Earthmoving » 23 Feb 2020 09:00 am[/url]":2rsv69me]Nije jasno sa kojim Rusima je SPS dobar ako se zna da od Oktobarske revolucije 1917-e u Rusiji postoji kontinuitet vlasti, a da revoluciju nisu vodili Rusi. Mozda su dobri sa okupatorima Rusa isto kao i ovde? Ima zanimljiv serijal HRT-a o nastanku njihove komunisticke partije u Jugoslaviji .
A evo sta kaze Wikipedija o onima ciju politiku nastvlja SPS:
...The Comintern, perceiving that the unsolved national question could be used to foster a new revolution, focused on Yugoslavia as the least stable of Balkan states... The 3rd party congress held at Vienna in May 1926, convoked to overcome the internal conflict, agreed with Comintern's evaluation and confirmed the 3rd state conference's as "the foundations for its ideological and political Bolshevization″.
The Congress also defined Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Vojvodina as non-Serb territories that should secede from the remaining "area of the Serbian Nation". ... Yugoslavia
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