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Extraterrestrial Origin

For the first time, scientists found a complete protein molecule in a meteorite — and they’re pretty sure it didn’t come from Earth.

After analyzing samples from the meteorite Acfer 086, a team of researchers from Harvard University and the biotech companies PLEX Corporation and Bruker Scientific found that the protein’s building blocks differed chemically from terrestrial protein. As they write in their research, which they shared on ArXiv on Saturday, “this is the first report of a protein from any extra-terrestrial source.”

Chemistry 101

A protein is an organic molecule made up of building blocks called amino acids. It’s a high-energy fuel source and also makes up most of the machinery within biological cells. Scientists first found amino acids — or at least amino acid-like molecules — in space years ago, and other molecules important to biological life have also turned up.

The researchers say that since then, chains of amino acids have also been spotted, but none large or organized enough to be considered a full protein.

The Subtext

The paper — which has yet to go through academic review or be published in a scientific journal — bolsters the hypothesis that meteorite impacts could have contributed to the development of life on Earth. It’s possible that some of the molecules or compounds necessary for life to emerge and thrive were delivered through a bombardment of space rocks.

What it doesn’t confirm is that there’s extraterrestrial life out there. The research doesn’t determine where this unearthly protein came from or how it formed — the scientists are just confident it didn’t come from here.

Daredevil 'Mad Mike' Hughes dies while attempting to launch a homemade rocket

A US daredevil pilot has been killed during an attempted launch of a homemade rocket in the Californian desert.
"Mad" Mike Hughes, 64, crash-landed his steam-powered rocket shortly after take-off near Barstow on Saturday.
A video on social media shows a rocket being fired into the sky before plummeting to the ground nearby.
Hughes was well-known for his belief that the Earth was flat. He hoped to prove his theory by going to space.
Saturday's launch was reportedly filmed as part of Homemade Astronauts, a new TV series about amateur rocket makers to be aired on the US Science Channel. The project had to be carried out on a tight budget.
With the help of his partner Waldo Stakes, Hughes was trying to reach an altitude of 5,000ft (1,525m) while riding his steam-powered rocket, according to Space.com.
In the video of the launch, a parachute can be seen trailing behind the rocket, apparently deployed too early, seconds after take-off.
In a tweet, the Science Channel said Hughes had died pursuing his dream.

Snimak poslednjeg leta:
https://twitter.com/justindchapman/stat ... 2175717376


Meteor iznad Zagreba

What Happens When You Shoot An Asteroid With An 'Anti-Tank Weapon'

SpaceX 27. maja lansira prvi šatl sa posadom (dva astronauta do MSS).
Večeras je oko 20:40 bilo vidljivo 39 Starlink satelita. Uspio sam malo da slikam na dužoj ekspoziciji:

Probaću malo bolje sledeći put :)
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=714851#p714851:2062k67e je napisao(la):
Zuma » 06 Mar 2020 04:49 pm[/url]":2062k67e]Daredevil 'Mad Mike' Hughes dies while attempting to launch a homemade rocket

A US daredevil pilot has been killed during an attempted launch of a homemade rocket in the Californian desert.
"Mad" Mike Hughes, 64, crash-landed his steam-powered rocket shortly after take-off near Barstow on Saturday.
A video on social media shows a rocket being fired into the sky before plummeting to the ground nearby.
Hughes was well-known for his belief that the Earth was flat. He hoped to prove his theory by going to space.
Saturday's launch was reportedly filmed as part of Homemade Astronauts, a new TV series about amateur rocket makers to be aired on the US Science Channel. The project had to be carried out on a tight budget.
With the help of his partner Waldo Stakes, Hughes was trying to reach an altitude of 5,000ft (1,525m) while riding his steam-powered rocket, according to Space.com.
In the video of the launch, a parachute can be seen trailing behind the rocket, apparently deployed too early, seconds after take-off.
In a tweet, the Science Channel said Hughes had died pursuing his dream.

Snimak poslednjeg leta:
https://twitter.com/justindchapman/stat ... 2175717376



Verovatno ga oborili.
"Nova kineska svemirska letelica, lansirana početkom nedelje bez posade, "uspešno je sletela nazad" na Zemlju posle svoje probne misije . . Ovo je tehnološki uspeh za Kinu koji joj omogućuje da pokrene izgradnju velike svemirske stanice. Izgradnja treba da počne ove godine i da se završi 2022. godine, navodi Beta.. . "
https://www.b92.net/zivot/nauka.php?yyy ... id=1681970


  • IMG_20200511_070133.jpg
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Ovako počinje ciklus života. Ovo je snimak trenutka rađanja novog planetarnog sistema. Vidi se postepena koncentracija materjala koji se pod uticajem gravitacije centralne zvezde polako uobličava, prvo u izdužene trake, a zatim će od njih početi da se formiraju planete. Zatim, na nekima od njih, život. Da bi ih na kraju, kad zvezda istroši zalihe "goriva", uništila ista zvezda koja ih je i stvorila. Tako se zatvara jedan krug stvaranja i destrukcije. Isti taj ciklus koji je i naša lična sudbina, jednako važi i za planete i zvezde. Ali to je u budućnosti, a ovo je jedna od prvih dobrih fotografija samog početka.

Zvezda AB-Aurigae u sazvežđu Aurigae (Kočijaš), 520 svetlosnih godina od Zemlje:


Radjanje planetarnog sistema, AB Aurigae.jpg
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=728989#p728989:306pbkc9 je napisao(la):
ccc » Sub Apr 18, 2020 8:38 am[/url]":306pbkc9]SpaceX 27. maja lansira prvi šatl sa posadom (dva astronauta do MSS).
Šta se desilo sa ovim lansiranjem, pretpostavljam da je odloženo zbog korone?
Za sada nije odloženo. Pripremali su veliki spekatakl za narod pa im je korona malo pomrsila račune. Međutim sem publike, sve za sad ide po planu.


Dok čekate evo simulatora pristajanja Crew Dragon kapsule na Međunarodnu svemirsku stanicu. Ovo je isti interfejs koji će astronauti stvarno koristiti 27. Maja. Pa možete da vežbate :)

Ovo je zaista izuzetan rezultat. Astronomi su po prvi put shvatili da u neposrednoj blizini Sunčevog sistema, bar kad su pitanju galaktičke razdaljine, postoji neobičan, izduženi i izuvijani "talas" gasa koji izlazi iz ravni naše galaksije, Mlečnog Puta. Pogledjte kako izgleda naše neposredno susedstvo. Žuta tačka ounačava položaj Sunca.


The Wave's very existence is forcing us to rethink our understanding of the Milky Way's 3D structure." Previously, the nurseries of star formation in this wave-like structure were thought to be part of "Gould's Belt." This band included regions of star formation thought to be arranged in a kind of ring around the sun.
"Instead, what we've observed is the largest coherent gas structure we know of in the galaxy, organized not in a ring but in a massive, undulating filament," said João Alves, professor of stellar astrophysics at the University of Vienna and former Radcliffe Fellow. "The Sun lies only 500 light-years from the Wave at its closest point. It's been right in front of our eyes all the time, but we couldn't see it until now."

And as it turns out, we actually interact with this wave.

"We don't know what causes this shape but it could be like a ripple in a pond, as if something extraordinarily massive landed in our galaxy," Alves said. "What we do know is that our Sun interacts with this structure. It passed by a festival of supernovae as it crossed Orion 13 million years ago, and in another 13 million years it will cross the structure again, sort of like we are 'surfing the wave.' "
The giant wave of gas discovered near the Sun in the Milky Way | The Radcliffe Wave

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