Kroz ceo medicinski sektor se provlači to da je kinseska najbolja...
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Pojedinci vraćaju ljude zbog: prethodne vakcinacije protiv gripa, alergije na hranu, alergije na penicilin, gipsa na ruci, hipertenzije, zato što im nisu simpatični, ne znam koji još razlog.
Smisao je zaštititi sebe, zar je bitno to što pacijenti nisu zaštićeni. To je pokrovna medicina. Pokriva lekara. Pacijenti su nebitni. Šta je bitno da li će se epidemija nastaviti, da li će bolesni nastaviti da umiru, da li će imati komplikacije - ma nevažno. Pacijenti služe da se prekrati radno vreme između dolaska i odlaska sa posla.
Šta radite kada dođete kući? Srećni ste što niste radili svoj posao? Da li i vi čestitate sebi?
Ne odnosi se na sve lekare, daleko od toga. Radi se o pojedincima koji idu linijom manjeg otpora ali sada je trenutak potpuno pogrešan.
Posle će se čuditi kako umiru lekari i sestre, vadiće se na politiku, na ljude koji ne slušaju a mogu da zaustave ovo. Samo malo truda i gledanja u knjige a ne u ogledalo.
Pojedinci vraćaju ljude zbog: prethodne vakcinacije protiv gripa, alergije na hranu, alergije na penicilin, gipsa na ruci, hipertenzije, zato što im nisu simpatični, ne znam koji još razlog
Znam više ljudi koje je vraćeno sa komentarom da se vrate posle 6 meseci od izlečenja od virusa.
None of the three patients infected with mutations of the U.K. strain had traveled abroad, meaning there is a high possibility that the variants are spreading in Japan, the group said in a statement on Friday. The patients were hospitalized during the period of November through late-December, with two of the three experiencing severe symptoms.
Speaking at a briefing Friday, Hiroaki Takeuchi of the research group, urged that measures be taken to strengthen Japan’s borders to prevent the arrival of more new strains of the virus, national broadcaster NHK reported.
Here we have shown that high efficacy vaccines that provide a substantial level of infection blocking offer a means of eventually relaxing controls without suffering a large subsequent wave of hospitalisations and deaths.
Early relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), before sufficient immunity has been established is shown to precipitate a large wave of infection with resultant hospital admission and deaths; a similar impact is predicted from any final release of NPIs if herd immunity has not been achieved (Figure 2). Even with high levels of vaccine uptake, a very large fraction of the population needs to be immunised to prevent subsequent waves of infection (Figures 1 and 2), implying strong NPIs would still be required even when Phase 1 of the vaccination programme is complete to avoid surges in infection. A more measured approach in which NPIs are gradually released over a period of many months has advantages over sudden changes to controls, but may not mitigate the worst effects (Figure 2 and Supplementary Material).
Finally, we expect efficacy to vary with age and between risk groups; incorporating such heterogeneity into models is key for more robust predictions.
Over longer time scales the possibilities of waning immunity and mutation may influence these predictions. Waning immunity, either naturally derived or from vaccination, may necessitate seasonal vaccination programmes against SARS-CoV-2 protecting the most vulnerable in a similar manner to seasonal influenza vaccines 23. We are again lacking in our fundamental understanding of SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology, in particular whether subsequent infections have the same severity as primary infections, as well as quantitative estimates of the duration of protection. Both of these elements can be factored into the prediction mechanisms, but without detailed evidence such long-term forecasts are speculation.
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=819134#p819134:2uos0n51 je napisao(la):11030 » Today, 17:40[/url]":2uos0n51]Znam više ljudi koje je vraćeno sa komentarom da se vrate posle 6 meseci od izlečenja od virusa.
I treba da budu vraćeni, ne vidim šta je tu sporno. Imaš antitela zaštićen si a guraš se da budeš među prvima vakcinisan.
što se tiče informacija sa fb grupa i slično ja zaista to ne uzimam kao merodavan izvor jer sam se toliko gluposti i budalaština načitala. Verujem u ono što sam videla svojim očima i što govore stručni ljudi.