Indonezija je postala punopravni član Briksa. Ovo je važno zato što je po procentu GDP-a (po PPP merilu) ona ima veću ekonomiju od Velike Britanije i Francuske. Tako Briks sada, po broju ljudi, ima pola čovečanstva. U svetskom GDP-u učestvuje sa 38,8 %, ako se računaju samo punopravni članovi, a 41,4 % ako se računaju i partneri. Jedan meni do sada nepoznat "detalj" govori kako se stvari u politici vraćaju, da se malo šta potpuno zaboravlja. U prethodnom hladnom ratu antikolonijalni predsednik Indonezije Sukarno je zajedno sa Titom i još tri predsednika osnovao pokret nesvrstanosti da se zemlje sveta ne bi morale opredeljivati ako to ne žele. Posle je CIA organizovala puč i na vlast dovela desničarsku vojnu huntu koja je uz pomoć Amerikanaca u Indoneziji ubila
između 1 miliona i 3 miliona ljudi. Tako da možete zamisliti kako se tamo sad razmišlja ... i šta misle kad im se pomene Američko "širenje demokratije"
Sukarno je drugi zdesna (po redu: Nehru, Nekrumah, Naser, Sukarno, Tito). Od pet zemalja osnivača pokreta nesvrstanosti, sada su već tri u Briksu (Indija, Egipat, Indonezija). Fale samo dve ...
Despite a consensus at the highest levels of the U.S. and British governments that it would be necessary "to liquidate Sukarno", as related in a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memorandum from 1962,[29] and the existence of extensive contacts between anti-communist army officers and the U.S. military establishment – training of over 1,200 officers, "including senior military figures", and providing weapons and economic assistance[30][31] – the CIA denied active involvement in the killings. Declassified U.S. documents in 2017 revealed that the U.S. government had detailed knowledge of the mass killings from the beginning and was supportive of the actions of the Indonesian Army.[10][23][32] U.S. complicity in the killings, which included providing extensive lists of PKI officials to Indonesian death squads,[38] has previously been established by historians and journalists.[23][27]
A top-secret CIA report from 1968 stated that the massacres "rank as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century, along with the Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass murders during the Second World War, and the Maoist bloodbath of the early 1950s."[39][40] It has been referred to as the "biggest US-backed genocide" as a result of US support.[41]