Vlado, tema je FANTASTICNA ! Kao i uvek, odlicno ! :kk:
Mene je uvek odusevljavao (i dan danas ) fim Povratak u buducnost 2 (iz 1989-90, Michael J. Fox ), omiljeni film iz detinjstva...
Posebno mi je zanimljiv citav niz novotarija, i zamisljanja buduceg sveta u 2015-oj, iz tadasnje perspektive....
Evo nekoliko zanimljivih stvari iz filma, s kraja 80tih...
Back to the Future 2015 Nike Shoes
Electro-flying car
Hill Valley 2015
This was in the film ‘Back To the Future, part 2′, circa 1989, when Micheal J. Fox was the coolest guy on the planet. (Well, he still is one of them.)
This was supposed to be Hill Valley, California in the year 2015. In the center is, and has always been, the courthouse. In front of it is a pond (or is it a lake?) where an open-parking lot used to be. Holograms replaced billboards and cars fly around town. (and amazingly, these cars are powered by biodegradable and recyclable trash. Thanks, Mr. Fusion!)