Prevod:Österreichisches Gegenprojekt auf der Kippe
Nicht begeistert ist man in Österreich. Dort arbeitet man an einer Pipeline, die die EU unabhängiger vom russischen Gas machen soll. Das Gas soll aus der Türkei kommen. Das Projekt, benannt nach der Verdi-Oper Nabucco - dort geht es um die Befreiung aus baylonischer Gefangenschaft -, steht jetzt auf der Kippe, nachdem die Russen mit den Serben handelseinig geworden sind. Nabucco fehlen Investoren. Wenn sich das nicht ändert, hat die russische Gazprom den Wettlauf um das beste Geschäft mit Europa schon gewonnen.
Ko zna nemački, ceo tekst na : projekat na ivici
(ovim dogovorom) nisu oduševljeni Austrijanci. Tamo se radi na (projektu) gasovoda koji treba da smanji zavisnost EU od ruskog gasa. Gas bi trebao stizati iz turske. Projekat "Nabuko" ( nazvanom po Verdi Operi u kojoj se radi o oslobadjanju vavilonskog zarobljeništva) je sada na ivici (propadanja) pošto su Rusi potpisali sporazum sa Srbima, pošto za Nabuko nedostaju investitori. Ako se ovo ne promeni onda će Gasprom već dobiti trku za najbolji posao sa gasom u Evropi.
Kostunica: Kein Gegengeschäft für Kosovo-Unterstützung
Russland und Serbien sind jedenfalls schon jetzt zufrieden. Der Preis, den Russland an Serbien zahlt, ist im internationalen Maßstab eher gering. Dass das Angebot etwas mit serbischer Dankbarkeit für die russische Unterstützung im Tauziehen um die abtrünnige südserbische Provinz Kosovo zu tun hat, dementiert Kostunica: "Weder die russische Seite noch wir denken so, noch könnte irgendjemand auf die Idee kommen, so zu denken."
Unbestritten ist aber, dass Russlands Energiemacht in Europa größer wird - und Serbien einflussreicher, wenn es um die Gasverteilung nach Westeuropa geht. Unklar bleibt, wie sich das Geschäft langfristig auf die Gaspreise auswirkt. Steigt der Bedarf weiter an, dann dürften auch die Preise steigen.
Izvor: RepublikaZlatoje Martinov":23s6cjfn je napisao(la):(...) S druge strane, većinsko vlasništvo ruskog »Gasproma«, prema odredbama ugovora, znači i javni monopol nad ubiranjem svih prihoda tokom pune četiri godine, što bi bilo vrlo opasno ne samo po državnu kasu koja bi tako ostala uskraćena za ko zna koliko desetina a možda i stotina miliona evra, nego bi tržište bez konkurencije omogućavalo »Gaspromu« da prodaje gas po nerealno visokim cenama, a da pri tom njegov kvalitet bude znatno slabiji od uobičajenih svetskih standarda. (...)
Energoportal : http://www.energoportal.infoUz zasluženu pažnju u srpskoj javnosti je obeleženo potpisivanje Sporazuma o saradnji u
oblasti energetike, 25, januara u Moskvi. Međutim još se nije osušilo mastilo na ministarskim potpisima
nastavljene su u srpskoj javnosti polemike i kritike na prihvaćeni dokument.
Umesto da se pristupi poslu i prione na realizaciju velikih energetskih projekata energetski laici i kvazi znalci
stavljaju primedbe, zamerke i kritike, uglavnom neosnovane. Zanimljivo bi bilo analizirati ko je i kako učestvovao
u protivljenju ideji da se sa Rusima sklapa sporazum:uglavnom su to ministri, političari i novinari.
Za mesec i po dana, koliko je nacrt sporazuma javno pretresan, nije takoreći nikoga bilo iz struke, energetske struke,
ljudi koji su profesionalno angažovani u rešavanju energetskih problema zemlje. Bilo je svega i svačega, a
vrhunac je dostigao najstariji srpski list objavljujući mišljenje o sporazuma Hodorkovskog iz zatvora!
Tri osnovne činjenice zbog kojih je u stručnim krugovima sporazum dobio epitet posla veka, kritičari uopšte ne pominju.
- Prva je da Srbija godinama kuburi sa energijom, uvozi te s mukom plaća sve veće količine prirodnog gasa, nafte i
električne energije.
- Druga da Rusija raspolaže enormnim količinama gasa i nafte {najveći je proizvodjač i izvoznik gasa ni poseduje
najveće reserve, a u proizvodnji nafte je stigla Saudijsku Arabiju, najvećeg svetskog proizvođača}.
Zbog toga više zemalja Evropske unije sklapa ili pokušava da sklopi slične sporazume o sigurnom dugoročnom
- A treća je da postoji izražen ekonomski interes Rusije za plasman gasa i nafte preko Srbije, odnosno
da sporazum Srbiji donosi potencijal ulaganja više desetina milijardi evra u narednim godinama....itd.
Članak je naravno potisan od urednika, aliAmbassador":26sw3v56 je napisao(la):Za razliku od nepotpisanog članka...
Gde si ovo pročitao? .. u Republici?Ambassador":3otlj049 je napisao(la):a na primeru Ukrajne smo videli kako to funkcioniše.
Rusi ti daju gas, ne teraju da im ga plaćaš, ali ako pokušaš da promeniš svoju politiku, odnosno pro-ruski kurs,
momentalno ti traže da im sve to platiš i isključe dovod gasa u sred zime....
Па зар нису исто урадили и Белорусији која је све само не анти-руски расположена?Ambassador":3207kxwy je napisao(la):na primeru Ukrajine smo videli kako to funkcioniše. Rusi ti daju gas, ne teraju da im ga plaćaš, ali ako pokušaš da promeniš svoju politiku, odnosno pro-ruski kurs, momentalno ti traže da im sve to platiš i isključe dovod gasa u sred zime.
dragan . #41 ":186iyymv je napisao(la):dragan":186iyymv je napisao(la):Postojala je varijanta za pravac preko Rununije, koja je u EU i u kojoj se nalaze
stotine ( hiljade?) italijanskih firmi, pa je ENI verovatno forsirao taj pravac.![]()
Početkom decembra nije baš bila dobra sizuacija za nas.
Ukraine: US$230
Belarus: US$47
Armenia and Georgia: US$110
Romania: US$280
Average EU charge: US$240
BBCRussia and Belarus seem no closer to reaching an agreement over a dispute about the cost of gas supplies after a meeting of the two countries' leaders.
Russia has threatened to quadruple the amount its neighbour pays for its imports unless it takes control of Belarus' gas distribution network.
The dispute has strained relations between the two traditional allies.
It is similar to recent rows Russia has had with Ukraine and Georgia over what they pay for its gas.
Pressure applied
Russia temporarily cut off gas supplies to Ukraine in January after a quarrel over pricing.
Moscow says its neighbours have been paying below-market rates and these now need to be brought into line with European prices.
Putin is trying to maximise the pressure on Lukashenko to force the Belarusian leader to play by Russian rules
Yaroslav Romanchuk, analyst
Critics argue Moscow is using strong-arm tactics to consolidate its economic supremacy in the region, at a time when high demand for energy and fears of supply shortages have strengthened its position as Europe's leading gas supplier.
Analysts said Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarussian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko had made little progress on resolving the dispute at a meeting on Friday.
Neither leader referred to the issue in their public comments but Mr Lukashenko, a close ally of President Putin in the past, said the talks had been "long and difficult".
Pipeline dispute
Belarus currently pays $47 per 1,000 cubic metres for the gas its imports from Gazprom, Russia's state-owned gas monopoly.
Gazprom has said this will increase to $200 early next year unless Belarus cedes control of its distribution network, including a valuable transit pipeline which supplies gas to Poland and Germany.
Moscow wants to buy Beltransgas for $4bn but Minsk says that the business is worth four times that amount.
Analysts said a hefty price rise over the winter could further undermine Belarus' struggling, largely state-controlled, economy.
"Putin is trying to maximise the pressure on Lukashenko with prices on energy consumers in order to force the Belarusian leader to play by Russian rules," said Yaroslav Romanchuk, a Minsk-based economic analyst.
Russia is involved in a similar dispute with Georgia, which has refused to accept Moscow's demand for a doubling in prices.
But Moscow has renegotiated its gas contract with Bulgaria, which will see the latter pay up to 45% more for its gas imports over the next five years.
The agreement, concluded on Monday, will see prices rise 20% by the middle of next year and increase further by 2012.
BBCRussia and Belarus have reached a deal on gas supplies after Moscow threatened to cut supplies to its neighbour if a big price rise was not agreed.
This came after last-ditch talks in Moscow ahead of a deadline.
Describing it as "unfortunate terms", Belarus said it would pay $100 per 1,000 cubic metres of gas, below the $105 demanded by Russia.
Russia had threatened to halt supplies at 1000 (0700GMT) on Monday unless Belarus more than doubled its payments.
"The Belarussian side, in a difficult atmosphere on the eve of the new year, signed an agreement on unfortunate terms," Belarussian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko said.
Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said the deal was done at 2358 (2058GMT), adding that Belarus had been offered "the best conditions".
Both nations have accused each other of blackmail over the dispute.
About 20% of Russian gas exports to Europe pass through Belarus, the remainder through Ukraine. Belarus had threatened to disrupt Russian gas supplies to Western Europe.
It echoes a fierce row last year between Russia and Ukraine, and comes as Russia is pushing up prices for many of its customers.
Energy diplomacy
Russia has been accused of using its energy muscle to re-impose its will on what is sometimes called Russia's "near abroad" - the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union.
Although some of the targeted countries, such as Ukraine and Georgia, have strained relations with the Kremlin, Belarus has historically remained an ally throughout the post-Soviet period.
Gazprom insists the planned rise from $47 to $105 merely reflected market prices.
However, as has been the case with Belarus, the price rises are often coupled to demands for shared ownership of those countries' gas or oil distribution networks.
A half-share in Belarus' gas monopoly Beltransgaz, which operates its own pipelines and Gazprom's export pipeline, is up for grabs - but only, says the government in Minsk, if the price of gas stays lower.
European Union countries in particular were keen to avoid a repeat of the gas shortages which accompanied the Russia-Ukraine dispute.
At that time, Gazprom accused Ukraine of siphoning off gas meant for Europe, and has also warned Belarus against doing the same thing.
Мене не занима ко је потписао споразум и са ким, мада су ми господа, да будем благ, неомиљена. Понављам да ме брине власништво чак можда и више него монопол који је ипак временски ограничен, али ме првенствено занима да ли би добили гасовод да тога није било, односно да ли је овај споразум најбољи у датим околностима. Ако није зашто није? Шта се могло боље урадити?Milance":3e506ila je napisao(la):@Vlada
Kako mislis da ova tema ne bude vezana za politiku? Upravo tu i lezi ono sto je sporno oko ovog ugovora i oko cega se mi ovde sporimo i raspravljamo.
B92 : i Ukrajina postigle sporazum o kupoprodaji gasa, tri dana pošto je spor oko cena dostigao vrhunac.
Direktor ruskog Gazproma Aleksej Miler rekao je danas da novi sporazum važi od 1. januara 2006. do 20011. i
da se zasniva na ceni od 230 dolara za 1.000 kubnih metara gasa i da će osigurati stabilne isporuke gasa Evropi.
Izvori Gazproma kažu da se pomenuta cena odnosi samo na izvoz ruskog gasa u Ukrajinu, koji do sada Kijev
plaćao 50 dolara za 1.000 kubika. .... itd