Šta je novo?

Ко им ово дозволи? (nelegalna, divlja gradnja)

The income of refugees made pressure on housing market in period of great stagnation in construction industry and change in housing policy, but they were not the only who bought those extension apartments. Slovenia and Croatia in same period didn't have same problems, first because they were not under economic sanctions with stagnation of construction industry, and second they didn't have same pressure on housing market.
The newly private investors often offered to older building residents to make roof extensions in exchange for some works like elevator construction, painting etc. Many resident have problems to maintain their building even today.
@zviratkohim Mirijevo:)

Don't blame the refugees. Builders of extension on the flat roof were someone from the building in 99% of cases. During the 90s procedures were very loose, and corruption level high, so it didn't take much to obtain paperwork.
The most common excuse was "a flat roof is leaking, building a regular roof would solve it" And once you get to do that - why not a whole apartment under it?"
Sounds like classic corruption and lack of care to me combined with demographic pressure. Thank you both for the answers. It's sad because Belgrade has the potential to be a perfect European city, but the biggest obstacle to that are those roof extensions and of course the lack of renovations of facades.

I come from Albania and don't even ask what we did to our cities in the 90s and 2000s. You made a roof extension while we built whole buildings illegally in every space between the buildings that we found. The result is everything looks like Pakistan and its impossible to fix it anymore.

I hope in the far future some government in Belgrade will give money to the owners of the apartments in roof extensions and then demolish them because they are a eyesore which has no place in a European metropolis.
There are simmilar examles in Belgrade to, whole new buildings in total differend style and different order of windows :(
Since what was built on the roofs is already legalized then maybe you should add roofs to the rest of the buildings in the district to make things look more uniform. As well a repaint of the whole building so the texture of the extension is same as rest of the building
Da li je to ovaj projekaf?

Taman kad pomisliš da ne može, shvatiš da ipak može. Simbole srpstva smo toliko izlizali od upotrebe, da se činilo da su pred pucanjem, ali ipak se još uvek drži, iako svakog dana u svakom pogledu klizi sve više ka pucanju. U pitanju je Živka Davidovića, blizu Mis Irbijeve.​

Taman kad pomisliš da ne može, shvatiš da ipak može. Simbole srpstva smo toliko izlizali od upotrebe, da se činilo da su pred pucanjem, ali ipak se još uvek drži, iako svakog dana u svakom pogledu klizi sve više ka pucanju. U pitanju je Živka Davidovića, blizu Mis Irbijeve.​

Pogledajte prilog 195500

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U Preševskoj 43 je i dalje zatvoreno gradilište. Ovo je deo bliže okretnici u Čingrijinoj pre Batutove ulice. Da ne kažem manje poznat deo ulice.

Ovako izgledaju uvučeni spratovi u Atini. Milsim da isto čeka i centar Beograda, jer sve više novogradnji primenjuje isti trik.

Uveliko imamo kaskade na pojedinim zgradama u Savskim blokovima, blokovima na 60, kao i na Banjici II.
Имам неки осећај да Вучић не би баш ценио то да се ради. Још један аргумент да се ухљебашки систем сатре са земљом укидањем локалног, па, било чега док се ситуација не рашчисти.
Било би лепо да следећа власт узме драстично да реже јавни сектор тако што ће укидати функције а свим овим Вучићевим без адекватне стручности и етике понуди или да пређу на мануелни рад кога фали или губе посао у јавном сектору. Да преко ноћи разни општинари, менаџери, директори и сл. имају опцију или незапосленост или поштен рад у чистоћи, зеленилу, грађевини, одржавању, кречењу фасада итд.

Верујем да би велика већина пре изабрала незапосленост али тиме још боље јер би се државно трошење драстично смањило а то би омогућило резање пореза нормалним људима
Petošević na mestu pečenjare pravi auto perionicu, ali nisam primetio da postoji građevinska tabla.