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Beograd - nove tehnologije

Ja sam oduševljen a istovremeno i razočaran. Ovo je još jedan primer (pored aktivne katodne zaštite brodova) da je SFRJ imala sjajne naučnike kojima nije dovoljno pomogla da razviju svoj pun kapacitet. Od tada je situacija mnogo gora. Od 1990 situacija u zemlji je sledeća: pepeljuga (nauka) je bačena u ćošak da kunja do daljeg dok su dve ružne sestre (religija i estrada) u centru pažnje.
Stanice za punjenje električnih automobila u SAD
Autor: Tanjug | Foto:flickr.com | 21.11.2008. - 09:04

Proizvođači automobila, japanski "Nisan" i njegov fracuski partner "Reno", saopštili su u četvrtak da će, u saradnji sa vladom američke savezne države Oregon, izgraditi mrežu stanica za punjenje automobila na električni pogon, u želji da promovišu korišćenje tih ekološki prihvatljivih vozila.


"Nisan" planira da počne prodaju električnih automobila paralelno u Japanu i SAD u fiskalnoj 2010. godini, prenela je agencija Kjodo.
Kompanija "Portland dženeral ilektrik", glavni snabdevač električnom energijom u Oregonu, igraće ključnu ulogu u multilateralnom projektu uspostavljanja i održavanja stanica za punjenje automobila na električni pogon.
Ova kompanija je nedavno izgradila šest takvih stanica u Oregonu. Predsednik "Nisana" Karlos Gon u junu je saopštio da je njegova kompanija sa američkom državom Tenesi dogovorila zajedničku studiju o infrastrukturi potrebnoj za lansiranje električnih automobila na američko tržište 2010. godine.
"Nisan" i "Reno" su ranije ove godine objavili planove za zajedničku prodaju električnih vozila na tržištima Izraela, Danske i Portugalije.

Izvor: Blic

Ovo uopšte nije skupo kako na prvi pogled izgleda. Dovoljno je da grad donese odluku da svaka benzinska pumpa ima rok od tri godine da instalira (pored postojećih dizel/benzin/gas) i jedan aparat za punjenje strujom. Mislim da problem voltaže i različitih priključaka (za različite modele raznih proizvođača) ipak nije nešto što je nepremostiva prepreka. Sledeći korak je nabavljanje takvih vozila (umesto juga) za potrebe GSP-a, EDB-a, Hitne Pomoći i drugih gradskih službi. I da postepeno idemo ka tome da prvo u krugu dvojke a onda i šire bude zabranjen pristup vozilima koja emituju štetne gasove. Onda će i fasade trajati po 30 godina.
Uskoro prve dozvole za DTH program
25. novembar 2008. | 11:17 -> 15:03 |
Beograd -- Republička agencija za telekomunikacije (Ratel) planira da u prvom tromesečju 2009. izda prve dozvole za provajdere televizijskog satelitskog programa tipa DTH.

Izvršni direktor Ratela Milan Janković je kazao da će nacrt pravilnika o načinu izdavanja dozvola za distribuciju televizijskog programa preko satelita do gledalaca biti napravljen do kraja ove godine.

U Srbiji, prema njegovim rečima, tu vrstu satelitskih usluga već pružaju kompanije SBB, Pink i rumunska firma Digisat. Te komopanije gledaocima nude različite pakete televizijskih progrma.

Telekom lansira IPTV

Iz Telekoma Srbija su najavili su da će se na predstojećem telekomunikacionom forumu Telfor održati prezentacija nove usluge IPTV - kablovske televizije i Interneta preko telefonske veze.

Ova usluga u promotivnom periodu trenutno se nudi korisnicima na teritoriji Beograda, Novog Sada, Niša i Kragujevca, a u narednom periodu biće dostupna i ostalim korisnicima.

Na skupu o digitalnom emitovanuju televizijskog programa, koji je održan u Intro centru Telenora, Janković je rekao da odlučeno da za licence za provajdere DTH neće biti izdavane na tenderima, već da će se zainteresovane kompanije same prijavljivati.

"Na taj način će biti regulisan ovaj segment telekomunikaciong tržišta u Srbiji", rekao je izvršni direktor Ratela.

Janković je naveo da Srbija ima obavezu da do 2015. godine pređe na digitalno emitovanje televizijskog programa, ali da će, kako je istakao, pokušati da to uradi do 2012. godine, do kada će to uraditi sve zemlje Evropske unije.
Izvor: B92
Link: http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2008&mm=11&dd=25&nav_category=9&nav_id=330595

Razvoj tržišta telekomunikacija
25. novembar 2008. | 15:03 |
Beograd -- Akcioni plan za razvoj tržišta telekomunikacija od danas je na javnoj raspravi, izjavila je ministarka za telekomunikacije i informaciono društvo Jasna Matić.

Ona je, na otvaranju telekomunikacionog foruma Telfor, pozvala stručnjake da Ministarstvu dostavljaju predloge za izmenu tog teksta, koji utvrđuje korake za razvoj telekomunikacija u Srbiji u naredne dve godine.

Plan će danas biti objavljen na internet sajtu Ministarstva, a od ponedeljka će Ministarstvo za telekomunikacije na svim sajtu objavljivati i sugestije koje budu stizale u Ministarstvo.

Ministarka očekuje da će za 10-ak dana biti potpisan ugovor sa pobednikom na tenderu za uvođenje elektronske vlade i da se očekuje da će prva sednica vlade bez štampanja dokumenata biti održana u martu 2009. godine.

Kako je najavila, do kraja godine će biti doneti propisi o uvođenju CDMA i vajmaks (WiMax) tehnologija, koje omogućavaju pružanje internet usluga i fiksne telefonije, a tokom decembra će početi i izrada planova za prelazak na digitalnu televiziju u Srbiji.

Ona je najavila da će Ministarstvo doneti niz propisa čiji cilj je da sektor telekomunikacija uskladi sa evropskim propisima iz 2002, jer su sada na nivou iz 1998. godine, ali i da se zakonodavstvo prilagodi promenama na tržištu.

"Naš cilj je da dovedemo tržište u stanje regularnosti, što je u sektoru telekomunikacija teže nego u drugim sektorima privrede i društva jer se tehnologije brzo razvijaju, pa je potrebno brže usklađivati zakone nego u drugim segmentima", kazala je ona.
Izvor: B92
Link: http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2008&mm=11&dd=25&nav_category=9&nav_id=330635
Kompanija „Eko konstrukcija” predstavila novi proizvod
Sagradite kuću za samo deset dana
Autor: P. Đurović | 30.11.2008. - 00:02


Zamislite da vam je potrebno samo nekoliko dana da napravite kuću po sopstvenim planovima. To je izvodljivo zahvaljujući konceptu ID 4, francuskom proizvodu koji postavlja nove granice u građevinarstvu. Predstavljen je na sajmu “Eko fair” u Beogradu.

– Da sagradite kuću od oko 100 kvadratnih metara, potrebno vam je svega desetak dana i dva radnika. Sve to vas košta oko 20.000 evra, a sve zahvaljujući ID 4 konceptu – objašnjava Stefan Kaplan, generalni direktor kompanije „Eko konstrukcija“.
Naime, ovaj francuski proizvod omogućava izuzetnu uštedu u vremenu izgradnje, radnoj snazi, kao i kvalitetnu toplotnu izolaciju i uštedu na grejanju tokom hladnih perioda. Materijal je izuzetno izdržljiv i postojan uprkos spoljnim vremenskim uslovima, a pruža mogućnost izgradnje u visinu i do devet spratova. Laka tehnička obrada, apsolutni termički komfor leti i zimi, vodootporan hermetički krov prilagodljiv svakoj vrsti crepa, samo su neke od prednosti ovog proizvoda.
– ID 4 koncept se razlikuje od montažnih kuća i onih sagrađenih na tradicionalan način po tome što ima duplu izolaciju, i spolja i iznutra, a između oplata se naliva 15 centimetara betona. Osnovna sirovina je neopor, koji predstavlja smešu grafita i polistirena, i izuzetan je toplotni izolator, čak do 60 odsto bolji u odnosu na tradicionalne materijale poput cigle ili drveta – kaže Bane Jovanović, direktor „Eko konstrukcije“, kompanije koja je ekskluzivni distributer ovog proizvoda za naše tržište.
Iako su novi na našem tržištu, za ID 4 koncept vlada veliko interesovanje kako građevinskih firmi, tako i pojedinaca koji žele da sebi naprave uštedu prilikom izgradnje kuće. U Francuskoj se potražnja, za sedam godina, koliko je ovaj proizvod na tržištu, dvostruko uvećavala iz godine u godinu. Firma koja će prva izvoditi radove u Srbiji je „Mundijal prošte“, koja već ima ugovorenu izgradnju tri stambena objekta.

Izvor: Blic
Broadstar’s AeroCam Breaks the Wind-Watt Barrier
by Mike Chino


Amid veritable fields of wind turbine options the Broadstar AeroCam stands out with an innovative design that packs a powerful turbine into a compact form factor. Constructed to spin on a horizontal axis, the micro-turbine’s multiple aerodynamic blades cut a profile similar to a water wheel and allow it to intuitively track the path of the wind as it rotates. The turbine is the industry’s first to shatter the $1/watt cost barrier, and Broadstar aims to make its AeroCam turbines a go-to option for rural, urban, and wind farm in-fill applications.


Since solar panels are finally starting to see an influx of small-scale and residential applications, we couldn’t be happier with the growing crop of micro-turbines that aim to make wind power an option in areas less inclined to sunshine.

Broadstar’s turbines aim to provide more power and choice of location than conventional turbines as well as “a lower total cost of acquisition and ownership and a faster payback period. The AeroCam has the potential to equip almost every local community, business and government building with its own renewable energy power station and it can supplement existing turbines.”

The AeroCam’s unique design allows Broadstar to manufacture, transport, and install, and maintain it at lower costs than conventional turbines. A 250kW system will retail for $250,000, making it the world’s first turbine to break the $1/watt cost barrier. The AeroCam is designed to operate smoothly in wind-speeds from 4-80 mph, and these low rotational speeds mean that it produces a negligible amount of noise.

Since Broadstar turbines are optimized to function at lower wind speeds, they are perfect for small-scale residential and commercial applications, and they also would be excellent at filling the niches between towering propellers in wind fields. Broadstar Wind Systems have produced a working prototype and are currently in negotiations to place the product with two Fortune 100 companies.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Pričali smo ranije o mogućnostima za izgradnju vetrogeneratora u gradu, zaključak je bio da je to suviše opasno. Sa ovakvim dizajnom, krovovi će nam izgledati čudno, ali će u najgorem slučaju obezbeđivati struju za hodnike i liftove.
Spinnaker Tower Stairs to Generate Electricity
by Jorge Chapa


Imagine being able to collect the energy of every person walking up and down the stairs from the Spinnaker Tower viewing platform in Portsmouth, UK. That is the proposal being put forward by David Webb, from the British consultancy of Scott Wilson. His hope is to install miniature “heel-strike” generators underneath the stairs that would capture the power generated by a person as they walk down the tower. His ultimate goal is to install them in every rail station, shopping center and even in your shoes!

The idea behind the technology is remarkably simple. Everything moves, and everything that moves is expending some form of energy - kinetic energy to be precise. Some of this energy generally goes to waste, after all if you hit your foot on the ground, very little will actually happen. But thanks to advances in technology, it is now possible to recover some of that energy and turn it into electricity. The two most common technologies are piezoelectric materials, and heel strike generators.

According to Webb, if these generators were to be installed at the Victoria Underground Station in central London, the power generated by the 34,000 people moving around would be able to power approximately 6,500 lightbulbs. The technology also has application beyond the small steps. Plans are afoot to look into installing these devices in the tower itself, to harness energy from the swaying movement of the building!

Kinetic energy is looking more and more promising, particularly as a way to create small amounts of energy for individual devices. Expect to hear more about this field in the coming months.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Dodatan način za generisanje struje, korišćenjem kinetičke energije. Stepenica imamo dovoljno, samo još da primamimo dovoljno turista. Prvi eksperiment bi bili podzemni prolazi, zatim stepenice na sajmu.
Solar Energy Cogeneration Solution from SolarWall
by Ali Kriscenski


Solar photovoltaics are, depending on the day, between 8-15% efficient meaning much of the sun’s energy’s is lost as heat. While solar thermal systems offer a way to harvest this heat energy for heating water or interior spaces, this option has usually displaced the electricity generating PV on rooftops. A new system from SolarWall, the SolarDuct PV/T, offers a combination of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal in one assembly providing a means to heat and power from the sun with one product.


The system is an evolution of the SolarWall system, a vertical mounted solar thermal and heat recapture system that transfers heat into or away from a building’s HVAC mechanicals depending on the season. The SolarDuct PV/T is based on the same principle of capturing heat from the sun and heat generated from excessive solar gain on buildings. The new system adds photovoltaic over thermal ducts to maximize energy efficiency.

The captured warm air can be vented into the HVAC system, preheated, to decrease the building’s energy load. The draw of air away from the photovoltaics “also enhances the electrical operating efficiency of the PV by up to 10%,” according to the manufacturer Conserval Engineering Inc. The solar thermal duct system acts as the mount for the PV, pre-angled to maximize solar gain and making it ideal for flat roof installations.

In addition to optimizing rooftop real estate with a two-in-one solar energy system, the Solar Duct PV/T seems to hold the potential to shorten the payback time on investment, since it decreases a building’s heating demand while producing electricity.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovaj sistem kombinuje fotovoltne i termalne solarne ćelije, ono što se direktno ne pretvori u struju, ide na zagrevanje tako da se ništa ne baca. Može da se kombinuje sa onim kombajnima iz gornjeg posta.
HABITAT 2020: Future Smart ‘Living’ Architecture
by Mahesh Basantani


One of the most effective ways to cut down the ecological footprint of buildings is to follow the lead of nature through biomimicry. Habitat 2020 is a future forward example of biomimetic architecture that fuses high-tech ideas with basic cellular functions to create ‘living’ structures that operate like natural organisms. This nature-inspired approach to city living looks at the urban landscape as a dynamic and ever-evolving ecosystem. Within this cityscape, buildings open, close, breathe and adapt according to their environment.


The Habitat 2020 building is envisioned for China, and radically alters our perception of a structure’s surface. The exterior has been designed as a living skin, rather than a system of inert materials used only for construction and protection. The skin behaves like a membrane which serves as a connection between the exterior and interior of the habitat. Alternatively, the skin may be considered as the leaf surface having several stomata, cellular openings involved in gaseous exchange and transpiration in plants.


The surface would allow the entry of light, air and water into the housing. It would automatically position itself according to the sunlight and let in light; thus electricity for lighting would not be needed during the day. The air and wind would be channeled into the building and filtered to provide clean air and natural air-conditioning. The active skin would be capable of rain water harvesting where water would be purified, filtered, used and recycled. The skin could even absorb moisture from the air. The waste produced would be converted into biogas energy that could be put to diverse uses in the habitat.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Još jedan sjajan primer biomimikrije, zidovi i fasada su dizajnirani kao "koža" živog organizma.
Dancefloor generates electricity at London’s first eco-disco!
by Cate Trotter


Sustainability got sexier last week as Coldcut and Jade Jagger hosted the opening of Surya in King’s Cross. The Club4Climate project is London’s first taste of eco-friendly clubbing, making clubbers happy in the knowledge that their organic beverage-induced booty shaking can generate 60% of the energy needed to run the club. The venue’s most exciting innovation is the piezoelectric dancefloor, which uses quartz crystals and ceramics to turn clubbers’ movement into electricity!


Previously seen in the Sustainable Dance Club in Rotterdam, this is Britain’s first exposure to such technology. The rest of the power needed will come from a wind turbine and solar energy system, with any surplus used to power private homes in the area. The club will also be installing the latest air flush, waterless urinals, low flush toilets and automatic taps to ensure maximum water saving plus less greedy air conditioning units.

The project is clearly trying to affect behavior on a much wider scale, too, requiring patrons to sign a 10-point manifesto on entry, giving free entry to anyone who can prove that they walked or cycled to the venue, and encouraging as many other clubs as possible to adopt his philosophy.

Property developer Andrew Charalambous is behind Club4Climate, appearing in character as ‘Dr Earth‘ to be more down with the kids. He says the club aims to ’stop preaching to people and use an inclusive philosophy to create the revolution [needed] to combat climate change.’ A Club4Climate island is also planned for 2010, although how clubbers will transport themselves to the island hasn’t been mentioned.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Znao sam da rejv žurke mogu nećem korisnom da posluže samo do sada nisam znao čemu :D
The Human-Powered Floating Gym!
by Jorge Chapa


Have you ever pedaled on a stationary bike at the gym and thought to yourself: ‘What if this energy I am exerting could be used for something better than just making me sweat?” Well now a new proposal from architect Mitchell Joachim promises to take all that energy expended at the gym to the next level, by capturing all that exertion and using it to transport people around the rivers of New York City. The River Gym concept is a human-powered floating gym that will provide the user with the one experience that no other gym can provide: floating your workout around Manhattan. Designed by architect Mitchell Joachim and personal trainer Douglas Joachim, this project could bring inspiration to both the morning commute and workout.


There is a significant amount of energy expended when going to the gym. Nothing wrong with that of course, other than the fact that all of it is spent in one place and, other than getting people fit, the energy is wasted. While we know of one gym that is trying to do something with that energy, we’re impressed by River Gym’s creative take on using that human power to tackle some transportation needs.

The River Gyms are, in essence, floating gyms designed to provide health amenities while floating along the Hudson and East rivers. Each gym is programed with a specific path set on a 15 minute loop moving from one point to the next. This means that each one of these devices can function both as a gym with a view and as a transportation system.

The design won the third place in New York Magazine’s 2005 Create a Gym competition, and it is certainly easy to see the appeal of one of these. Obviously, while the design proposal was specific for New York, pretty much any city with access to a river could be filled with these gyms.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo je super za sve ljubitelje ribok stepa i sličnih sprava za mučenje. Jedna tura oko ade i bićete zategnuti. :)
New Precast Concrete Sucks CO2 Out of the Air
by Bridgette Steffen


Canadian environmental consultants, Carbon Sense Solutions, may have just developed a carbon storage method that could reduce global CO2 emissions by as much as 1% a year. Their new method called, CO2 Accelerated Concrete Curing, accelerates the curing process and stores carbon dioxide at the same time. This method applies only to precast concrete, but has the potential to make a huge impact on the world.

The method, also known as concrete carbonation, actually occurs naturally as concrete cures, but up until now has not been considered economical. Carbon Sense Solutions says it has developed a faster way to store more CO2 in concrete, using off the shelf technology, which uses dramatically less energy. They also claim the concrete is more durable, more resistant to shrinking and cracking, and less permeable to water.

As concrete is used more than any other man made material on earth, (the Chinese alone consume 40%!), and concrete is responsible for upwards of 5% of global CO2 emissions, any amount of increase carbon storage in concrete would make a difference. So if Carbon Sense can really deliver as they say it can in Technology Review, the process “has the potential to sequester or avoid 20% of all cement-industry carbon dioxide emissions.” That’s some carbon sucking concrete.


Izvor: Inhabitat

U našim cementarama bi mogli ozbiljno da se pozabave ovom tehnologijom, verujem da će im uštede biti ogromne, uz povećan kvalitet i trajnost.
by Jorge Chapa


While many green gear-heads argue whether electric vehicles are better than hybrids, Slovak designer Matúš Procháczka has brought the debate one step further. His innovative concept car foregoes these trifling 21st century technologies and fast-forwards straight to the future. Instead of an internal combustion engine, his vehicle is driven by an electric engine that generates a magnetic field capable of propelling the vehicle down the road!


Caveat first: the MAG car would require that all automotive infrastructure be magnetized in order for it to work, a task well-neigh impossible for any large-scale implementation. However such a system would tremendously reduce the energy required to propel the car, as it’s electromagnetic motor would be calibrated to reduce the car’s weight by 50%. The seats are created by two fabric nets which are adjustable to suit the occupant, and consume a minimum of materials.

The winner of the Unseen Technology Award at the Interior Motives Design Award 2007, the MAG is an extremely futuristic vehicle that requires technologies that are far away from being developed and deployed. Still, it presents a striking concept for future-foward transport that was too intriguing for us to resist.



Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo nećemo imati skoro, jer treba zameniti celokupan asfalt, ali je dokaz da je moguće imati potpuno ekološki čisto vozilo. Moglo bi da se stavi na puteve na adi, to je jedno desetak kilometara.
LIVING MACHINES: Clean, Green Waste-Water Recycling
by Olivia Chen


Resembling something like a tropical forest, John Todd’s attractive solution to waste-water management uses plants to clean up water. Consisting of a series of ecosystems that work together to break down water contaminants, Todd’s approach offers a natural and eco-friendly alternative to costly traditional water treatment plants. The concept was recently awarded a Buckminster Fuller Award for its elegant application in cleaning up Appalachia’s water supply, and has been adopted and adapted by many eco-minded individuals around the country.


Converting sewer sludge to fresh water is no easy job; traditional treatment plants consume massive amounts of money, energy, and resources. John Todd’s innovative solutions for waste-water management re-envision the process as an eco-conscious endeavor, conserving water and reducing overall treatment costs with minimal sludge disposal, water purchases, sewer surcharges, and chemical use.

Part natural and part man-made, John Todd and his firm re-organize natural resources to transform water from dirty to clean. In their most basic design, waste-water pulses through a minimum of three different ecological systems that process and filter it in different ways. Each ecological system is isolated from the others so that it can treat waste-water based on its own unique needs, after which the water cycles on to the next community.

Since the technology uses “helpful bacteria, fungi, plants, snails, clams and fish that thrive by breaking down and digesting pollutants”, selecting and then cultivating diverse communities is key in order for all compounds to be treated. The magic lies in understanding how the organisms interact and combining them just right so that they can soak up the nutrients they love, helping them grow while providing us with clean - if not drinkable - water.

Since their inception, these eco-friendly contraptions have seen a variety of applications. Their rather remarkable use of living organisms makes them a shoe-in for use as an educational tool, as they are at Oberlin College, and the have also popped up at resorts, lake restoration sites, and even at chocolate maker Ethel M’s factory in Nevada.

Ed note: We previously referenced John Todd’s work as “Living Machines”- a trademark owned by Worrell Water Technologies who have created a similar form of waste-water management.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Da, ovo je fabrika za preradu otpadnih voda, ovako treba da izgleda ona koju tek treba da gradimo, kao prašuma (verujem da bi mogli i da naplaćuju obilazak). Da se kladimo da je ovakav koncept nekoliko puta jeftiniji od klasičnog?
Asphalt Power: Unlocking 4 Million Miles of Solar Energy
by Mike Chino

Anyone who’s taken a barefooted tryst across a paved parking lot knows that blacktop can reach sweltering temperatures when exposed to the summer sun. Now researchers at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute have found a way to use to employ the heat-soaking properties of asphalt as an energy source by inserting heat exchangers a few centimeters below its surface. The development may pave the way for an inexpensive source for electricity and hot water that re-imagines our existing auto infrastructure as a massive conduit for solar-thermal energy.

The United States’ highway network consists of a tremendous expanse of roads and streets stretching 4 million miles. All day long these transit routes soak up the sun’s rays, storing an immense amount of energy that is left to dissipate by nightfall. The concept of asphalt-absorbed solar energy is enticing because it offers an inexpensive way to collect solar energy by utilizing an extensive infrastructure that already exists.

Rajib Mallick has taken the helm of a group of researchers at Worcester Polytechnic and touts the many benefits of using roadways as solar collectors:
“For one, blacktop stays hot and could continue to generate energy after the sun goes down, unlike traditional solar-electric cells. In addition, there is already a massive acreage of installed roads and parking lots that could be retrofitted for energy generation, so there is no need to find additional land for solar farms. Roads and lots are typically resurfaced every 10 to 12 years and the retrofit could be built into that cycle. Extracting heat from asphalt could cool it, reducing the urban ‘heat island’ effect. Finally, unlike roof-top solar arrays, which some find unattractive, the solar collectors in roads and parking lots would be invisible.”

Mallick’s team envisions a network of highly conductive water pipes that would run beneath our roadways, taking advantage of their untapped solar potential. Once heated, this water can be used as-is to heat buildings or can be passed through a thermoelectric generator to produce electricity.

The key to making this technology efficient will be to find the optimum materials for heat conductivity; to do this the team has been experimenting with various compositions of asphalt as well as specially designed heat exchangers that will soak up the maximum amount of thermal energy. Mallick states that “Our preliminary results provide a promising proof of concept for what could be a very important future source of renewable, pollution-free energy for our nation. And it has been there all along, right under our feet.”

Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo je sjajna stvar, vremenom se menja asfalt i stavlja ovaj, koji ispod sebe ima sloj koji može da prikuplja toplotnu energiju tokom dana.
Metabolix Grows Bioplastics in Switchgrass
by Mike Chino


Bioplastics are becoming a burgeoning industry as the cost of oil climbs and the disastrous nature of petroleum-based plastics is revealed in full effect. This past Monday Metabolix announced an incredible development: they have found a way to generate “significant amounts” of ecologically-sound bioplastic by growing it in directly in switchgrass. The fast-growing perennial plant is paving the way for a sustainable source of Mirel, the company’s biodegradable brand of bioplastic.


Mirel is a versatile bioplastic with has many uses including food packaging, agricultural products, and consumer goods. It’s tough and durable, resistant to heat and hot liquids, and completely biodegrades when exposed to microbial activity in soil, marine environments, or compost piles.

Now Metabolix can make Mirel by combining genes of naturally occurring substances to produce a polyhydroxybutyrate (PHA) polymer that grows directly in switchgrass. As an added bonus, once the polymer has been harvested, the leftover plant can be used as a source for biomass energy. An efficient and versatile source of bioplastic such as this is sure to enable future generations of eco-friendly industrial design.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Bioplastika, u njenoj izradi se ne koriste naftni derivati a lako je razgradljiva.
by Jorge Chapa


In the search for a solar solution to power our cities, one of our biggest obstacles is the massive acreage required by conventional arrays. Photovoltaic panels are flat and expansive, and urban centers are at a serious loss for free space. Now Australian renewable energy retailer Going Solar has conceived of a clever strategy that infuses urban transit systems with energy producing potential - install solar panels in highways as sound barriers!


Going Solar’s first highway installation was completed on the Tullamarine Calder Interchange in Australia. The solar sound barrier comprises 500 meters of photovoltaic panels that are attached to a public display showing the project’s power output. As the highway is located near some residential areas, energy doesn’t have to travel far to reach its destination, and the massive solar panels provide much needed soundproofing to the houses nearby.

It is expected that the installation will produce 18.7 megawatts per year, which is enough to cover its cost in about 15 years. The innovative application has netted Going Solar the ATRAA’s award for best grid-connected system


Izvor: Inhabitat

Sjajna stvar, pored autoputa se postavljaju zvučne barijere, koje istovremeno prikupljaju energiju. Zamislite koliko može da se prikupi na deonici Novi Sad - Beograd - Niš.
Black Cloud Citizen Scientist League
by Moe Beitiks

If you ever listened to the old radio show “The Shadow”, you know that the central caped crusader had a legion of agents, who all kept in communication with him using sparkling rings. Though its central figure is not a masked hero, but a cuddly mass of polluted air, the Black Cloud Citizen Scientist League has a similar feel to it. The league distributes tiny pastel blue boxes - PuffTrons - that measure local air quality throughout the day and transmit their findings to a web server. The secret code includes levels of light, temperature, carbon dioxide, and VOCs.

Organized by a group of artists and enigineers, the Black Cloud Project began as a game for the students at Manual Arts High school. Several sensors were deployed in mystery spots around Echo Park in Los Angeles, and the students then had to track them down based upon the online statistics. The found, disturbingly, that the sensor in their own classroom read the highest levels of carbon dioxide, and was overall one of the most polluted sites in the neighborhood. The students reacted by keeping their windows open throughout the day to encourage better air circulation.

The name “Black Cloud” originates with the mysterious dark masses that appear every October above Cairo, Egypt. These sooty specters are possibly the result of burned agricultural waste and urban pollution. The League will distribute PuffTrons to art galleries throughout Cairo in January renamed “Green Nodes” that will not send their data to a web server.

Currently there are PuffTrons on surveilance throughout Los Angeles and the Bay Area. Sites include Zellerbach Hall, the Berkeley Institute of Design, and the Machine Project Gallery, where the League recently unveiled the findings of their work in Echo Park. The event included a DIY air-quality sensor building workshop and a party complete with black cloud ice cream. Anyone who would like a PuffTron in their neighborhood can contact the project and request one: they can also score a patch with the black cloud logo on it.

Izvor: Inhabitat
TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: The Bike that Rides on Water
by Jorge Chapa


We love it when people take a familiar idea and turn it into something completely new. Take the good old pedal boat — a simple vehicle powered by human motion, not unlike the trusty bicycle. What if one could create an amphibious human-powered vehicle that could move from land to water with the ease of a salamander? That was the inspiration behind the radically innovative Di-Cycle Concept by GBO design, a half bicycle / half pedal boat hybrid that looks as fun as it sounds.

The Di-Cycle Concept is particularly well suited for the Netherlands, where there is an ardent biking culture and plenty of water. Therefore it comes as no surprise that this is where the Di-Cycle was developed. GBO design wanted to create a fun and active vehicle that could explore the city using both roads and the multiple canals in the city of Helmond. The Di-Cycle looks like an enjoyable way to get around any aquatic city, and for this creative design, GBO won the Brabantse Spelen design competition in 2005. Truly a spectacular and eye popping concept.


Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo bi super izgledalo na adi :)
The World’s First Sustainable Dance Club opens in Rotterdam
by Antonia Halse

The world’s very first Sustainable Dance Club recently let partygoers loose on its energy-generating dance floor to the sound of Iggy Pop & The Stooges! Originally rumored to be opened by Amy Winehouse, club Watt, features a LED-laden dance floor that is lit up solely by the kinetic energy generated by dancers. The new nightclub will also feature a variety of efficiency standards established by the Sustainable Dance Club group that allow it to save 30% on energy consumption, 50% on water use, cut CO2 emissions by 30%, and reduce waste by 50%.

Photos: Marc Nolte

Home to a thriving young, creative, and diverse population, Rotterdam is the ideal location for Watt. The new club functions as an iconic representation of what the Sustainable Dance Club group is trying to replicate in nightclubs and festivals around the world: an environmentally aware, interactive, sustainable experience.

Watt features a variety of sustainable strategies that include the use of energy-efficient LED lighting instead of powerhungry spotlights, a rainwater catchment system that supplies water for its toilets, and waterless urinals which will save an expected 1000 cubic meters of water per year. The club’s LED laden dance floor converts each dancer’s kinetic energy into 20W, allowing it to power itself. These features put the club well on its way to reaching the 50% decrease in CO2 emissions mandated by the Rotterdam Climate Initiative.

Enviu’s Stef van Dongen stresses in his video interview that the sustainable dance floor does not currently power the club, although Watt have stated that they “are looking for a way to use the floor output in the future to power other systems”.

Plans currently exist to open a another Sustainable Dance Club in either London or Berlin, but for now there are many more standout events are lined up for Rotterdam’s young creative population. The club has artists such as the Klaxons, Franz Ferdinand & Hercules and Love Affair taking up the challenge to keep people dancing!

Izvor: Inhabitat
Cars of the Future may be Made of Super-Strong Buckypaper
by Jorge Chapa

What is stronger than steel and stands to revolutionize our built environment? Paper! Or rather, buckypaper to be more precise. Buckypaper is a material composed of carbon nanotubes that is 10 times lighter and over 500 times stronger than steel. While the miraculous material used to be prohibitively expensive and hard to make, scientists from Florida State University believe that they have made several key developments that will allow them to efficiently manufacture it for a variety of applications including airplanes and vehicles.

Photo Credit: Carbon Nano Tubes by Anastasios John Hart

Composed from tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than a human hair, buckypaper displays an incredible set of physical properties. It is extremely flexible, light, and strong, plus it conducts electricity and disperses heat quickly. Currently it is only used in minute quantities in tennis rackets and bicycles because it is very expensive and difficult to manufacture in large quantities.

Researchers at Florida State University have been developing methods to increase the strength of buckypaper and streamline its manufacturing process. These techniques include the use of magnets to strengthen the alignment of the carbon nanotubes, and texturizing the surface of the nanotubes that improve their bonding strength.

The commercialization of buckypaper holds incredible promise for stronger, lighter, and more efficient vehicles, since one of the simplest ways to make a vehicle more energy efficient is to reduce the its weight. The material may also be used to shield airplanes from magnetic interference and lightning strikes, to build electronic parts such as super capacitors and batteries, and to dissipate heat in laptops.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Ovo su tube izgrađene od C-60
TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: The Electric Mini Revealed
by Jorge Chapa


Just in time for the Los Angeles Motor Show, BMW has released the first images of the all new fully electric Mini E! We’ve hinted at it before, and it was just a matter time before it was unveiled, complete with a 204hp fully electric engine, a regenerative braking system, and a range of 150 miles.


The Electric Mini will be use a lithium-ion battery to power a 204 horsepower electric motor. Instead of a gas tank, the mini comes equiped with an electric socket for charging. To save energy, the mini’s top speed will be limited to around 95mph, and a single charge will take you 150 miles.

Rather than releasing the Mini E as soon as possible, BMW has decided to conduct a limited test run of 500 vehicles to investigate the viability of such a vehicle in New York, Los Angeles, New Jersey, and possibly London. We could probably save them the headache by saying “yes, it will be viable, and we want one”.

The Electric Mini will be officially unveiled next month in Los Angeles.




Izvor: Inhabitat

Uzmite u obzir da do 2015 Mercedes ulaže 7 milijardi evra u razvoj alternativnih pogonskih sistema kao i da te godine prestaje sa upotrebom nafte. Ovo je projekat koji je tu da ostane.
ovo je rađeno kao deo kampanje protiv globalnog zagrevanja. Zalepili su slike potonulog grada na dno i strane bazena.

Znam da mi kuburimo i sa ispravnim bazenima, ali je svakako dobra ideja da umesto jednobojnih pločica bude nešto drugo, npr. neki koralni greben u tropima.

