Dal je ovo realno u centru grada? Morao sam dva puta da zumiram da vidim jel stvarno centar grada. Stomak me zaboli kad god udjem u ovu temu. Neverovatno.
Mislim da u Srbiji treba da se razdvoje dve stvari
- Zabranjeno parkiranje i zna se koje su kazne
- Zabranjeno zaustavljanje
Mislim da to zapravo fali.
Zabranjeno parkiranje mozes da istovaris nekog putnika ili da primis putnika ali ne smes da napustas vozilo a zabranjeno zaustavljanje znaci ne sme niko ni da udje ni da izadje iz vozila. U centru grada bi ja postavio svuda zabranjeno zaustavljanje.
Drugi problem je sto kod nas "osiguranje" ne poskupljuje sa povecanjem broja kazni. Na primer u USA kazne su direktno povezane sa kreditnom istorijom vantage 3.0 i prakticno dobijes kaznu tamo ti se nakarikaju neki poeni i sledeci put kad radis "quote" za insurance ode sve u pm. 3-4 kazne i stigne ti lepo opomena da ce ti oduzeti vozacku ako jos jedan prekrsaj napravis.
ili ovako nesto treba da pocne drzava da salje redom.
Advisory Notice
Dear California Driver:
Due to the latest entries to your driver record (see below), you are now among california's worst drivers, one of those who cause the most crashes, injuries, and deaths.
One more point added to your already poor driving record and you will meet the legal definition of a negligent-operator. If that happens, your driving privilege will be in jeopardy.
Consider life without the convenience of a car. Would being without a car cause difficulties? Could you get to work, pay your bills? You make choices about how you are going to drive and those choices lead to consequences. If you choose to continue your bad driving, there are only three possible outcomes: license probation, suspension, or revocation of your driving privilege. That is it! You choose.
If you drive without a valid license, you can be arrested. Your car can be impounded and sold. You are painting yourself into a corner with your negligent driving and it is not necessary. If you have ever considered improving your driving, now is the time to do it. Do it while you still have an unrestricted driving privilege. Do not get that next negligent-operator point on your driving record.
This is your last chance to avoid action against your driving privilege. Do not throw it away. You can improve your driving habits. It is your responsibility to improve them. Others have improved their driving when confronted with the choices that face you now. We believe that you can change, too, and hope that you change before you face the harsh penalties. But the choice is yours.