022 4:56 pm[/url]":3v3qt5v1]...i nikad ga vise nismo videli na temi. Ako se ima vremena za postovanje, ima se i za Gugl. Jedino ako je to jedan od onih istinasamoovde.com.ru izvora koji stvarno moraju da se kopaju.
Plus ta teza "i vakcinisani sire zarazu" na koju se valjda nadovezuje "isto kao i nevakcinisani" u startu nije tacna, jer ako neciji imuni sistem suzbija razmnozavanje virusa aktivno, to znaci da ima u sebi i manju kolicinu virusa koju moze da prosiri. Da stavis jednog vakcinisanog i nevakcinisanog obolelog u sobu sa sto ljudi, bukvalno samo i**** nije jasno koji ce zaraziti vise ljudi.
New Hong Kong study finds a 1-in-3000 adolescents developed myocarditis following vaccination
“There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.”
COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie
Unlike the film The Thing, none of the infected Belgian scientists have been transformed into bloodthirsty beasts
Polar researchers in Antarctica have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and living miles from civilization.
Two thirds of the 25 staff based at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the virus, the Le Soir newspaper reported, proving there is no escape from the global pandemic.
The outbreak took hold despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.
The situation has echoes of the plot of John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic The Thing, which was advertised on posters with the warning “man is the warmest place to hide.”
An alien life form infects workers on an Antarctic station in the cult sci-fi thriller starring Kurt Russell. Unlike the film, none of the infected Belgians have exhibited any severe symptoms – let alone been transformed into bloodthirsty beasts that can only be killed by incineration. All 25 researchers were fully vaccinated and one had a booster shot. Before leaving for the station, they had PCR tests in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa.
In Cape Town they quarantined for 10 days and took another PCR test.
A further test was needed when leaving for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.
One person tested positive seven days after arriving at the station on Dec 14. The individual was placed in isolation but tests revealed two others had caught the virus.
All three left the station on Dec 23 but the virus has continued to spread.
It is thought to be the omicron variant because that is responsible for 99 per cent of infections in South Africa.
There are two emergency doctors at the station, which will not allow any new arrivals until the virus dissipates.
Belgium’s Polar Secretariat has now shortened the research season and the remaining staff will stay at the base until at least Jan 12.
Ne, pelene nosiš da te komšije ne bi zamazale govnima kada se useru. Isto važi i za suprotno.Mikie":1kmqybch je napisao(la):
Мало банализације...
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=915204#p915204:2ee8b3lf je napisao(la):Žika » Sub Jan 08, 2022 10:50 am[/url]":2ee8b3lf]
Pitanje je vrlo prosto na osnovu čega je napravljeno ?
Dalje sastav ostalih komponenti , lipidi koji su nosioci mRna ?
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=915140#p915140:d0z09nev je napisao(la):Žika » Pet Jan 07, 2022 9:02 pm[/url]":d0z09nev]E sad malo napregni te vijuge pa ovo objasni
https://nationalpost.com/news/world/cov ... movie-plot
COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie
Unlike the film The Thing, none of the infected Belgian scientists have been transformed into bloodthirsty beasts
Polar researchers in Antarctica have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and living miles from civilization.
Two thirds of the 25 staff based at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the virus, the Le Soir newspaper reported, proving there is no escape from the global pandemic.
The outbreak took hold despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.
The situation has echoes of the plot of John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic The Thing, which was advertised on posters with the warning “man is the warmest place to hide.”
An alien life form infects workers on an Antarctic station in the cult sci-fi thriller starring Kurt Russell. Unlike the film, none of the infected Belgians have exhibited any severe symptoms – let alone been transformed into bloodthirsty beasts that can only be killed by incineration. All 25 researchers were fully vaccinated and one had a booster shot. Before leaving for the station, they had PCR tests in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa.
In Cape Town they quarantined for 10 days and took another PCR test.
A further test was needed when leaving for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.
One person tested positive seven days after arriving at the station on Dec 14. The individual was placed in isolation but tests revealed two others had caught the virus.
All three left the station on Dec 23 but the virus has continued to spread.
It is thought to be the omicron variant because that is responsible for 99 per cent of infections in South Africa.
There are two emergency doctors at the station, which will not allow any new arrivals until the virus dissipates.
Belgium’s Polar Secretariat has now shortened the research season and the remaining staff will stay at the base until at least Jan 12.
Jedan mali test.[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=915173#p915173:14mli2nz je napisao(la):Zuma » 08 Jan 2022 00:22[/url]":14mli2nz]Test inteligencije.
Imamo dve "stvari" i pokušavamo da pogodimo posledice svake od njih kad ih koriste deca.
1. Prva stvar je mašina za ubijanje o kojoj sigurno ne znamo skoro ništa sem toga da je evoluirala milione godine da bi bila što efikasnija u tome da ćelije vašeg tela pretvara u kašu, pošto ih prvo iskoristi za svoje razmožavanje.
2. Druga stvar je napravljena i ispitana kao lek, ali možda još uvek ima i neke nepoznate loše posledice uz jednu malo verovatnu i vrlo blagu poznatu.
Sad pokušavamo da pogodimo verovatnoće. Da li je verovatnije da su po decu gore nepoznate dugoročne posledice prve ili druge stvari?
Eto kviza koji ima i svoje lepe nagrade.
Šta mislite da je odgovor? Onako ... oprilike i napamet?