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bigvlada":3k7121dl je napisao(la):
Hearst building
Fun fact - donji deo zgrade je izgrađen za vreme velike depresije, odnosno stalo se sa gradnjom, a bio je planiran oblakoder, uz porodični "legacy" da se završi "kad firma stane na noge". Takođe, to je prvi oblakoder izgrađen u Njujorku posle 11. sept, kao i prva green office building u Njujorku.
Nije da bih živela u ovome za stalno, ali kao neki winter getaway... uuuuuuuu :kk:
Uh...stepenice me plase :) A gajba nije losa,samo kako doci do nje :)
Sve je zeleno :D Mada, Bakminster Fuler je rekao da su tornjevi najneefikasnija forma građevine, jer im treba mnogo bolja izolacija i grejanje od ostalih tipova. (btw. čovek je bio opsednut kuglama :))






Zaha Hadid je dizajnirala novu kulu u Bukurestu. Nevezano za ovaj objekat, nekako se na investitore u beogradu mora uticati da angazuju strane poznate arhitekte jer su koristi visestruke. Znamo da je CEE najavio da ce verovatno najveci arhitektonska danasnjice Norman Foster da dizajnira zgrade u bloku 25 i 26. Imamo USC koji je projektovao Chapman Taylor. Znam i da je za rekonstrukciju hotel Jugoslavija angazovano isto neko poznato ime, pa ako mozete da mi pomognete o kome je rec.

Evo slike tog Zadinog objekta u Bukurestu.



ECO ART: San Jose Climate Clock
by Moe Beitiks


Wired Wilderness

So how do we gauge the effects of climate change? Not just empirically but aesthetically, viscerally, visually? This is a question the city of San Jose has put to different groups of artists in commissioning a design for a Climate Clock. The clock will be a site-specific public art piece that will serve as an educational tool about global climate change– while also recording its local effects. The proposals were narrowed from 50 down to three. The finalist groups will have residencies at both the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San Jose State University and the Montalvo Arts Center in order to develop the designs further. The city of San Jose will then select a winner in mid-2009. In the meantime, we can examine the intricate and fascinating proposals for works of art that will monitor our people space for the next 100 years.


Huey-Dewey-Louie Climate Clock

Each proposal has a very different approach to the daunting task of recording the effects of climate change over the next century. The Huey-Dewey-Louie Clock is built as a tribute to the film Silent Running, in which a scientist fights for the last encapsulated remnants of forest with the help of three robot aids. The HDL Clock will incorporate three such robots: Huey will extract mineral deposits from the air, forming them into towers that read as visual breakdowns of the landscape. Dewey is a series of genetically identical daffodils, grown each year in groups of 100 and hermetically-sealed beneath glass air samples: the 100th flower will be laid to dry out inside them. Finally, Louie will roam the area, compacting soil into tiny cubes and stamping each one with a significant fact of the day: the price of oil, or the number of remaining polar bears, for instance. In this way, each devoted resourceful caretaker leaves a visual reminder of the cumulative effects of our changing atmosphere.

Brent Bucknum of Hyphae Design and Greenmeme worked on a proposal, Wired Wilderness, which suggests creating a small ecosystem of native oaks and their companion, lichen, in the center of the city, surrounded by the data collected by the nearby wired oak grove. The exhibit would be “curated” by a different artist overseeing the artwork each year, the technology could be transformed, swapped out to accommodate new innovations and developments. The entire piece would be surrounded by a tidal pool, made to rise and fall in accordance with local water levels.



In the Organograph, artist Chico MacMurtrie, Geo Homsy, Bill Washabaugh and Gideon Shapiro plan to create a spiraling sculptural journey that unfolds every morning and closes each night like a flower. This twisting sculpture moves two meters a year along a preset spiral path, advancing on a watery canal and leaving a trail of garden space and garbage-paved paths. The paths widen to accommodate increased human used of garbage: visitors at the apex of the flower are asked to descend in one of two ways: the traditional fossil-fuel way, or the clean energy way. The space inside the sculpture would be continually updated by scientists to provide the most accurate and relevant information.

Regardless of which proposal is selected next year, San Jose will find itself with a stunning art-watchman of climate changes to come.

+ San Jose Public Art Program: Climate Clock

+ CADRE Laboratory for New Media

+ Montalvo Arts Center

Izvor: Inhabitat
Madrid Breaks Ground on a Cylindrical Green Superstructure
by Jorge Chapa


Recently Mansilla + Tunon Architects broke ground on a stunning new project that will introduce an iconic green superstructure to Madrid’s skyline. The International Convention Center (CICCM) features a unique cylindrical building facade lined with solar panels and concave curves that suffuse its interiors with daylight. The plan will also introduce 80,000 square meters of green space to the city and will house an extensive rainwater catchment system.


The CICCM was designed by Mansilla + Tunon Architects in collaboration with Matilde Peralta. It will be 110 meters tall and will comprise around 100,000 aquare meters worth of built space in addition to an extensive expanse of green areas. The building is particularly striking due to its radical shape - it is essentially a cylinder that has been stood on its side and partially buried on the ground. The entire building is lined with photovoltaic panels and covered in glass, which will significantly improve the daylight access to each floor.

The building’s shape will house all the required facilities for the convention center. The six story building will have a 5,000 person auditorium, a number of event halls and exposition centers and some remarkable views. Needless to say, the city of Madrid is hoping that the building’s remarkable shape becomes an icon that will once again put the city in the map.

+ Mansilla + Tunon Architecture

Via Plataforma Arquitectura





Izvor: Inhabitat

Blok 26 :p

@ shmeksi

Za Kempinski je angazovan biro Smith & Gill, verovatno najpoznatiji po Burj Dubaiju. No, nakon sto su redizajnirali sajt, u portfoliju se ne pominje niti Beograd, niti Kempinski (Jugoslavija). Jedino ako odes na biografije arhitekata mozes naci podatak da su radili na projektu rekonstrukcije hotela Jugoslavija u Beogradu.

No, Kempinski na zvanicnom sajtu navodi da su za Jugu angazovani Smith & Gill, a gledajuci njihove ostale projekte, zaista imam velika ocekivanja.

Iako mislim da se situacija popravlja, BG i dalje vizuelno zaostaje za konkurencijom. Dakle, fali dobrih arhitekata, ali mislim da je to posledica toga sto fali i dobrih investitora.
Otvoren Poršeov muzej
Autor: E. B. | 01.02.2009. - 00:01

Posle više od tri godine završen je novi Poršeov muzej u Štutgart-Cufenhauzenu. Ova bela futuristička zgrada nalazi se preko puta sedišta koncerna za proizvodnju sportskih automobila.


Na površini od 5.600 kvadratnih metara izloženo je 80 vozila, uz propratnu priču o istorijatu kompanije. Muzej, čija je izgradnja koštala 100 miliona evra, otvoren je od juče za posetioce.

Izvor: Blic
A Living Green House Lost in Paris
by Alexandra Kain


Can’t decide on a green roof or a vertical garden? No problem, just do both! R&Sie Architects designed the aptly-named ‘Lost in Paris‘ house for an ‘urban witch’ who feeds the house through 300 glass-blown pods. A potion of rainwater and plant nutrients nourishes 1200 ferns drop-by-drop throughout the year. The houseplants are entirely hydroponic, and completely engulfing the 1400 square foot concrete home. The blanket of ferns protects the house from outside elements and regulates its inside temperature, all the while adding life and freshness to the neighborhood.


Taking nearly five years to build, this home for 4 is always getting attention. Architect Francois Roche explains it as “a game of attraction and repulsion” where passersby may be inspired or frightened, and of course wary of the looming ‘urban witch.’ R&Sie Architects are no newcomers to breaking architectural norms. They’ve built and conceptualized a gigantic spider’s nest, an alchemist’s greenhouse for experiementing with toxic plants, and even an exhibit at MIT based on urinotherapy.




Izvor: Inhabitat