Šta je novo?


Ovo mi je bio najsmešniji post ove godine 😊😊😊 nije dugo opstao 😄 inače je momak užasno zabavan, šteta što retko dolazi... Nešto me je bio zakačio kao i druge, ali mi je bilo baš smešno jer ima neku zdravu energiju... 😁

Za razliku od njega kad mi se nakači neki dosadnjaković, koji nit ima harizme nit ume šta pametno da napiše, od toga nema ništa gore...

Презимена им се баш слажу, бивши канцелар Аустрије и председница привредне коморе Корушке;)

Ako se ko seca rasnog centarfora, tj. servisera, devedesetih predvodio napad Argentine zajedno s Maradonom :)
To jeste on :) u dresu Argentine.
Trese mreze i zenske u stilu Hulijana Alvaresa


In the year 20XX, reports come in of psychics appearing throughout the countryside of rural Serbia in the former Yugoslavia.The government creates a law to punish those who use their powers. This seems to have kept the peace.

Ten years later.....

Cyzki, a boy who has moved to Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, has just run away from home.
Abandoned for four years after the construction was halted, he wanders into the abandoned Belgrade Metro.
However, it is a hangout for people with abilities who have no time to spare.

Due to the "hunt for Psychics" by the Golden Dawn Corporation, a large corporation that controls Belgrade, Psychics were placed in a difficult situation.

Furthermore, Cyzki meets Mariya, the daughter of Golden Dawn, and falls in love at first sight.
In an attempt to get close to her extreme male chauvinist ideology, he ends up dressing as a woman in order to get close to her.
As he pursues the mystery of the psychic, the more deeply he gets into her, the more ambitious our hero becomes.

Igrica je iz 2020.