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GTC Green Heart - [Poslovni kompleks | 87 500 m²]

Odes u rasadnik sa puna para i kupis sta ti dusa pozeli palma kanarka 10 god stara 30 000 evrica npr masline od 500 e pa navise...
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  • 02_AГ_НБГ_2020.jpg
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  • 01_AГ_НБГ_2020.jpg
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Predlog za temu. "Završeni projekti napravljeni prema izgledu na renderima". Neće biti velika tema, ali bar će imati kvalitetne primere poput ovog. :)
Danas zaista izgleda sjajno:

Green 01.jpg

Green 02.jpg

Green 03.jpg

Green 04.jpg

I da se podsetimo bezličnih zgrada pre rekonstrukcije, slika iz januara 2017:

Green 05.jpg
Ovaj poslovni komplex GTC Green Heart moze slobodno da se prebaci u zavrsene projekte. Nema vise sta tu da se gradi.
Ovaj poslovni komplex GTC Green Heart moze slobodno da udje u Beogradski Hall of fame arhitekture.
I jedan od dobrih primera gde je razvijenije tržište zakupa poslovnog prostora uticalo na arhitekturu i tehničku opremljenost. Setite se nekada smo prva dva objekta zvali bolnica a sada je to jedan sasvim fin zaokružen poslovni kompleks.
Vise nego sasvim fin, usudio bih se da kažem da je čak i izvanredan zaokružen poslovni kompleks Igore.
Ako mene gospodo pitate..." Spolja gladac, iznutra jadac ", klasicna sminka. Slozio bih se naravno da jako lepo, originalno izgleda ceo komplex.
U kom smislu "iznutra jadac"? Bio sam u dve zgrade unutra, ubedljivo najbolje poslovne zgrade u kojima sam bio u zivotu.

Edit: jedino garaza je malo bezveze, ali nisam ni siguran da su nju renovirali.
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=822958#p822958:1sqtiuii je napisao(la):
dzigz » Sub Feb 13, 2021 1:40 pm[/url]":1sqtiuii]U kom smislu "iznutra jadac"? Bio sam u dve zgrade unutra, ubedljivo najbolje poslovne zgrade u kojima sam bio u zivotu.

Edit: jedino garaza je malo bezveze, ali nisam ni siguran da su nju renovirali.

Sto se tice garaze...jako lose projektovana, zbrzana. Cesto vidjam radnike obezbedjenja, tehnicku sluzbu i cistacice kako pri prvoj malo vecoj padavini moraju da isusuju i brisu, pritom drvece i cela ta zelena povrsina se redovno zalivaju automatskim sistemom, da ta voda curi, prokisnjava u garazu. Da ne pricam samo koliko puta rampe za ulaz/izlaz u istu nisu radile. Primeticete i da drvece nije dobro ''uleglo'' u zemlju, jos ga i pridrzavaju nekakvim sajlama. Uzasno je iznivelisan plato da pri prvoj jacoj kisi poplavljuje lobi,objekat E1 (objekat desno od Nordeusa 11b) i objekat prekoputa istog 11g. Zgrade bukvalno tonu.Novoizgradjena zgrada 11v nema direktan prilaz iz zgrade u garazu i cesto poplavljuje podrum kako mi rekose neki momci koji su angazovani za rad na enterijeru objekta.

Koliko puta nismo imali grejanje u prostoru, zalili se mejlovima jer je takva procedura, tehnickoj sluzbi...koja nije bas najazurnija. Zatim, cesto curenja vode sa plafona zbog instalacija, cest nestanak struje. Kako su svi zidovi odradjeni od gipsa u zgradama, precesto se cuje zagor ljudi iz susednih firmi. Generalno, politika menadzmenta GTCa je jako losa, nisu bas pristupacni. Da ne pricam da nam za ono vreme vanrednog stanja nisu smanjivali cenu zakupa, a pritom i dan danas ne radimo u punom kapacitetu, vecina od kuce. I siguran sam da se necemo jos dugo zadrzati. Kako cujem, neke firme vec nameravaju da se presele.

Reko bih da najbolje funkcionise zgrada Nordeusa, ali je i jasno zasto. Ljudi su dali veliki novac, zakupili na duzi period, pa se najbolje i odrzava.

Na oko...lep je plato, lep inventar po zgradama. Osoblje je prijatno, od hostesa, preko radnika obezbedjenja, spremacica. Ali ne vidim vise nista od toga. Mnogo je precenjen ovaj poslovni kompleks.
Zato stoji ta moja konstatacija da je sve to...sminka.
Izvor: Property-Forum.eu

GTC sells Serbian office portfolio to Indotek Group

Globe Trade Centre has decided to sell its Belgrade office portfolio to the Hungarian investor Indotek Group. The proposed acquisition price is €267.6 million, exceeding the book value of GTC’s Serbia portfolio as of 31 December 2020. The agreement will cover the sale of 11 buildings within 5 business parks of a total 122,175 sq m GLA with high occupancy rates, located in the New Belgrade district. Once completed in Q3 2021, the sale will become one of the largest real estate transactions in the last 5 years on the CEE market.

Intending to optimize its operations in Serbia, GTC has signed a sale and purchase agreement for the sale of 11 office buildings within 5 business parks - Green Heart, FortyOne, Belgrade Business Center, 19 Avenue and GTC House - occupying over 122,000 sq m in the business heart of Belgrade. The transaction price of €267.6 million is slightly above the book value as of 31 December 2020 of €265.6 million.

“The sale of 11 premium class office buildings in Belgrade is a bold move which will allow us to complete our development cycle in Serbia and start a fundamentally different chapter on this market. The sale of the Serbian portfolio couldn’t be timelier as we are currently in process of redefining market strategy and advancing our operations to be more sustainable and futureproof. This is benchmark transaction in Belgrade demonstrating liquidity post covid. Selling some of our assets and relocating the free cash flow for the development of brand-new, ambitious projects in Serbia and other markets of CEE is truly an “exit on a strong note”, which will drive us forward", said Yovav Carmi, President of the Management Board of GTC.

The agreement is expected to be completed in Q3 2021. Once closed, the deal with the Hungarian investor will represent one of the largest real estate transactions on the CEE market in the last 5 years. With that, GTC will become one of the first companies to complete the development circle in Serbia – from land acquisition and construction, through years of enjoying the high rent levels and free cash flow, to the exit on respectable terms. This opportunity will help re-balance the company’s portfolio towards higher-rated countries including Poland and Hungary while the buyer a Hungarian investor, the Indotek Group, is happy to enter the Serbian market with such a strong portfolio.

“Indotek Group has been present in its domestic market for almost 25 years. In the last decade the company also started to expand outside of Hungary, resulting in Indotek Group being active in 10 countries today. We have been looking for the opportunity to enter the Serbian market for a long time, and with the current transaction we are able to significantly strengthen our position in the region. I am particularly proud that our first transaction in Serbia makes us one of the most dominant participants in the Belgrade office market", said Dániel Jellinek, Founder and CEO of Indotek Group.

GTC as Sellers were represented by Dentons and ZSP Legal while Indotek Group as bbuyer worked with lawfirms Lakatos Köves and Partners as well as BDK Advokati.

The decision to sell a portfolio of office buildings in Belgrade was motivated by the GTC’s strategic plans to re-establish its Serbian market position and invest in other CEE markets where the developer is active. The company plans to allocate a free cash flow generated from the transaction to the development of cutting-edge projects on both Serbian market as well as in higher-rated economies.

https://www.property-forum.eu/news/gtc- ... group/8864