Šta je novo?

Crna Gora

Svaka, ali svaka država mulja sa statistikom. Amerikanci npr. iz spiska nezaposlenih brišu "obeshrabrene nezaposlene" tj. one koji ne traže aktivno posao u periodu dužem od 30 dana. Zato im je nezaposlenost nešto preko 6% umesto 13% koliko realno jeste. Da ne pominjem način na koji mere inflaciju. Zato poslednja četiri meseca između ostalog vlada pokolj trgovaca koji pre svega koriste fundamentalnu analizu.

Ove brojke nisu realne, Crna Gora će kao i sve druge države osetiti manjak investicija i manjak prihoda od turizma. Za njih će to (kao i za Hrvatsku) biti veći problem nego drugima usled malog proizvodnog sektora (ja se izvinjavam ako grešim, ali da li postoji još neka proizvodnja sem željezare i aluminijumskog kombinata?). Manji prihod od turizma, uz manje investicije u građevinarstvo mogu da ih dovedu do stanja u kome se sada nalazi Island ili Mađarska (koji su bankrotirali kao države).
Problem je uglavnom uvek isti kada se jedna ekonomija oslanja na mali broj privrednih grana, tj. nije diversifikovana. Crna Gora je za neke druge investicije, osim u turizam, neatraktivna zbog svog komplikovanog geografskog polozaja, a shipping je u danasnje vreme najpropalija grana, tj. najveca zrtva svetske krize.

Prema analizama svetske banke, priliv kapitala (ruskog pre svega) u CG je okoncan, a sta dalje - za to odgovora nema. Mislim da se zbog toga sada malo skrece paznja na Evropu, predajom aplikacije za EU, da ljudi malo zaborave da trenutno vlada opsta pometnja.
"GDP per capita (PPP):
Crna Gora:
$3,800 (2005 est.)
$10,400 (2007 est.) "

Na wikipediji je postavljen sledeci podatak:
Crna Gora:

GDP (PPP) 2007 estimate
- Total $6.135 billion [2] (144)
- Per capita $9,047 (2008 estimate) (60)

GDP (PPP) 2008 estimate
- Total $80.717 billion[4]
- Per capita $10,911[4] (excluding Kosovo and Metohija)

Po ovome, u Srbii je veci za 1000 PPP, a po evrostatu Srbija ima manji, a na IMF nema uopste Crne Gore (tj. ima ime, ali ne i podaci, i jos uvijek stoji Republic of...). Sto se tice investicia, ne znam jeus li stale, ali samo Arapi bi trebali da investiraju 15 000 000 000 eura.. Nego kako da se izracuna realno stanje, kome da se vjeruje? CIA ne moze jer su podaci stari.
to za Arape nemoj uzimati kao neku vest koja je tacna, vec je vise gledaj kao politicki marketing koji je daaaaaaaleko od bilo kakve istine.
Tako je, 15 milijardi EUR je stvarno mnogo novca, posebno u ovakvim situacijama. Vikipediju svako moze da edituje, a video si sam da podaci se poklapaju sa MMFom... Ali nije poenta porediti se, ja bih bio srecan da je u Crnoj Gori GDP i 10 puta veci, pa ma koliki bio u Srbiji... samo treba malo realno sagledavati stanje. Nema nama preko 20,000 do 2020. Cisto da se brojke slazu :)
Pa je li to politicki ili ne vidjecemo na tenderu koji ce uskoro da se objavi za Veliku plazu :). Ma ne kazem ja, ali nigdje nema realne cifre ni za Srbiju, a posebno ne Crnu Goru. MMF cak ni nema informacije o nasem PPP i sl. Kad ce se moci vidjeti realno stanje u CG? Pa uvijek ce biti slican PPP Srbiji i CG., ali je pozitivno je to da se obije zemlje razvijaju i da ce nadam se stici neke zemlje kao sto su Hrvatska, Grcka i sl. jer imaju kapaciteta za to. Vidjecemo za 5 godina, da li imaju sanse da ih stignu :), ili sam ja previse optimistican za ove dvije drzave :D?
Crna gora bi morala da ulaže mnogo više novca u razne zelene projekte (pogledaj temu o novim tehnologijama) jer jednostavno nema novca da stalno uvozi sve što joj treba. Država (da je pametna) bi sada kada je svuda u svetu recesija trebala da ulaže u infrastrukturu (putevi, vodovod, kanalizacija), i ostale javne radove.

Nemoj previše da se nadaš da će arapi doći a naročito da će uložiti toliko novca. U komšiluku imate onog marsovca koji desetak godina tvrdi da će Albanija biti vodeći izvoznik nuklearne energije u regionu, strani investitori samo što nisu uoložili milijarde u izgradnju elektrana.

Saudijskoj Arabiji je neophodna cena nafte od 75$ za barel kako bi poslovala pozitivno, dok je nafta sada oko 45$ sa tendencijom pada. Uskoro bi OPEK trebalo da drastično smanji potrošnju, ali ni to neće biti dovoljno da se spreči pad potražnje i cena. Dođavola, cela autoindustrija je pred kolapsom. Pogledaj definiciju deflacije i njen uticaj na ekonomiju.
Zašto misliš da će u takvoj poslovnoj klimi neko pljunuti 15 milijardi dolara u razvoj turizma u Crnoj Gori? To je skoro tri puta više nego što u ovom trenutku vrede General Motors, Ford i Chrysler zajedno. Šta misliš, kako će proći turizam u svetu sledeće godine, u poređenju sa ovom? Ako budu na pozitivnoj nuli biće sjajno, ali teško ostvarivo.

Jednostavno, Crna Gora mora da diversifikuje svoju privredu, isto kao i Hrvatska. Srbija je tu u malo boljem položaju, kako zbog svestranije privrede, tako i jake domaće potrošnje (ovde kompanije neće propasti ako ne budu izvozile napolje, iako će biti jako osakaćene).
Podaci za Srbiju su plauzibilni:

Evo jos jednog izvora:

Annual data 2007(a) Historical averages (%) 2003-07
Population (m) 7.4 Population growth -0.3
GDP (US$ m; market exchange rate) 41,709 Real GDP growth 5.9
GDP (US$ m; purchasing power parity) 77,204 Real domestic demand growth 8.1
GDP per head (US$; market exchange rate) 5,642 Inflation 11.5
GDP per head (US$; purchasing power parity) 10,443 Current-account balance (% of GDP) -10.3
Exchange rate (av) RSD:US$ 58.15(b) FDI inflows (% of GDP) 8.5
(a) Economist Intelligence Unit estimates. (b) Actual.
Izvor: Economist
Link: http://www.economist.com/countries/Serbia/profile.cfm?folder=Profile-FactSheet

Crna Gora jos nije ubacena u monitoring.
Ako Economist to tako kaze, onda je vec to prava stvar - oni su poznati kao relativno konzervativni prema novim trzistima.
Meni je tu najporazniji podatak o populaciji koji kaze -0.3. Prosto me tuga uhvati kad vidim kakvi se sve "problemi" naturaju kao glavni dok oni sustinski i kljucni bivaju totalno zaboravljeni.











Slike Moskvoskog mosta otvorenog juce. Slike pripadaju "Bojan9" sa Skyscrapercity"


Slike od "Gagapg" sa istog foruma :


Meni se most ne sviđa, mislim da je kombinacija metala/kamenčića/belog zida/stakla vrlo vrlo loša i uopšte se ne uklapa u Moraču. Amfiteatar od štampanog betona izgleda pristojno, ali sveukupno mislimda je promošaj. Mnog mnogo bi lepše bilo da je most od drveta ili tako nešto.. Ili manje metala, a više drveta, ili da je skroz space urađen, ali NIPOŠTO NIPOŠTO sa onim belo okrečenim zidovima.. :/
Od drveta? Meni je to bas losa ideja. Najvise kod mosta mi se svidja stakleni dio sa grbom PG i Moskve.
Meni most generalno deluje ok, ima nekih elemenata koji su mi super (kao npr. nadstresnice na samom mostu), ali mozda mi jedino smeta to sto sam most i njegovi krajevi na obalama bas nisu najbolje ukomponovani, ondosno ne prate istu temu.
Скупи подгорички квадрати
Према извештају Светске банке у Црној Гори нема пуно простора за даљи раст цена некретнина, а могуће су и њихове значајне корекције
Подуже време смо слушали да у Црној Гори цене некретнина расту, па расту. Многи су се питали да ли том процесу уопште има краја или је то попут бескрајне пучине... Ценама квадрата у Црној Гори бавили су се економски експерти баш као и стручњаци за некретнине али се њима позабавила и Светска банка која је оценила да је промет некретнина у Црној Гори досегао максимум и да се више не може очекивати њихова куповина. Раст цена некретнина, како је наведено, може се очекивати само на веома малом броју локација и то превасходно дуж обале Јадранског мора. Дакле, обала уз плаветнило мора још држи висок ниво цена.

Основни елементи страних директних инвестиција нестаће у Црној Гори под утицајем погоршаног међународног економског амбијента, оцењено је у извештају Светске банке о прегледу црногорске јавне потрошње и институција.

„Бум на тржишту некретнина у претходне две године довео је до ситуације у којој цене станова и кућа у Подгорици тренутно превазилазе оне у Берлину или Пекингу. Нема још пуно простора за даљи раст, а индикатори указују на могуће значајне корекције цена на црногорском тржишту некретнина” наводи се у извештају Светске банке, који је објављен у „Вијестима”.

Пројектовање значајног пада у приливима капитала подразумева да ће економске активности наредних неколико година бити мање интензивне, сматрају аутори извештаја.

У документу је оцењено да је туристичка сезона прошле године била изузетна делимично због „новине” дестинације и броја међународно значајних културолошких догађаја.

„Материјализација уских грла јавне инфраструктуре током периода највеће тражње, нарочито оних који се тичу снабдевања водом и струјом, неконтролисана градња и у великој мери нерешено одлагање чврстог и течног отпада, могу спречити поновни долазак високоплатежних туриста” упозорили су из Светске банке.

У овом извештају се наводи да црногорски туристички производ је привлачан само у поређењу са другим дестинацијама западног Балкана, али још није конкурентан у односу на већ утврђена туристичка тржишта у региону.

„Студија Светског економског форума (WEF) за ову годину о конкурентности у путовањима и туризму открила је озбиљне забринутости у погледу конкурентности цена и еколошке одрживости туристичког сектора Црне Горе. Према тој студији, Црна Гора је на 105. месту по еколошкој одрживости, а на 129. према конкурентности цена, од 130 посматраних земаља.

У извештају Светске банке се наводи да када црногорска природна лепота једног дана нестане, укључујући атракције које су промовисане у званичним туристичким брошурама, туристи би могли преиспитати свој избор дестинације. Иначе, дефицит текућег рачуна повећан је са пола милијарде евра у 2006. на једну милијарду евра прошле године, што је већи раст него у било којој земљи региона Европе и централне Азије, подсетили су из Светске банке.

Приредила С. Прљевић
[објављено: 19/12/2008]
Izvor: Politika
Link: http://www.politika.rs/rubrike/Nekretnine/Skupi-podgorichki-kvadrati.sr.html
24 Dec 2008. 07:13 | Izvor: ND Vijesti
Arapi dostavili ponudu za Jadransko brodogradilište
Pošalji vijest | Verzija za štampanje
Kompanija Abu Dabi Mar jedina je dostavila ponudu za kupovinu 61,5 odsto državnih akcija u Jadranskom brodogradilištu Bijela, a u petak, kada je otvaranje ponuda, znaće se cijena za akcije i ulaganja.

Na zvaničnom sajtu Abu Dabi Mara piše da je ta firma među najvećim proizvođačima mega jahti u svijetu, a ne navodi se ko je vlasnik. U Vladi je Vijestima saopšteno da je ta kompanija povezana sa vladarskom porodicom Al Nahijan.
Ponuda za Brodogradilište na neki način je i znak da se Arapi spremaju za ulaganja u Crnoj Gori. Članovi porodice Al Nahijan boravili su nekoliko puta u našoj zemlji, a i kod nih je boravio premijer Milo Đukanović. Vladari Abu Dabija predstavljaju jednog od najvećih investitora u svijetu, i potencijalni su ulagači u ulcinjsku Veliku plažu, Adu Bojanu, Prvu banku...

Arapska kompanija koja se prijavila za Brodogradilište na trećem tenderu, izgradila je dvije najduže jahte u svijetu, koje su nedavno promovisane na sajmu u Monaku.

Vladari Abu Dabija posjeduju više povezanih firmi, pa i u oblasti brodogradnje, među kojima je i renomirana Abu Dhabi Ship Building (ADSB), koja se bavi izgradnjom i rekonstrukcijom trgovačkih i vojnih brodova. Prema dostupnim podacima sa Interneta, većinski paket akcija ADSB-a pripada vladi Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, kojima pripada Abu Dabi kao jedan od sedam emirata. Vlasnički udio posjeduju još i Newport News Shipbuilding, kao dio Northrop Grummana, američkog giganta iz vojne industrije, kao i francuski Constructions Mecaniques de Normandie. Sa druge strane, Abu Dabi Mar se bavi izgradnjom i servisiranjem megajahti.

Naspram Brodogradilišta u Bijeloj, u tivatskom zalivu planirana je gradnja marine za megajahte u režiji Pitera Manka sa partnerima. Ako se oba projekta realizuju, Crna Gora će imati proizvođača, servisera i marinu za megajahte.
28 Dec 2008. 10:28 | Izvor: Pobjeda
Prvi podzemni prolaz u Podgorici
Pošalji vijest | Verzija za štampanje
Gradonačelnik Podgorice, dr Miomir Mugoša sa saradnicima, predao je juče na upotrebu prvi podzemni prolaz u Glavnom gradu, izgrađen ispod Bulevara Svetog Petra Cetinjskog. Kako je Mugoša pojasnio, dužina prolaza između dvije podzemne garaže je preko 100 metara, a sam pješački dio ispod Bulevara je dug 56, a širok 4,8 metara. Vrijednost objekta, sa pristupnim djelovima, rampama, liftovima, te novim dijelom garaža, iznosi 1.200.000 eura.

"Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo što smo učinili dobru stvar za naše građane - dobili kvalitetan i siguran podzemni pješački prelaz, savremen objekat po svim standardima, i povećali maksimalno bezbjednost kretanja pješaka u ovom dijelu grada, gdje postoji izuzetna frekvencija saobraćaja, veliki broj motornih vozila i izuzetno posjećenih objekata, poput onog kod Vlade u zoni Kruševac B, banaka, hotela... To je i uobičajna šetačka štrafta, kojoj ćemo ubrzo pridružiti bicikle duž Bulevara, kada ga budemo obnavljali. Mislim da je ovo i prvi ovakav objekat urađen u Crnoj Gori, ovako savremen, ovih gabarita. Prvi, ali neće biti posljednji u gradu, jer će biti još podzemnih ali i nadzemnih prelaza. Dijelim sa vama moje, ali i zadovoljstvo mojih saradnika, što smo ovakav objekat uspjeli da završimo prije isteka kalendarske godine", kazao je Mugoša.

Gradonačelnik je istakao da je ugrubo završen dio garaža koje će imati dva ulaza/izlaza ispod objekta Maksim i zgrade "Normal kompani".

"Tu garažu ćemo nastaviti da radimo, sve do hrama Hristovog Vaskresenja, i dobićemo ogroman broj, od oko 400-500 garažnih mjesta u vlasništvu grada. Uz nekoliko stotina mjesta ispod zgrada, u ovom dijelu grada ćemo kvalitetno riješiti ne samo problem saobraćaja u mirovanju, već i očuvanja zelenih površina, trotoara koji treba zaista da pripadnu pješacima i biciklistima, a da vozila nađu mjesto ovdje ispod zemlje", ocijenio je on.

Mugoša je dodao da će, uz još par objekata, biti završena Zona Kruševac B, sa mogućnošću da se, kroz izmjenu prostorno planske dokumentacije, ovaj garažni prostor proširi sve do Bulevara revolucije, prema zgradi RTCG.

Izvor: http://www.cafemontenegro.cg.yu/index.php?group=22&news=58128

Nisam mogao da nadjem slike, ali je bilo na Dnevnik RTCG.
malo sam kopao pokušavajući da nađem relevantne podatke o interesovanju arapa za Veliku plažu. Rezultati su više nego interesantni.

Počelo je ovako

Sheik wants Velika plaza - Ulcinj, Montenegro
18 Jun 2007 11:44 +0100

Podgorica – Member of the Royal family of Abu Dhabi in charge of the investments and the chief of the Counsel for national security sheik Haza bin Zajed al Nahijan during the first day of his visit to Montenegro has announced great investments, and he particularly has shown interest for Velika plaza near Ulcinj – found out “Vijesti”.

Velika plaza (Big Beach) which is about 13 km long, and which has the surface of about 1.950 ha is ideal for construction of hotel – tourist contents. The state has the intention to give Velika plaza for lease or to enter the project of joint investment with the private investor, and the announcement of the tender is expected to happen very soon.

Sheik Haza is the guest of the president of Atlas group Dusko Knezevic, and yesterday in villa “Gorica” in Podgorica he met with Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic and minister of tourism Predrag Nenezic.

Sheik is staying in Montenegro under the great measures of protection of police control and security. He informed his hosts that he wishes no announcements for media nor the photographing because of which it is no wonder that Government ha snot given any announcement about the meeting with Sturanovic and Nenezic.

Sheik’s visit to Montenegro is a return visit, because recently president of DPS, together with Knezevic stayed in Abu Dhabi where they have presented possibilities for investments in Montenegro. Sheik during his visit will meet also Djukanovic.
“Vijesti” found out that the guest from Abu Dhabi from Friday when he came to Montenegro has visited many sites – from the coast over Skadar Lake up to the mountains.

Sheik Haza visited also the military hospital complex in Meljine which, should the negotiations with Government be successful, should be bought the Atlas group.
- Opened for all suggestions, he came to see Montenegro, and to get a personal impression about the country, people, and state’s determination for development and openness for investments. He is introduces with many projects, especially in tourism, and he was very interested. He is thrilled with natural beauties of Montenegro – said the collocutors of “VijestI” who met the member of the Royal family of Abu Dhabi.

They confirmed that sheik Haza has announced great investments in Montenegro, and he announced them “in immeasurable amounts if it is necessary”.
Abu Dhabi is one of the seven Emirates, which all together make United Arab Emirates. In Abu Dhabi the ruling family is the family Al Nahijan that among other things owns Golf bank whose president is sheik Haza. Managers of Golf Bank recently have also visited Montenegro.
Sheik Haza is finishing his visit to Montenegro today.

Z. Vucinic

Izvor - Visit montenegro.com/Vijesti
Međutim, ni na jednom od sajtova investicionih fondova nisam mogao da nađem ni jednu jedinu vest o tome. Jedini slučaj kada se pominje Crna Gora (i ostale balkanske države) je neka prevara sa kreditnim karticama od pre dve godine.

Ovo je clanak o investicionom fondu iz Abu Dabija (jednog od emirata u UAE)

Abu Dhabi sovereign funds flex muscles



December 29, 2008 at 6:47 AM EST

SUBJECT: Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth funds.

SIGNIFICANCE: The combined assets of Abu Dhabi's various investment entities represent the largest state-controlled investment funds in the world. Although some of these investments, especially those in Western financial markets, have suffered in recent months, Abu Dhabi's investments are heavily diversified and it is likely that their total value is still in excess of $700-billion (U.S.).

ANALYSIS: Conceived in the 1970s as a buffer should the international oil industry falter and the domestic economy require temporary support, the channelling of surplus oil revenues into long term overseas investments, rather than simply gold or short-term paper, has become a pillar of long-term economic strategy.

Today, Abu Dhabi's assets are thought to be between $700-billion and $1-trillion, generating average annual returns of around 10 per cent. This sum dwarfs the world's other sovereign wealth funds, such as those of Singapore and Norway with $490-billion and $390-billion respectively; Abu Dhabi is also far ahead of Gulf neighbours such as Kuwait, with $260-billion, Dubai, with about $100-billion, and Qatar with a modest $60-billion. Most investments have been made through a handful of government-owned authorities or government-backed companies:

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. The most prominent of Abu Dhabi's SWFs is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Founded in 1976, it reached about $100-billion in overseas assets by the mid-1990s and about $360-billion in 2005. Now estimates of ADIA's value range as high as $900-billion. Although ADIA technically came under the umbrella of the new Abu Dhabi Investments Council in 2006, in practice it appears to remain fairly autonomous. Staffed by teams of foreign experts, it is thought that ADIA has historically favoured conservative investments:

Index-linked blue chip investments in the developed world are still believed to make up about 60 per cent of ADIA's portfolio, the most recent example being the acquisition of a 5 per cent stake in Citigroup; this $7.5-billion investment in 2007 made ADIA the largest shareholder in the largest U.S. bank.

As part of the same strategy the authority has been building up considerable investments in mature Western real estate, with its UK portfolio alone being valued in excess of $6-billion.

About 30 per cent of the portfolio is in emerging markets, including South East Asia and the Arab world.

On the remaining 10 per cent little information is available, although it would seem that most falls under the control of ADIA's new strategic investments department. Examples of ADIA's strategic ‘wild card' investments may include a reported $5-billion investment in Libya's tourism infrastructure.

Abu Dhabi Investment Company. Also now nominally under the Abu Dhabi Investment Council is the Abu Dhabi Investment Company. Established in 1977, it is the second-oldest and second-largest SWF in Abu Dhabi, believed to be in control of over $15-billion in overseas investments: ADIC specializes in North African investments, but in the last few years it has begun to diversify its interests.

Most notably, in July, 2008, it bought out Prudential's 75 per cent stake in the iconic Chrysler Building in New York.

International Petroleum Investment Company. Abu Dhabi's third SWF is managed by the International Petroleum Investment Company. Originally founded in 1984 as a joint venture between ADIA and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, it remains co-owned by the two entities, but now falls under the umbrella of the Supreme Petroleum Council. It has a fairly independent board of directors, who have built up the overseas oil-related investment portfolio to nearly $14-billion:

Some of the biggest investments have included a 17-per-cent stake in Osterreichischen Mineralolverwaltung Aktiengesellschaft, a major Austrian petrochemicals company, and a 65 per cent controlling stake in Borealis, an Austrian plastics company that has links with the Abu Dhabi Polymers Company.

More recently, IPIC has invested in the Japanese oil refining industry by purchasing a 21 per cent stake valued at $780-million in the Cosmo Oil Company.

Mubadala Development Corporation. Abu Dhabi's fourth-largest but probably fastest growing investment arm was founded in 2002 by the soon-to-be crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. The Mubadala Development Corporation is staffed by members of the team involved in the early stages of the Dolphin Gas project. Many of these were handpicked for the purpose by Sheikh Mohammed, most notably Mubadala's esteemed managing director, Khaldun bin Khalifa al-Mubarak, and its chief operating officer, Waleed bin Ahmed al-Mokarrab al-Muhairi. Although Mubadala still serves as Dolphin's majority shareholder, since 2005 it has diversified considerably into a variety of other overseas investments. Most of these are overseen by its investment management group and are already believed to be worth over $10-billion:

In 2005 Mubadala purchased a 5 per cent stake worth $130-million in Italy's celebrated Ferrari car manufacturer.

Other investments have included a 7.5 per cent stake worth $1.3-billion in the Carlyle Group, an 8.1 per cent stake worth $620-million in Advanced Micro Devices, and a 35 per cent stake in Piaggio Aero, an Italian aircraft manufacturer.

In 2008, Mubadala made its biggest single investment when it began to buy up 3.3 billion dollars of shares in General Electric.

Outlook. Despite major interests in Western financials and mature real estate, ADIA will remain by far the greatest of the fund managing authorities in Abu Dhabi, though ADIC and IPIC have more strategic investments in sectors less likely to be affected by the credit crunch. Although currently only the fourth largest SWF in Abu Dhabi, it is likely that Mubadala will soon overtake ADIC and IPIC to become the second-largest fund manager. It is backed by the crown prince and is currently playing a key role in developing Abu Dhabi's new industries. As Dubai continues to struggle, it is probable that some of Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth – most likely from ADIA – will be used to buy stakes in Dubai entities, although given the sensitive nature of UAE politics it is likely that such arrangements will remain discreet.

CONCLUSION: Sovereign wealth will remain a pillar of Abu Dhabi's economy, and with neighbouring Gulf states struggling to finance their post-oil development plans in the wake of the global credit crunch, Abu Dhabi is well placed to provide assistance. The emirate's massive funds will assume an even greater role in the future political economy of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

From the Oxford Analytica Daily Brief

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Izvor - www.globeandmail.com
Elem, to je sjajna površina. Ali i na njih utiče kriza.

Ovo su počeli da grade (Jumeira gardens), 95 milijardi dolara, gradnja će trajati sledećih 12 godina. (lično mislim da ga neće završiti).


A evo i zašto

Dubai Investments may cut spending in 4th quarter: CEO

DUBAI: Dubai Investments may take a hit from its financial investments in the fourth quarter but solid group company results are likely to offset that, the company’s chief executive said yesterday.
“I don’t know how strong the earnings are going to be,” Khalid bin Kalban said, adding the firm had yet to close all its positions for 2008.
“The (overall) company is doing well, but our financial investments have taken a major hit. There are good earnings from other group companies and this will compensate for that.”
Dubai Investments, the UAE’s largest diversified holding firm by market value, had third-quarter net profit of 635mn dirhams ($172.9mn), a rise of 137%.
Its plan to sell a stake in one of its companies each year remains on track but poor market conditions mean it will tread cautiously in 2009, bin Kalban said. Media reports quoted Kalban as saying the firm is willing to sell up to 40% in its subsidiaries when market conditions improve.
“This is the plan from day one, everything we do we look for an exit,” bin Kalban said. “Earlier this year, we promised the market that when conditions were right we would sell stakes in one company each year and we did that this year.”
The company, whose businesses range from glass-making to pharmaceuticals, sold a 40% in private equity unit M’Sharie this year, raising 400mn dirhams, but its planned initial public offering for the division remains on hold.
Plans to follow the M’Sharie move with another sale in 2009 are uncertain amid fallout from the global financial crisis. “It all depends on the market conditions. In real estate, we don’t think the market is right in 2009 but maybe in manufacturing it will be better.” – Reuters

Izvor - Gulf times
Ovo je iz Pakistanske štampe

Pakistanis worried about UAE investments

Friday, December 12, 2008
By Faryal Najeeb

KARACHI: Pakistani real estate investors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are not the only ones to have lost out heavily on their investments, for many well-off Pakistani families looking towards owning a home in the pearl of the desert are now in a lurch as construction for several projects has stopped due to the financial crunch the Arab country is facing.

One Pakistani investor, Waleed Mughal who had invested in a residential project is “worried to death” over what would happen now as he had made plans to move out of his rented villa and take up residence in his own home once completed.

He expressed that the freehold developers had promised to complete the project by early 2010 and he had invested heavily in owning an apartment. “Now the project is 80 per cent complete but the future of the remaining 20 per cent is uncertain. Despite repeated queries, I haven’t received any response on what is likely to happen next,” he articulated.

Many others like Waleed are in the same dilemma as the freehold properties of UAE promised world class luxuries and were priced for the same. Not being professional investors, and digging in to their savings to make their dreams come true, these families are now completely distressed.

According to a real estate expert’s analysis, the UAE real estate market has already declined by 22 per cent and a further 17 per cent of the downfall is expected before the year ends.

While local investors have been left severely wounded by the losses they experienced there, which run in millions and billions of rupees, many families dreaming of Dubai as their second home and having permanent residency are now pale with fear over their investments.

“Though the UAE government continues to decline the fact, several projects in the country have come to a standstill” informs a real estate expert from UAE. He shares that the Arab country claims that the projects have simply slowed down and all will be well by the beginning of the new year, but the reality is far from it.

“Take projects such as Burj Dubai, Palm Deira and Jumeirah Gardens as examples or real estate giants Emaar and Al Nakeel” he continued. “All of these have either backed out completely or are now reviewing their launched plans” he said.

The expert further shared that UAE officials were now taking action against anyone being verbal about the recession in the local real estate market. He went on to say that some had tried to ‘bribe’ Pakistani investors to continue investing while offering them facilities such as free visa, travel and living expenses in the UAE.

“The problem with our people is that they invest without thoroughly analysing the market” Senior Vice President of FPCCI Sub committee on Housing and Construction, Munir Sultan commented. “Our people saw that everyone is rushing towards the UAE market and they decided to head for it too” he voiced.

“We want short cuts and quick money without an ounce of hard work and that’s why our investors faced losses that have left them worse-off than from where they started. And unfortunately some honest families got caught in the middle of it too” Sultan added.

Izvor - The news

Baš čudno, zašto milioni ljudi koji su potrebni da napune nove građevine neće da žive u pustinji.
Elem, manimo se ludih arapa i njihovih megalomanskih planova. Crna Gora vredi više od bahatih šeika (da, ja stvarno ne podnosim Dubai) i ruskih soon to be ex tajkuna. (samo Abramovič je pao sa 23 na nešto preko 3 milijarde dolara).
Konkurs je raspisan, bio je izbor i pobedili su Holanđani, tj.

Van Den Oever, Zaaijer & Partners, architecten Amsterdam / Stijlgroep Landscape and Urban Design Rotterdam.

Ovako izgleda pobednički projekat za Veliku plažu. Jako mi se sviđa što se mnogo insistira na upotrebi obnovljivih izvora energije i zaštiti prirodne sredine. Ovo će se graditi narednih deset godina. Ubedljivo nešto najbolje što sam video od novih projekata u CG.

Izgleda odlicno.. ali 10 godina? Mada i to ce biti dobro, kakvi su ovi nasi, nece je ni za 20 godina zavrsit.
Dubai i Abu Dhabi nisu isto. Rekao sam da je Dubai u velikim govnima jer su sve ulozili na turizam i nekretnine i nemaju puno nafte a Abu Dhabi je pun petro dolara. Ovaj projekat ce sigurno sagraditi.