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Beograd - nove tehnologije

CISTA: Modern Rainwater Harvesting Made Beautiful
by Daniel Flahiff


Generally associated with plastic and wooden 55 gallon drums covered with slimy moss, rainwater harvesting just doesn’t seem to capture the imagination like an exotic green roof or a gleaming solar array — until now. The CISTA rainwater harvesting system (which we just spotted on Kohler’s new H2OVisions website) is a dramatic, elegant and space-saving solution for the urban environment that conserves water, increases green space and just might finally bring rainwater harvesting the kind of attention it deserves.


Rainwater harvesting is one of the easiest and most practical things homeowners can do for the environment. It saves on the water bill, eases the load on the local watershed, and can help keep that ecologically friendly landscaping looking fresh and healthy. We’ve covered rainwater harvesting solutions before, but this is the coolest rainwater harvesting system we’ve seen yet — the CISTA is a beautiful space-saving rain water harvesting system designed for urban environments.

A collaboration between architects MOSS SUND and industrial designers figforty, the CISTA is an 8-foot stainless steel column that acts as a kind of planted downspout. It can collect up to 100 gallons of water at a time, creating enough water pressure to operate a soaker hose housed in a storage compartment at the base of the unit. A climbing plant like ivy is planted at the base and naturally winds its way up into the frame. The LED water-level indicator lets you know if the CISTA needs a little help, the system can be expanded both horizontally and vertically, and thanks to its nesting design it can be efficiently shipped.




Izvor: Inhabitat

U prevodu, super oluk :)
Giant Eco-Egg Skyscraper: A Conceptual Luxury Hotel
by Haily Zaki


From the unseen, unsung files of design competitions past comes the Envision Green Hotel proposed by Miami-based Michael Rosenthal Associates for Hospitality Design’s Radical Innovation design competition. Part wind tower, part urban eco-resort, and all egg, this “lobular” structure is touted as one of the most recognizable landmarks for the city in which it would ultimately be…laid. Inhabitat leaves it up to you to decide whether this is an egg-cellent idea or something not quite fully hatched.


Operating like a living organism, the Envision literally breathes through its wind and atmospheric conversion systems, which allow natural air into the interior of the building without mechanical intervention. Photovoltaic exterior sheathing provides the building’s energy, while indoor gardens at various levels of the structure act as upward extensions of the earth, creating mini-microclimates that filter the air and act as added insulation. Recycled pools of water around the structure serve as catch basins, water reservoirs, fire barriers, and indispensable decorative aquatic features. Power from the wind turbine heats the boiler and creates steam for the chiller water plant beneath the structure to cool and heat the hotel.

Within the hotel, rooms would be designed on a 4 foot multiple to conform to standard-sized materials and reduce construction waste. A high-efficiency LED system would illuminate the interiors, and non-toxic, non-off-gassing finishes would be employed. Besides the typical water-efficient fixtures, this eco resort would use recovered rainwater for flushing and irrigation. The rooms would also include a mood pad control unit that would allow each guest to control the lighting and choose groovy digital images that would reflect behind glass walls and ceilings.


To help this giant eco-egg blend even more subtly into the surrounding urban context, exterior LED curtain walls would change color throughout the night to indicate the progression of time, making the Envision glow in the night like a giant, moody Fabergé egg.





Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo je projekat za hotel, zainteresovani gradovi se mogu prijaviti. :) Da li bi pre odseli u ovome ili u onoj kocki od Hiltona pored buvljaka? :p

Ja bih je smestio u onaj deo gde je sada divlja gradnja, između gazele i starog sajmišta, iza Save i parka.

2012.godina, dobrodošli u hotel Fabergé, Beograd. :D
Sve više kilovata iz alternativnih izvora energije
Tečni akumulatori će moći da zamene električne centrale
Autor: P. Đurović | 15.03.2009. - 00:02


Takozvani tečni akumulator, izum naučnika prestižnog Instituta za tehnologiju Masačusets (MIT), nije poput drugih, jer su njegove elektrode u stvari tečni metali, a elektrolit koji provodi struju između njih je istopljena so. Uređaj izuzetno brzo apsorbuje ogromne količine energije, zahvaljujući baš ovoj neobičnoj mešavini.

Prototip akumulatora se sastoji od ogromnog kontejnera obloženog izolacijom, u koji se prvo sipa antimon na dno, a potom elektrolit u vidu sodijum-sulfida. Zatim se odozgo naliva magnezijum. Kako svaki od ovih materijala ima različitu gustinu, oni se ne mešaju, već ostaju na svom mestu, što umnogome pojednostavljuje konstruisanje akumulatora. Kontejner se ponaša kao provodnik struje jer prenosi elektrone iz energetskog izvora, u ovom slučaju solarnih ploča, do električne mreže i krajnjih potrošača poput domaćinstava i fabrika. Takođe, dok struja protiče kroz kontejner, magnezijum i antimon se izdvajaju iz magnezijum-antimonida rastvorenog u elektrolitu.
Akumulator izuzetno brzo apsorbuje ogromne količine energije koju zatim oslobađa noću, kad solarne ploče ne upijaju sunčevu energiju. On se tada zapravo prazni i u tom procesu se elektrode opet rastvaraju i čine magnezijum-antimonid. On se rastvara u elektrolitu, što uzrokuje širenje elektrolita dok se elektrode smanjuju. Novim napajanjem sa solarnih kolektora, proces otpočinje iznova.
– Elektrode mogu da provode struju i do nekoliko desetina puta jaču nego standardni akumulatori – tvrdi Donald Sedvej, profesor hemije materijala na prestižnom Institutu za Tehnologiju Masačusets(MIT), jedan od izumitelja ovog akumulatora.
Sedvej predviđa da će se ovakvi veliki akumulatori povezivati kako bi se napravile električne centrale. Prema procenama, centrala koja bi pokrivala potrebe Njujorka za energijom bila bi snage 13.000 megavati i zauzimala bi prostor od 60.000 kvadratnih metara. Njeno punjenje bi zahtevalo ogromne površine pod solarnim pločama, ne bi li se nakupilo dovoljno energije i za noćnu potrošnju. Međutim, ove centrale bi u početku samo pomagale postojećim, u periodima kada je potrošnja energije najveća, što bi vodilo postepenom smanjivanju elektrodistribucione mreže.
Iako su do sada predlagani različiti projekti alternativnih energetskih izvora, ovaj akumulator ima prednost zato što je jeftin, može se lako postaviti na svakom terenu i dugotrajniji je od ostalih alternativa. Takođe, njegov dizajn je jednostavan, pa omogućava brzu i laku serijsku proizvodnju.
Nakon izrade prototipa, Sedvej sa svojim timom eksperimentiše, isprobavajući druge metale kao elektrode, a prema njihovim procenama, akumulator sa tečnim metalima bi na tržištu trebalo da se pojavi za pet godina.

Izvor: Blic

Konačno neka lepa vest, i to iz MIT-a, a ne od strane nekih ludih naučnika. U stvari, i u MIT-u su ludi naučnici, ali sa kredibilitetom. :)
Jedna uredba grada bi ovo mogla da propiše kao standard

Outdoor Ad Companies Debut Recyclable Eco Billboards
by Bridgette Steffen


As of March 1, the three largest outdoor communications companies will no longer be using paper or PVC for their billboards, citing the need to transition to more environmentally friendly materials. As an alternative, Clear Channel Communications, CBS Outdoor, and Lamar Advertising will now be rolling out Eco Posters made from fully recyclable polyethylene (PE) substrate. These new posters take less time to install, don’t require any toxic glue to paste them up, don’t peel or wrinkle like paper, and can last up to 3 times as long.


Since the 1980’s, the billboard advertising industry has largely used PVC for the nearly 170,000 billboards that line our nation’s highways. An additional 200,000 billboards use thick paper also known as at ‘30-sheets’, which are named after the amount of paper needed to fill the billboard. That adds up to roughly 250,000 square feet of PVC used each year, and nearly 150 million pounds of the non-biodegradeable material wind up in landfills.


Made by approved vendors like Eco-Flex and Circle Graphics, Eco Posters are composed of single pieces of polyethylene that have special pockets sewn around their edges to attach them to a billboard. Compared to the 30 sheets of paper needed for a paper billboard, their material weight is reduced from 40 pounds to only 4 pounds, and they are capable of resisting water. Eco Posters also boast improved print quality compared to both vinyl and paper.


Despite their many benefits, Eco Posters are currently 1.5 to 2 times more expensive than traditional posters that run over a span of 30 days. For advertisers that want to leave their posters up for as many as 90 days, the cost is about the same.

There is also the question of whether or not they will eventually get recycled. The makers of Eco-Flexx as well as the Outdoor Advertisers Association of America (OAAA) have pledged to work with Global Polymers, LLC (a private recycling company headquartered in Kentucky) to take the old posters and recycle them. It’s great that they are using a product that is easier to recycle than PVC, but the only way this new product will be more environmentally friendly is if they follow through with recycling.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Prvo veliki bilbordi, a posle posteri za koncerte i izbore. Bolji kvalitet slika i fotografija, nije potreban lepak, duže traje, ne gužva se itd.... I može da se reciklira. Mislim da to opravdava duplo veću cenu (ako se drži manje od 90 dana).
PREFAB FRIDAY: CitizenM Hotels
by Evelyn Lee


Prefabricated design welcomes the weary traveler at CitizenM Hotels, where luxury accommodations are available at economical prices thanks to the streamlined production of the modular units that make up the buildings. The Amsterdam-based company is able to offer affordable prices by keeping their construction costs low through a process called “Industrial Flexible Demountable,” which means modular units or “luxury pods” are fabricated off-site and then stacked together to construct a building. With an ultra sleek look, the hotel offers a hip, youthful vibe that helps keep anyone’s pocketbook full.


CitizenM is short for Citizen Mobile — and is the target audience for this new hotel chain. What traits characterize a Citizen Mobile, you ask? Contemporary travelers are considered explorers, culture-seekers, professionals and shoppers — in other words, the hotels try to embody a sense of independence and youth. Whether or not you consider yourself a Citizen Mobile or simply someone looking for a good deal as an eco-conscious traveler, one thing is for sure: citizenM will be constructing hotels as they scout more locations in urban destinations and assemble rooms in their factory — and have already announced plans to roll out their pre-fabulous hotel accommodations in major cities all across Europe.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo vidim kao jednostavan i jeftin način da zadovoljimo glad grada za hostelima i hotelima sa dve i tri zvezdice.
Još jedan električni superautomobil. Jeste da prototip košta 100.000 dolara i da još nema serijske proizvodnje, ali vredi te pare. :)

EV inovations Inizio


240 km/h, od 0 do 100 za 5 sekundi, radijus od 320km
možda još zanimljiviji projekat, za koji postoje realne šanse da ga vidimo na ulicama. Električna vespica :D

The Transforming Movito Electric Scooter
by Jorge Chapa


The Movito is an eco-friendly electric scooter that recently took top honors in NASA’s Create the future Design Contest. Designed by Tai Chiem, the vehicle is propelled by a carbon-cutting in-wheel electric motor located within a modular base that can be detached to form a two-seat vehicle.


Here at Inhabitat we’re big fans of futuristic prototypes, and any design that has received a NASA award definitely has our attention. The Movito consists of two modular parts - an upper scooter chassis, and a base that provides propulsion via an electric motor and rechargeable batteries. The use of an in-wheel motor allows the scooter’s chassis to be slim, smoothly sculpted, and exceptionally lightweight.

Since the vehicle’s propulsion system is designed as a self-contained unit, two bases can be detached and aligned in parallel to create a two-seater vehicle. The innovative electric scooters are intended for urban use and come complete with a gps system with a touch screen interface.




Izvor: Inhabitat
The EcoDrain Cuts Water Heater Use by 40%
by Daniel Flahiff


A hot shower is relaxing, but is also a huge waste of energy: we heat our water with massive amounts of natural gas, oil or electricity, then transport the heated water to our tubs for a few seconds of sudsing, before washing it down the drain full of raw, wasted heat and energy! What if we could recapture this untapped source of wasted energy by transferring the heat from that shower waste-water to cold incoming water? The EcoDrain, a simple heat exchange unit, does just that, saving water heater use by up to 40%.


Showering is “likely your most energy-intensive daily household activity. Although hidden on your energy bill, heating water for showers represents a significant portion of the total.” The EcoDrain is a simple heat exchange unit with no moving parts that is “easy to install” and needs no maintenance.

We were lucky enough to see a preview of this new technology at last year’s West Coast Green where Marc Hoffman, EcoDrain chief product designer, presented the concept to a panel of VCs and Green Industry experts. The devices simple, stainless steel profile belies it’s considerable innovation. The heat exchange unit features a “double wall of separation between fresh and waste water…plus an interior non-stick coating to prevent soap, hair or debris collecting inside.”

“Hot waste fluids represent a massive and often untapped source of clean energy,” say the EcoDrain folks, and we couldn’t agree more. But building code hurdles seem to be slowing the pace of getting the EcoDrain out to the public. As of this writing, EcoDrain says, “We are committed to getting the EcoDrain approved in your area. Please contact us if you require code approval in your area.” They go on to say that “The EcoDrain is a new product. It saves energy in homes and so is very relevant for the LEED for homes program. We are working to see how the EcoDrain will fit into this program. Please contact us for more information.” As for us, we wish them the best of luck and hope to see these installed everywhere in the near future.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Mi uglavnom imamo individualne bojlere, ali verujem da bi ovo bilo jako korisno prilikom gradnje novih zgrada.
Meni se prvobitno učinilo da je ovo za individualne bojlere, odnosno da je ovo bio mali protočni, a mlaka voda prvo išla u njega, pa onda u tuš,.. Inače, meni nije baš jasno da li voda koja odlazi ima dovoljnu toplotu, jer se ja uvek tripujem da je ona ledena.
Konačno, porodična verzija roadstera, tesla s. :D

The Tesla Model-S Revealed!
by Jorge Chapa


After months of teasing, Tesla has finally announced the highly expected and hotly desired Tesla Model-S. In keeping with the Tesla Roadster, the Model-S is a gorgeous looking electric vehicle that is capable of rocketing from 0-60 in 5.5 seconds and traveling up to 300 miles on a single 45 minute charge.


When people think of Tesla, they often picture the Roadster, the electric sportscar coveted by eco-geeks everywhere. What most do not know is that in reality the Roadster was always intended to provide both a prototype and the funding for creating the more affordable mass-market vehicle, the Model-S. Everyone was expecting Tesla’s Model S to be a stunning vehicle - a suspicion that was confirmed by the pictures that Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, leaked in his Flickr account.

By all accounts Tesla truly have a winner in their hands. Whereas the roadster was targeting Porsche as a competitor, the Model-S will be going head-to-head against BMW and Mercedes. The Model-S will cost $57,400, and it qualifies for a federal credit in the US, so expect that price to drop down a bit. You can expect to see this hitting production by 2011. We can’t wait.






Izvor: Inhabitat

Vidi se uticaj BMW-a, Maseratija i Aston Martina. Njam :p Ovo je nešto u čemu mogu sebe da vidim. U mat sivoj (stealth) boji, ala Lamborghini Reventon. Još da malo padnu cene...
Još malo Tesle





- Up to 300 mile range
- 45 minute QuickCharge
- 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds
- More Cargo space than station wagons
- 2X as efficient as hybrids
- Charges from 120V, 240V or 480V
- 5 minute battery swap
- Seating for 5 adults + 2 child seats
- Unique hatch for oversized items
- 60/40 flat-folding rear seat
- 2nd trunk under hood
- 120 mph top speed
- All-wheel-drive available
- Pure electric
- 2X as efficient as hybrids
- Proven powertrain from leading EV Mfr.
- 17 inch infotainment touchscreen

Ovo je iz reklame sa sajta:

With a range up to 300 miles and 45-minute QuickCharge, the Model S can carry five adults and two children in quiet comfort – and you can charge it from any outlet, without ever stopping for gas. World’s first mass-produced electric vehicle offers performance, efficiency and unrivaled utility for a base price of $49,900*, making it the only car you’ll ever need.

Three battery pack options offer a range of 160, 230 or 300 miles per charge. With the 45 minute QuickCharge or a 5 minute battery swap, you can drive from LA to San Francisco, Washington to New York or take even longer road trips in about the same time as in a conventional car.

With seating for five adults and two children, plus an additional trunk under the hood, Model S has passenger carrying capacity and versatility rivaling SUVs and minivans. Rear seats fold flat, and the hatch gives way to a roomy opening, so you can stow a mountain bike, 50-inch flat-screen TV, full drum set or futon frame – more than ample for the entire family and their gear.

Model S offers 100 percent torque, 100 percent of the time without jerky shifting and a fraction of the noise and harshness of internal combustion engines. This smooth and constant power delivery, combined with the sporty handling of the chassis and suspension, leads to a superior driving experience.

The Model S powertrain features a liquid-cooled, floor-mounted battery pack and a single-speed gearbox, delivering effortless acceleration, responsive handling and quiet simplicity -- no fancy clutchwork or gear-shifting required. Model S costs about $4 to fully charge – a bargain even when gasoline is $1 per gallon. You can listen to Pandora Radio or consult Google Maps on the 17 inch touchscreen with in-car 3G connectivity.

USA, EU+, Canada

$49900 (njima vlada daje subvenciju od sedam i kusur hiljada dolara)

Dobro ovo je reklama, ima i problema, neće svako želeti da čeka 45 minuta u toku puta da dopuni bateriju (možda da koriste Šelbijevu?), koja sama traje 5-10 godina (u zavisnosti od toga koliko se njaka) posle čega se menja. Rešenje je kupiti dve i drugu državi kao rezervu, pored rezervnog točka (mesto za prtljag imate i pozadi ali i napred, kao kod bube, jer je električni motor manji od benzinskog/dizel motora). Problem je što nisu objavljene cene za baterije. Ipak, ovo je maliproblem, pre bih rekao dečija bolest koja se mora preležati. Ne zna se ni koliki je kapacitet baterije, tako da cena od $4 može biti viša ili niža kod nas.

Ovaj automobil košta kao neki BMW ili Mercedes srednje klase (40-45.000 evra) pa verujem da će interesovati klijentelu u tom segmentu tržišta. Što se tiče punjenja, pored garaža, kako privatnih tako i javnih, očekujem da će i tržni centri ponuditi takvu opciju. Kao što sam već postovao, posebni stubovi sa štekerima ili samo dodaci za bandere nisu neka svemirska tehnologija. Kada ljudi budu videli jedan dobar model električnog automobila, pokušaće da urade isto to, samo za manje pare. Čitao sam u jednom starom SAM-u (Sam svoj majstor). od pre više od 25 godina, kako je jedan čovek u Zagrebu prepravio fiću da ide na struju, sa osam ogromnih (i teških) akumulatora.
Kad su pre nekoliko godina napravili onaj roudster od oko $100K i najavili da ce im sledeci model biti porodicni sedan od oko $60K ni u najludjim snovima nisam pomisljao da ce to ovako izgledati. Imao sam u glavi da ce to izgledati kao neki od onih hibrida smesnog dizajna.

Cak i da se uzme ona najslabija baterija koja ima 160 milja radijus kretanja i cena od 4 dolara za jedno punjenje, to ispadne 5 puta jeftinija voznja nego na benzin(kod nas).
45 minuta za jednu dopunu i nije tako mnogo. To vam je dovoljno za 90% potreba za koje su vam potrebna kola i tad punite kuci. U ostalim slucajevima, kad idete na duzi put, i onako bi trebali da pravite pauzu na svaki 3 sata(ako u proseku idete 85km/h). Sve ovo vazi za onu najslabiju bateriju, sa ovim vecim sve je jos lakse.
Vlada je u pravu, ovo su decije bolesti. Uskoro ce auto na el. bateriju prelaziti i mnogo vise nego na benzin. Pa kad se budu zadovoljili kilometrazom, preci ce na smanivanje vremena dopunjavanja. Tj vec sada postoje takva resenja ali su skuplja.

Ima i nekih protivnika ove tehnologije jer kao i struja se mora stvoriti negde a to opet zagadjuje. Totalna glupost. U proizvodnji struje se koriste i obnovljivi izvori koji ne zagadjuju, a oni koji zagadjuju ,kao termoelektrane kod nas, proizvode manje zagadenja po jednici proizvedene el. energije nego svako auto posebno.
Ja danas video "novu tehnologiju" u praksi u Srbiji ovoj, a za koju ne znam ni koliko je nova. Verovatno postoji 30ak godina. :laugh:

Stavili su ina moju zgradu onaj novi francuski gromobran. Ranije je bio onaj kul nuklearni. Nuklearni mi se više sviđao, ali nebitno.
Uglavnom, ima i brojač udara groma koji me je oduševilo, a koji trpi 100 kA. Fascinira me ta brojka. Duval Messen. :lool:
Pogledaj prvi post u ovoj temi. Naravno da je i ranije bilo kamp kućica na rasklapanje, ali ne ovakvih. Koncept nije nov, ali primenjena rešenja jesu. Na kraju, električni automobili postoje više od 100 godina, ali da li je postojao neki kao Tesla? :)
Još jedna varijanta poda koji stvara struju, idealno za stanice gsp-a, autobuske/železničke, diskoteke, fakultete, pošte,banke itd...; sva mesta gde mnogo ljudi štrapacira u toku dana

POWERleap Harnesses Energy from Little Feet
by Desmond Williams


There’s an interesting installation at a playground near my home. It is a small play area consisting of nine square brass tiles with chimes embedded beneath them. Kids love this section of the park, and as they hop around on the squares, the chimes create a magical noise. Watching those kids dance I wondered, What if those squares generated energy? Harnessing the power of little feet is an idea that has already been tapped into. Elizabeth Redmond’s POWERleap concept tiles do exactly that.


First showcased in 2007 as part of Metropolis magazine’s Next Generation design competition, POWERleap has developed “a flooring system that converts wasted energy from human foot traffic into electricity.” The magic behind the work is “piezoelectric technology and advanced circuitry design,” which converts pitter-patter into power. “While each individual footstep does not produce a significant amount of power, multiplied by the stampede of 5th Avenue shoppers, [or students at recess] POWERleap can generate significant amounts of electricity.”


“The project is not about hiding the infrastructure, it’s interactive, playful, flirtatious, and exciting,” said Redmond in a Metropolis magazine interview. “I am calling on all humans to become responsible and sustainable self-generators for the communal grid.” And even humanity’s youngest members can contribute while having fun. POWERleap is still in development, and there’s no talk of adding music to the tiles, but I’d certainly like to see them in my local playground some day.

Izvor: Inhabitat
Jedan mikro električni moped/bicikl. Kada se umorite od pedalanja, samo uključite motor (idealno za uzbrdice :))

by Adrianne Jeffries


What do you get when you cross a bicycle with an electric scooter? Probably something like Ultra Motor’s “Light Electric Vehicle,” the A2B. Silent and stylish, the A2B is designed for urban and suburban commuters (check out that comfy, oversized seat). It’s like your bicycle, except with a lithium ion battery-powered motor that you can plug in and charge at any ordinary electric socket. And if you run out of power on the road, no worries — just start pedaling.


The bike can go for 20 miles at up to 20 mph, and you can double that range by buying an extra battery pack. It has a lightweight aluminum body (73 lbs.) with full suspension — check out the rest of the specs here. The bike is outfitted with two bags and two baskets for your stuff. This hybrid offers a relaxing, emissions-free ride — and as the web site says, it “allows riders to get as much or as little exercise as they choose.”


Izvor: Inhabitat

ovde ih ima još, uključujući i električni skejt :)

da stavim i nešto svetsko a naše :)

Najdraže je priznanje od svog grada
Autor: D. Krstić | Foto:M. perić | 25.04.2009. - 05:00

Za svoj pronalazak „Integralno zategnuta kupola sa bezmomentnom konturom“ Miodrag Nestorović dobio je mnoge nagrade. Ipak, kako sam kaže, najdraža mu je Nagrada grada Beograda koju je dobio pre nekoliko dana.


Punih 18 godina Miodrag Nestorović je radio na usavršavanju svog pronalaska, a deset godina je čekao na priznanje patenta. Čekanje se isplatilo, jer je njegovo orginalno konstrukcijsko rešenje pobralo brojna svetska i domaća priznanja. Kupola koja se oslanja na kvadrat, a prednapregnuta je kablovima i može da se montira u osam koraka osvojila je zlatne medalje na izložbama prolnalazaka u Beogradu, Moskvi i Skoplju.
- Najdraža mi je Nagrada grada Beograda. Beograđanin sam, a priznanje u „svojoj kući“ je najvrednije. Dvadeset godina sam radio na ovom projektu i grad mi se za to, pre nekoliko dana i odužio - kaže Nestorović.
Njegova kupola je osobena i po tome što može cela da se montira na zemlji, a onda jednostavno, auto – dizalicom da se podigne. Ceo postupak može da obavi osam montera, pa se tako veoma brzo dobija jedna građevina, koja recimo, može da bude školska fiskulturna sala ili sala za neka sportska takmičenja.
- Kupola ne može da bude pokrivena krutim pokrivačem, već to mora da bude membrana. Šest metara u zemlju su ukopani delovi konstrukcije, dok iznad zemlje visina dostiže do 10 metara - objašnjava Nestorović.
Jedinstvena je i čvorna veza kojom su povezani kablovi koji čine kupolu, a projektovana je tako da drugi deo te veze bude svetiljka. Tako je rešeno i pitanje osvetljenja kupole.
- Bila je ideja da se kupola montira pored Treće beogradske gimnazije, pa da škola tako dobije fiskulturnu salu, a jedan deo koji ne bi bio zatvoren bi bio iskorišćen kao mesto gde đaci mogu da se okupljaju – priča Nestorović.
Ovaj pronalazač i profesor Arhitektonskog fakulteta radi na tome da kupola, koja mu je donela titulu najuspešnijeg pronalazača u Beogradu prošle godine, može i da se demontira.
- Ovo je jedno nekonvencionalno rešenje, a takvu studijsku grupu vodim i na fakultetu. Ako je kupola demontažna onda je to još praktičnije . Lako se montira, a ako se pojavi bolje rešenje isto tako može i da se demontira, pa da se na tom mestu napravi nešto drugo – kaže Nestorović.
Želja ovog pronalazača je da se njegov pronalazak primenjuje, da služi gradu, a posebno deci.
Miodrag Nestorović diplomirao je i doktorirao na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a magistrirao na Građevinskom fakultetu. Danas predaje na Arhitektonskom fakultetu. Rukovodilac je kurseva Konstruktivni sistemi, Prostorne strukture i Studio projekat. Na postdiplomskim studijama drži nastavu u okviru kursa Konstruktivni sistemi.Član je više profesionalnih asocijacija, dobitnik značajnih nagrada i priznanja i autor značajnih izložbi na temu konstruktivnih i prostornih sistema.

Izvor: Blic
Evo kako može da izgleda stanica za punjenje strujom, i to na solarni pogon. Pošto je u pitanju Čikago, dizajn možemo da primenimo i ovde (ne verujem da windy city ima više sunčanih dana od nas) i da ne potrošimo nijedan KW struje iz mreže.




Ovo se može strpati na bilo koji parking na otvorenom. I autobuske stanice bi mogle biti energetski nezavisne.
Specijalna poljska „Buma“ montažna tehnologija
Kuća gotova za jedan dan
Autor: E. B. | 03.05.2009. - 00:01

Zamislite sledeću situaciju: ustanete ujutru, odete na posao, a plac pored vaše kuće je prazan. Vratite se s posla, a na placu pored vaše kuće nikla je još jedna kućica. U njoj gori svetlo, a komšija već unosi nameštaj. Zahvaljujući takozvanoj „bumati“ montažnoj tehnologiji, razvijenoj u istoimenoj građevinskoj firmi u Krakovu, u Poljskoj, gotovi 3D stambeni moduli napravljeni u fabrici samo se prevezu kamionom do placa gde se kuća ili zgrada sklapa i samo se kranom postave jedan na drugi.


Jacek Mihalski, 55-godišnji osnivač i vlasnik firme „Buma“, konstantno usavršava dizajn i kvalitet montažnih objekata. Montažne kuće nisu novina, ali „Buma“ sistem se neuporedivo brže montira od ostalih, za otprilike istu cenu.
Standardne porodične kuće imaju od 100 do 120 kvadrata, velike staklene prozore, aluminijumsku stolariju i modernu fasadu od akrilnog gipsa, tropske drvene građe ili HPL panela koji prianjaju jedni uz druge praveći futuristički oblik kocke. Materijal koji „Buma“ koristi za izolaciju, ekspandiranu glinu, omogućava odličnu toplotnu izolaciju. Krovovi u više nivoa omogućavaju skupljanje vode koja se kasnije može koristiti u domaćinstvu.
Sopstveni sistem ventilacije i grejanja omogućavaju vlasnicima da kontrolišu temperaturu u svakoj sobi ponaosob. Terase imaju nadstrešnice na daljinsku kontrolu, a na daljinski su i ulazna kapija i vrata garaže. Uz kuću čak ide i montaža drvene ograde. Prilaz kući popločava se kamenim pločama. Čak, po želji, može biti posađeno i drveće i žbunje. Ugrađuje se i interfon.
U fabrici u Poljskoj izrađuju se do detalja 3D stambeni moduli sa laganim sastavnim zidovima, čeličnim spoljnim stepeništem i terasama sa staklenom ogradom. Kupac onlajn bira izgled kuće i spolja i iznutra, sve do pločica, podova i kuhinjskih elemenata. Tako da, nakon dovoženja i postavljanja stambene jedinice, možete se odmah useliti jer je enterijer potpuno opremljen ugradnom kuhinjom, kupatilom sa svim sanitarijama, dnevnom i spavaćim sobama.
Sklapanje kuće traje od jedan do pet dana. Umesto zidara i stolara, cigli, maltera i daski, na placu se mogu videti samo kran i monteri. Cena kuće zavisi od kvadrature, a standardni 3D modul ima od 100 od 120 kvadrata.
Poljska građevinska firma „Grupa Buma“ do sada je izgradila i montirala više od 1.700 stanova, 270 porodičnih kuća i 55.000 kvadrata poslovnog prostora. Pre nekoliko godina posao u Krakovu je bukvalno stopiran a firma se preorijentisala na razvoj posla za inostrano tržište, posebno na London, gde Mihalski radi sa kolegom, poljskim arhitektom Andrejem Ogorzalekom.
– Napravljene su da traju minimum 100 godina i uprkos brzini izgradnje, nema ničeg klimavog u njima – uz osmeh kaže Mihalski.

Izvor: Blic
Robot-nastavnik predaje u Tokiju
Autor: Blic online | Foto:AP | 12.05.2009. - 10:49

Robot-nastavnik Saja, koju su nedavno proizveli japanski naučnici, održala je svoje prvo predavanje u jednoj školi u Tokiju, navodi britanski "Telegraf".


Humanoidni robot Saja predavala je 10-godišnjim učenicima osnovne škole "Kudan" lekcije iz nauke i tehnologije.
Uredno očešljana, našminkana i obučena, Saja je dizajnirana da što više liči na ljudsko biće. Na njenom licu mogu se videti šest osnovnih osećanja: iznenađenje, strah, gađenje, bes, sreća i tuga.
Tvorac Saje, profesor Hiroši Kobajaši sa Univerziteta prirodnih nauka u Tokiju, kaže da je njena glavna svrha da deci predoči značaj tehnologije, ali i da zameni svoje ljudske kolege u školama kojima nedostaju nastavnici.
"Većina profesora ne može da se u potpunosti posveti svojim učenicama, tako da je ovaj robot specijalno dizajniran kako bi svaki đak dobio adekvatno znanje", objašnjava profesor Kobajaši.
Saja je prvobitno (pre pet godina) stvorena da radi na recepciji u japanskim kompanijama, da bi je robotičari nedavno reprogramirali u nastavnicu.

Izvor: Blic
Kako da imate bazen bez hlora i ostalih hemikalija :) Idealno za npr. Košutnjak.

Natural Swimming Ponds Ditch The Chemicals
by Bridgette Steffen


This gorgeous swimming pool isn’t a typical chlorine-filled watering hole–it’s actually a natural swimming pond that relies on plants to filter the water. (Don’t worry, you’re not swimming among the plants and stepping in squishy mud; the plant regeneration area is kept separate from the swimming area.) Even if you already have a swimming pool, you can enjoy the benefits of a chemical-free pond and relaxing natural environment using the structure you already have with a few design changes.


Natural swimming ponds are already quite popular in Europe and are gaining interest in the US. Companies like Clear Water Revival (UK) and Total Habitat (US) can help you design your perfect dream pond, or revamp the pool you already have. The cost of new natural ponds versus conventional swimming pools is said to be comparable, but maintenance costs for a chemical-free pool will be much lower. (Just think of the increased health benefits as an added bonus.)

A natural pond is usually larger than a normal pool to accommodate the plants, rocks, and natural vegetation that comprise the filter zone (separate from the designated swimming area). Once water filters through the plant zone, it is then pumped through a UV filter to ensure maximum cleanliness and aeration. Typically, natural ponds have a waterfall to pump water back into the swimming area. Design and shape options are endless.

Whereas a conventional pool is little more than a concrete tub, a natural pond is a landscape centerpiece that will enhance the value of your home and quality of your life. What could be more beautiful than that?




Izvor: Inhabitat
Seedbomb Plant Capsules Combat Desertification
by Mike Chino


Doomsday devices they are not - these seed-sowing plant bombs are one design team’s weapon of choice in the fight against global desertification. Consisting of a biodegradable shell loaded with a potent payload of plant capsules and nutrient-rich artificial soil, Seedbombs are designed to be dropped out of planes to help slow the spread of desert regions that are growing due to deforestation and other man-made causes.


Designed by Hwang Jin Wook, Jeon You Ho, Han Kuk II and Kim Ji Myung, Seedbombs are a way to dispense direct aid to areas of impending desertification. Each carrier shell fans out in flight to disperse multiple clear plant capsules containing both soil and seeds. Once the capsules land, the soil provides enough nutrients and moisture to allow the plant to become strong enough to sustain itself. As the plant matures, the capsules gradually melt away.

Admittedly the design is purely conceptual and there’s some serious considerations to work out - wouldn’t it be dangerous to local flora and fauna to carpet entire regions with a hail of seed-spewing pods? How best to mix up the distribution of plants to be sown? Do the resources, manufacturing costs, and flights to disperse the capsules really make this the best option? We don’t expect to see seed bombing tactics in use anytime soon, although the concept certainly caught our eye.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Dobro. mislim da nam je bombardovanja preko glave, ali je koncept interesantan. Tj. biorazgradivi kontejneri koji bi mnogo olakšali postavljanje cveća i zelenila u gradu. Dovljna je i nekvalifikovana radna snaga bez prethodnog iskustva za postavljanje kontejnera recimo prilikom gradnje autoputeva